Advent 2B

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Dec. 7, 2014

Baptism of Jesus

Baptism of Jesus, Mosaic, Arian Baptistry in Ravenna, 500s

First Reading: Isaiah 40:1-11

God is coming, so make the way ready. God is coming, so make ourselves ready. This Advent theme, following on last week’s readings, comes full circle in today’s Lectionary, beginning with the Prophet Isaiah and returning in the opening verses of the Gospel according to Mark. Last week’s Isaiah reading took us to the end of the book, when the people have come home to a devastated Jerusalem, filled with fear and hope. Today’s verses – familiar through their use in Handel’s “Messiah” – look forward to their return from exile. The prophet prays that God will comfort us, lead us like a shepherd, gather us like lambs in God’s protecting arms.

Psalm: Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13

Today’s Psalm echoes Isaiah’s message, remembering the time of exile and rejoicing that God’s comfort, indeed, did come to the people. Yes, the people behaved badly. They sinned. But God has forgiven our iniquity, blotted out our sins, and returned us to the land in righteousness and peace. The straight highway that Isaiah foretold has become a path for God’s feet.

Second Reading: 2 Peter 3:8-15a

The latest letter included in the New Testament, this second letter in Peter’s name was likely written down a century or more after the crucifixion. After so many years, Christ’s expected return had surely become a concern for the early church. What did this delay mean? Perhaps God’s time is not like our time: “One day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.” Still, be patient, the author urges God’s people. Live holy and godly lives. Be at peace, and wait for God.

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8

Think about this: These are the first words of the first Gospel written, set down perhaps 30 or 40 years after Jesus died on the cross. Mark begins not with the birth of Jesus nor his death and resurrection, but by declaring the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Mark portrays John the Baptist proclaiming the words of Isaiah. John stands as God’s messenger preparing the way for Jesus, the one so powerful that John is not worthy to stoop down and untie his sandals. Jesus is coming to baptize us with the Holy Spirit!

Advent 1B

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Nov. 30, 2014

The Prophet Isaiah

The Prophet Isaiah, Lorenzo Monaco, 1405-10

First Reading: Isaiah 64:1-9

One clear idea rings through today’s readings as Advent begins: God is coming. God may come quietly, quickly; God may come amid fire and upheaval. We had better be ready. Near the end of this great Old Testament book of prophecy, Isaiah speaks while the people are returning home to Jerusalem from exile at last. They must face up to harsh reality: This is not the city they knew, but a devastated landscape with a destroyed Temple and a remnant of defeated people. Oh, God, the prophet cries, come down! Show your might, restore your people. Form us into something new … and please forgive our sins.

Psalm: Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18

The Psalm, too, calls on God to hear the people’s prayers, set aside God’s anger, and restore Israel. The people have suffered. God’s punishment has forced them to endure their enemies’ derision and laughter. They have eaten and drunk their tears like bread and water. Please, God, the Psalmist pleads: Shine the light of your countenance upon us, save us, and we will never turn from you again.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9

Paul opens his first letter to the Corinthians in the formal style of ancient Greek correspondence. He greets and thanks the people of this church, and in doing so reassures them that Jesus Christ will soon return and find them strong and free of sin. Thanks to the grace and peace that God has given them, they will reflect God’s faithfulness in the fellowship of Christ.

Gospel: Mark 13:24-37

The Prophet Isaiah spoke of his hope for God to come and bring justice after the first destruction of Jerusalem. Now, while the Romans are destroying the city and the temple again, the Evangelist Mark hopes for Jesus’ return in power and glory. It is no wonder that Mark uses apocalyptic language as he imagines Jesus speaking of the signs and portents that will accompany his return. In three quick images, Jesus warns of a tumultuous time; advises his followers to watch for signs of his return; and urges them to be on the watch. Like the wise bridesmaids with their oil-filled lamps, we are wise to be ready, be awake, be alert.

