Epiphany 3C

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 26, 2025 (Epiphany 3C)

Christ teaching in the synagogue

Christ teaching in the synagogue (1878-1879), oil painting on canvas by Maurycy Gottlieb (1856-1879). National Museum in Warsaw, Poland. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

Torah – understood as God’s teaching, so holy and beloved that we understand it as law – informs our readings for the Third Sunday of Epiphany. In our first reading, the minor prophet Nehemiah tells about the scribe Ezra reading the Torah to all the people of Jerusalem. They have finally returned home after the exile, but must regain familiarity with Israel’s written tradition. Ezra opens the Torah scroll and spends an entire morning reading and interpreting the text. It is a holy moment as the people, understanding the text perhaps for the first time, weep with joy at this revelation.

Psalm: Psalm 19

In its opening verses, Psalm 19 sings the glory of God. Then its narrative turns to sing the glory of God’s law, Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, in which God’s covenant with the people is expressed and set in context. These are the holy scrolls that the scribe Ezra read to the community in Sunday’’s first reading – and that Jesus will read and interpret in the synagogue in Sunday’s Gospel.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a

This week’s passage from 1 Corinthians immediately follows and builds upon last Sunday’s reading, in which we heard Paul declare that every member of the community brings individual gifts and is called to use those gifts in support of the church. Now Paul likens the people of the church to the body of the risen Christ in the world. Each part of the body is needed. Every part is important, and all of them have to work together. The eye, the hand, the ear, the leg … none can go it alone.

Gospel: Luke 4:14-21

Jesus’s public ministry has begun. Driven by the Spirit that came down at the time of his baptism, he has been tested in the desert, preached and taught in Galilee, and now he returns to the synagogue in his childhood home, Nazareth. Unrolling the Torah scroll to the Prophet Isaiah, he reads verses that will define his mission, ideas that echo his mother’s song and God’s covenant with the people at Sinai. This scripture is fulfilled in him, he declares. He has come to bring good news to the poor and the oppressed, and to declare the year of Jubilee in which slaves are freed and debts are forgiven.

Epiphany 2C

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 19, 2025 (Epiphany 2C)

The Marriage Feast at Cana

The Marriage Feast at Cana (1500), oil painting on wood panel by Juan de Flandes (1450-1519). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Isaiah 62:1-5

As we go through this liturgical season, we hear a series of “epiphanies” that manifest the divinity of Jesus to the world. Sunday’s Gospel tells of Jesus’s first miracle as told by John: changing water into wine for the wedding celebration at Cana. Sunday’s first reading comes from the final chapters of the Book of Isaiah. The exile is over. The people have returned to Jerusalem, to Mount Zion, where the ruins of the first temple lie in rubble, and a long, hard time of rebuilding lies ahead. “I will not keep silent … I will not rest,” proclaims the prophet. In words that set the scene for the Gospel’s wedding feast, Isaiah imagines Zion and the people as a bride and groom united in joy.

Psalm: Psalm 36:5-10

The passage selected for Sunday’s Psalm starts at verse 5, discreetly passing over several discouraging verses. We avoid hearing the psalmist lament the pain of being surrounded by wicked and deceitful people who fear neither God nor evil. Rather, we enter just as the song turns from sadness to chords of hope. In contrast with human wickedness, we sing, God showers us with amazing grace and abundant love. God’s protection and faithfulness come to us all, in that day and in this day.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11

The second readings for the Epiphany season this year treat us to selections from three particularly beautiful chapters from Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians. This Sunday and next, we’ll hear Paul imagining the people of God as Christ’s body, with each member of the church enjoying certain gifts and being responsible for particular duties, much as each part of one’s physical body has its own function. The Christian community at Corinth, in Greece, probably consisted of fewer than 100 people; but it had plenty of issues with differences of opinion, arguments, and cliques that called for Paul’s pastoral voice in this letter sent to them from far away. It can be helpful to read 1 Corinthians through this lens.

Gospel: John 2:1-11

In the first chapter of John’s Gospel, Jesus met John the Baptist, was baptized, and assembled his twelve apostles. Now, in Chapter 2, they go out into the world. Their first stop is at a lively wedding feast, where John paints a picture of a gathering in which the wine flowed so freely that the host’s supplies quickly ran dry. When Jesus’s mother calls on him to save the situation, he complies somewhat grudgingly, turning water into new wine that’s much better than the old. This first of Jesus’s miracles (or “signs” as John calls them to highlight their broader significance) occurs at a social event of feast and fellowship, where this sign, John tells us, “revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.”

Epiphany 1C/Baptism of Our Lord

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 12, 2025 (Epiphany 1C/Baptism of Our Lord)

The Baptism of Christ

The Baptism of Christ (1506), tempera painting on canvas by Andrea Mantegna (1431-1506). Basilica of Sant’Andrea, Mantua, Italy. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Isaiah 43:1-7

We have an extra-long season after Epiphany this year because Easter does not come until April 20, moving Ash Wednesday forward to March 5. That’s almost as late as Easter can possibly occur, so Epiphany stretches out to fill the gap with eight weeks of epiphanies: Gospel readings focused on events that manifested the divinity of Jesus. We start with the baptism of Jesus, the beginning of his public ministry as told by Luke. In Sunday’s first reading, the Prophet Isaiah assures the people returning from exile not to fear because God is with us. God calls us by name and watches over us as we pass safely through waters, rivers, and fire.

Psalm: Psalm 29

Psalm 29 is a thundering hymn of the ancient temple, a song depicting the power of God as it might be seen and heard in a great storm. Thunder crashes and lightning flashes; fire and winds shake the earth and topple trees. These are not things to fear, the Psalmist sings, but signs of the great power and majesty of God. As the storm comes to a close, we are left with God’s promises of strength and peace, gifts that we too seek to gain when we are sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism.

Second Reading: Acts 8:14-17

The Acts of the Apostles is a fascinating story about the early church. Written by the Evangelist we know as Luke, it is essentially Part Two of Luke’s gospel, describing years after the fact how Christianity spread from its infant beginning in Jerusalem to much of the Mediterranean world. Though rooted in Judaism, Acts tells us that the church quickly opened its doors to Gentiles as well. This reading speaks of this significant change, as Peter and John travel to Samaria to welcome and embrace the once-hated Samaritans – now baptized in water and the Spirit – as new brothers and sisters in the church.

Gospel: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

Was John the Baptist the Messiah? Many of his followers came to him at the Jordan hoping that this was the case, we hear as this Gospel passage begins. But John demurs, declaring himself unworthy to untie Jesus’s sandals. John says that it is Jesus, not John, who will baptize not only with