Christ the King A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Nov. 23, 2014

Mosaic of the Last Judgment

Mosaic of the Last Judgment from Ravenna, Italy c. 520CE

First Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24

The long Pentecost season ends today, a festival day long known as Christ the King. For many of us, the idea of kingship may seem an echo of old times. But today’s readings suggest that Jesus Christ is a different kind of king, not a traditional patriarch but a loving shepherd. Ezekiel’s prophecy spoke to Israel in exile, praying for a new King David in a new Jerusalem where those who have suffered will be restored. For Christians, it’s hard not to look back and see Jesus reflected in these ancient verses, understanding Jesus as the perfect image of God in human form.

Psalm: Psalm 100

This joyous hymn, which Episcopalians may recognize as the Jubilate in Morning Prayer, carries out the image of God’s people as the protected sheep of God’s pasture, joyously singing thanksgiving and praise.

Psalm (Track 2): Psalm 95:1-7a

This joyous hymn, which Episcopalians may recognize as the Venite in Morning Prayer, carries out the image of God as king and shepherd. We are the protected sheep of God’s hand, joyously singing thanksgiving and praise.

Second Reading: Ephesians 1:15-23

After spending a few weeks with 1 Thessalonians, perhaps the earliest of Paul’s letters, we now turn to Ephesians, a later epistle most likely written by a first century Christian a generation after Paul’s death. Perhaps working out the early church’s growing understanding of Christ, the author declares that God the creator has placed the resurrected Jesus at God’s right hand and given him authority over all things in heaven and in the church, his body on earth.

Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46

Matthew now concludes his series of parables on the kingdom of heaven with this familiar reading. Recognizing the face of Jesus in the face of a hungry, thirsty, homeless person, sick and naked and oppressed, isn’t always easy, but Matthew leaves us in no doubt that this is the way to make God’s kingdom happen. Then Matthew turns from loving our hungry neighbor to warning that those who fail to do so will earn eternal punishment. This is a hard teaching. Do you think that Matthew is saying that, once we know what Jesus asks of us, we ignore his call at our peril? But remember, too, that the one who judges us is the one who loves us the most.

Pentecost 23A

Parable of the Talents

Parable of the Talents

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Nov. 16, 2014

First Reading: Judges 4:1-7

Our long trek through the ancestral stories of Israel draws near its end in the book of Judges. The people live in the promised land but don’t yet have a king. They have settled in to a cycle of behaving badly – “doing what was evil in the sight of the Lord” – then repenting, turning back, and restoring justice under a judge. Considering the patriarchal culture of the First Testament, it is quite remarkable that one of the most noteworthy judges was Deborah, a prophet and a woman, who with God’s help seems quite confident in ordering her generals into battle.

First Reading (Track 2): Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18

We have two more weeks until Advent, but our readings – reflecting an ancient tradition – don’t wait to turn toward Advent themes. Immediately after All Saints, we begin to hear alarming prophecies and puzzling parables about Judgement Day, waiting for Jesus, and the kingdom of God. The ancient reading from the prophet Zephaniah imagines a horrifying Judgement Day, when those who complacently and without humility ignored their duty to be righteous and just will reap what they sowed.

Psalm: Psalm 123

Subtly but sharply, today’s readings move from the female judge Deborah to a short, powerful Psalm of worship and praise that quite clearly looks to God in male and female imagery as both master and mistress. We can see inspiration for a theology of liberation here, too, in the Psalmist’s call for a preferential option for the poor, over against the contempt shown them by the rich and the proud.

Psalm (Track 2): Psalm 90:1-12

We are very small. God is very large. A thousand of our years pass in a moment for God, while our lives “pass away quickly and we are gone,” like grass that dries up in a day in the desert heat. The Psalmist – taken by tradition to be Moses, the only Psalm so attributed – petitions God on our behalf, praying that God may help us learn to make good use of the time that we are allotted.

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

In last week’s reading, Paul assured his church in Thessalonika that the Christians who had died before Christ’s return would not lose their opportunity to be with him in the kingdom. Now he urges them to be prepared. Using colorful metaphors – a thief in the night, and a woman’s sudden labor pains – he emphasizes that the day of the Lord may come suddenly and by surprise. Be faithful, he says; be loving; care for one another, and be ready.

Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30

It’s hard not to feel sorry for the third slave in today’s Gospel. Many of us would probably be just as cautious in safeguarding an angry master’s treasure. But look at what comes next in this series of parables about waiting for Christ’s return: The last judgement, when Christ will look for those who saw the face of Jesus in the hungry, the thirsty, the oppressed, sick persons and prisoners. Jesus hopes that we, like the first two slaves, will take risks and give of ourselves abundantly, that we may enter into the joy of our master.

Pentecost 22A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Nov. 9, 2014

The Wise and Foolish Virgins.

The Wise and Foolish Virgins. Unknown master, Flemish, oil on oak panel, c. 1480. Staatliche Museen, Berlin.

First Reading: Joshua 24:1-3a,14-25

This week’s readings are challenging. They make us work to discern how these selections from Scripture might guide our lives. Here we see the people renewing their covenant with God as they enter the promised land. They recall their path out of slavery in Egypt, and they promise to be faithful to God, placing no other gods before God. But what do you think about the people’s gratitude that God drove out the Amorites who lived in the land to make a home for Israel? Does this troubling verse make you think about our treatment of the American Indians or Israel’s modern relationship with Palestine? How do you suppose God might expect us to interact with the world’s nations in modern times?

First Reading (Track 2): Amos 5:18-24

This week’s readings are challenging. They make us work to discern how these selections from Scripture might guide our lives. The prophet Amos begins with a frightening question: What if God’s judgement does not go well for us? What if God rejects our prayers and turns away? What if we run from a lion only to be eaten by a bear!? But there is hope. As the verses that surround this reading assure us, when we seek good and not evil – when our justice and righteousness flow like mighty waters – then God will be with us.

Psalm: Psalm 78:1-7

We sing only the first seven verses of a very long Psalm today. The Psalm in full goes on to recount the sins and failures of the people, a sorry narrative that ends happily, nevertheless, with the love and skillful guidance of God. Today, however, we hear good news of God’s gifts to humankind, God’s words and teachings that we should pass down to our children and their children’s children.

Psalm (Track 2): Psalm 70

Today’s Psalm, too, begins on a dark note. The Psalmist is beset by enemies who would not only kill him but enjoy his misfortune and gloat over his losses. The Psalmist wants justice: Let those enemies suffer the shame and disgrace that they seek for him! Can the poor and needy who seek God count on God’s protection? God is great. But please, God, the Psalmist begs: Hurry, God, please. Don’t make us wait!

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Hey! Is this about the Rapture? Well, not exactly. Yes, some Christians do read this passage as a literal prediction of dead and living believers all being lifted up through the clouds to meet Jesus at the last trump. But most bible scholars find a simpler explanation: Early Christians expected that Jesus would come back and establish God’s kingdom very soon, while they still lived. But now it was a generation later, and some people were dying! Would they miss Jesus? No, says Paul. Be encouraged: All will be saved.

Gospel: Matthew 25:1-13

When Matthew tells us that Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven will be like this,” we can expect the following parable to challenge our expectations. Sure enough, this story is just as unsettling as the other “kingdom” parables we’ve heard recently: the outcast who had no wedding garment; the murderous vineyard workers; and the workers who were all paid the same. Here, the bridesmaids who didn’t plan ahead were locked out of the banquet, dismissed by the bridegroom, even though he was late, himself! Is Jesus telling us that the kingdom of heaven is unfair? No. Rather, the parable offers simple wisdom: Jesus, the bridegroom, is coming: Be ready!

All Saints A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Nov. 2, 2014

Ancient All Saints painting from the Romanian Orthodox church.

Ancient All Saints painting from the Romanian Orthodox church.

First Reading: Revelation 7:9-17

What a stirring scene for All Saints Day! The apocalyptic vision of John of Patmos, the author of Revelation, reveals a countless multitude of people from every race and nation – indeed, all the saints. All the world’s people are gathered to praise the Lamb, Revelation’s allegorical image for Jesus as both sheep and shepherd, both victim and victor, and the loving protector who guides us as a single multitude in all Earth’s glorious diversity.

Psalm: Psalm 34:1-10, 22

Most of the Psalms address God in prayer, but this one is different: The Psalmist here sings directly to the people, offering us wise counsel: As God’s saints and as God’s servants, we praise and worship God. We are small and humble. God is great and powerful. Yet when we are in trouble, when we are afraid, when we are hungry, we place our faith and trust in God and need not fear. Taste and see that God is good; happy are we who trust in God!

Second Reading: 1 John 3:1-3

Biblical scholars believe that the three short letters of John were written neither by John the apostle, John the evangelist, nor John the author of Revelation. After all, John was – and is – a very common name! The first letter of John celebrates the abundant love of God that showers on us and makes us all God’s children. All of God’s children, all of God’s saints, are brothers and sisters through God’s creative love.

Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12

Ah, the Beatitudes! The familiar opening verses of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, this list of blessings gives us a hint of how Jesus wants us all to live. But wait a minute! When we pay attention, as we should, don’t the Beatitudes turn our usual, comfortable vision of the world upside down? Blessings go not to the rich and powerful but to the poor, the meek, the hungry; those who seek peace in a world of violence; those who are oppressed and persecuted because they fight for justice? There is a message here for all God’s saints and sinners.

Pentecost 20A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Oct. 26, 2014

Ancient Russian icon of Jesus giving the Great Commandment.

Ancient Russian icon of Jesus giving the Great Commandment.

First Reading: Deuteronomy 34:1-12

Here ends the Torah, the first five books of the First Testament, the Law. Moses has led the progeny of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph out of slavery in Egypt, received God’s commandments and made God’s covenant at Mount Sinai. He has wandered 40 years in the desert with a fractious people, and now comes within sight of the Promised Land only to meet God again, on another mountain top, and learn that he may see the land but that he won’t be allowed to cross over to it. Moses sees God’s promise fulfilled, but Moses will not live to enjoy it.

First Reading (Track 2): Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18

The central law that we love our neighbors as ourselves frames today’s readings, beginning with this encounter between God and Moses and returning in Jesus’ words in the Gospel. In a series of instructions that restate the moral code of the commandments, God’s words to Moses in this reading tell us how to be in good relationship with our neighbors. They culminate with the summary conclusion – the first place in the bible where this is explicitly stated as a rule – that we shall love our neighbor as we love ourself.

Psalm: Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17

This Psalm, attributed by tradition to Moses, sings praise for God’s eternal ongoing creation in which a thousand years pass like a day. In comparison, our lives are as evanescent as the grass that turns from green to brown overnight. Then the narrative turns to a plea as we ask God to hear our prayers, to turn toward us with loving-kindness and make us glad.

Psalm (Track 2): Psalm 1

Today’s short Psalm, the first in the book of Psalms, sings of the two paths that we may choose to take through life. In poetic verses that seem to foreshadow Jesus’ parables about the seeds that fall on variously nourishing ground, the Psalmist likens us to trees: The lush, fruitful and well-watered trees of the righteous who follow God’s way; and the weak trees that can’t stand straight, representing the way of the wicked. Which way shall we choose? The Psalm makes our options clear.

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8

It is interesting to “listen in” as Paul talks about one of his churches in Greece to the people of another neighboring church! The Philippians apparently had some big problems; someone there clearly didn’t treat Paul well. The people of Thessalonika, though, treated him kindly, developing a dear friendship that Paul likens to a nurse caring for her children. (Happily, by the time Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians several years later, all must have been forgiven, as it reflects a cordial relationship too.)

Gospel: Matthew 22:34-46

We may think of Jesus’ words about the greatest commandment as profoundly Christian, deeply reflecting everything we know about Jesus. And this is true. But we should never forget that these words are deeply Jewish too. The “greatest and first” commandment, by Jesus’ own statement, directly quotes the Shema, the most important Jewish prayer; the second comes straight from the Holiness Code in Leviticus. Our spiritual heritage goes back a long way, and as Jesus told us earlier in Matthew, he did not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets (that is, the first testament) but to fulfill it.

Pentecost 19A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Oct. 19, 2014

Denarius of Tiberius Caesar

A denarius of Tiberius Caesar, similar to the Roman coin that Jesus told the Pharisees to “give to the emperor.”

First Reading: Exodus 33:12-23

The people have survived the threat of a forgiving God’s destructive wrath. But now Moses worries that his troublesome flock might stray again. He asks God for assurance that God will continue to lead and guide the people. God agrees, but Moses wants more: He wants to see God in God’s glory. God warns that Moses dare not see God’s face. No human can see such glory and live. But a compromise emerges: Moses may stand in a crack in a rock, protected from danger, then open his eyes for a glimpse from behind after God passes by.

First Reading (Track Two): Isaiah 45:1-7

The people have been in exile in Babylon for 40 years, dreaming of their lost city and temple. Isaiah and the other prophets had warned them that they had no one but themselves to blame for their exile. They had failed to love their neighbor, forgotten to care for the weak and needy, and so broke the covenant with God that had brought them to the Promised Land. But now the Persians have conquered Babylon, led by the wise king that history knows as Cyrus the Great. Cyrus will send them home to Jerusalem. In celebration, the prophet praises the Gentile king as God’s own anointed.

Psalm: Psalm 99

The Psalmist celebrates this Exodus story, praising God for God’s justice and equity, remembering that God led the people in a pillar of cloud, answering the people’s prayers and, while justly punishing them when they strayed, forgave them in the end. Such a mighty God deserves praise and worship!

Psalm (Track 2): Psalm 96:1-13

Cyrus may have been a great king, but the Psalm quickly reminds us that God is king among all kings, before whom the whole Earth trembles. God created all things and will judge all things, fairly and with equity. Heaven and earth, thunder and lightning, all the fields and all the forest will rejoice when God comes to judge in righteousness and truth.

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Paul praises this small community of former pagans in Thessalonika in Northern Greece, who had been persecuted for giving up the dominant religion. Their faith, Paul said, had inspired many converts, who were now waiting for Jesus to rescue them “from the wrath that is coming.” In this very early letter, written perhaps 20 years after the crucifixion, early Christians still hoped that Jesus would come back soon to judge the world and establish the kingdom of God on Earth.

Gospel: Matthew 22:15-22

This familiar story continues our recent narrative from Matthew: Jesus arrived in Jerusalem and quickly got in trouble, throwing the money changers out of the Temple. Now, in one encounter after another, he fences with the Pharisees who, in Matthew’s account, want to shut this trouble-maker down. They try to trap Jesus with a trick question, but he outwits them again, and in the process reveals that the temple leaders carry Caesar’s graven image on the coins in their purses. “Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s? How much do you suppose that might be? What then do we give to God?

Pentecost 18A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Oct. 12, 2014

The guest with no garment at the wedding feast.

The guest with no garment at the wedding feast.

First Reading: Exodus 32:1-14

The descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph have escaped slavery in Egypt. They have crossed the Red Sea, and received manna and water to slake their hunger and thirst. They have received the 10 Commandments at Mount Sinai and made covenant with God. But now things have gone badly wrong. The people, scared by Sinai’s smoke and thunder, are afraid that Moses won’t come back, so they break their brand-new commandments by worshipping a golden calf! God, righteously outraged, threatens to destroy the people and start over. But Moses pleads for the people, and God’s mind is changed. God’s abundant love flows to a people who may not deserve it, but who will be forgiven over and over again.

Psalm: Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23

The Psalmist looks back at the people’s wickedness in worshipping the golden calf, throwing away the great gift that they had just received. They forgot God, their Savior, who had watched over them in Egypt and brought them safely across the Red Sea and through the desert. They deserved destruction, the Psalmist sings, but Moses stood up for them and turned God’s wrath aside.

Psalm (Track 2): Psalm 23

And now, in the beloved 23rd Psalm, we sing of that very deep and abundant love, of God’s trusted protection. Our Good Shepherd who is always with us, comforting us and protecting us not only in the green pastures and still waters of good times, but even in those frightening times when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

Second Reading: Philippians 4:1-9

Paul now speaks to a specific pastoral issue in the church at Philippi. Two women, Euodia and Syntyche, have been quarreling. Paul doesn’t address their dispute, but simply urges them to “be of the same mind” in Christ, perhaps suggesting that they ask, “What would Jesus do?” He calls the congregation to help restore peace and unity, reminding them that the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and our minds in Jesus.

Gospel: Matthew 22:1-14

What is Jesus is trying to teach us about the kingdom of heaven? This parable reminds us of the wicked tenants in last week’s Gospel, who defied the person in charge and casually killed his messengers. Here the king, angry at those who didn’t show up for his son’s wedding banquet – some of whom even killed the slaves sent to invite them – brings people off the street instead. Then, when one of them ungratefully refuses to put on a wedding garment, he’s tossed out into the darkness, too. We’re all invited to the kingdom of heaven, it seems. But even as welcomed guests, we’re expected to don the wedding garment by following Jesus’ way.

Pentecost 17A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Oct. 5, 2014

The Parable of the Wicked Tenants.

The Parable of the Wicked Tenants.

First Reading: Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20

In recent readings we have followed the story of God’s people through the lives of the biblical patriarchs from Abraham to Joseph; then heard the story of Moses, with God’s help, leading Israel out of slavery in Egypt. Now on Mount Sinai in the desert comes a significant encounter: Establishing their identity and their hope, the people join in covenant with God, accepting the commandments that will guide their lives and ensure their righteousness in relationship with God and others.

First Reading (Track 2): Isaiah 5:1-7

When Jesus blessed bread and wine at the Last Supper, he was honoring a Jewish Passover tradition that goes back to ancient times. It’s no wonder, then, that the bible is full of parables involving wine, the fruit of the vine, and the vineyards from which it comes. Isaiah tells of God planting a vineyard, caring for it with love. But the harvest yielded “wild” grapes – in the original Hebrew, “stinking, worthless, sour” grapes. What happened? The vines represent the people, who disappointed God by failing to be just and righteous, not loving others as themselves.

Psalm: Psalm 19

All the heavens sing of God’s glory. All the skies reveal the work of God’s hand! This triumphant Psalm sings of the beauty of God’s creation. And then the theme turns, and we sing similar praise for the commandments, God’s law. True, just and righteous, God’s teaching stands above all earthly creation; sweeter than honey, more precious than gold.

Psalm (Track 2): Psalm 80:7-14

This poetic Psalm echoes Isaiah’s parable of the vineyard, but it adds a noteworthy twist: In Isaiah’s vision, God is disappointed by the sour fruit and decides to demolish the vineyard, tearing down its wall and hedge and commanding a drought to make it a waste. Our Psalm, on the other hand, calls on God’s compassion and remembers God’s grace in leading Israel to freedom and making it a nation. With the Psalmist we ask for another chance, calling on God to preserve the bountiful vines that God had planted.

Second Reading: Philippians 3:4b-14

Paul proclaims his stature as a devout Jew and a Pharisee, observant and righteous, and acknowledges that he once persecuted the infant church. But now. he tells the Philippians, everything has changed because he has faith in Christ. He will give up everything he has gained, in favor of living, suffering and dying with Jesus, in the hope of resurrection and life.

Gospel: Matthew 21:33-46

In today’s reading we find Jesus still arguing with the temple authorities. He tells another parable set in a vineyard. Using language quite similar to the Isaiah reading, Jesus tells of a vineyard whose tenant growers beat up and kill the slaves sent to collect the owner’s produce, and then even kill his own son. What will the owner do? Surely he will kill the evil tenants, the chief priests and Pharisees say. But Jesus brings a deeper message: If we hope to inherit the Kingdom of God, we should help produce its fruit.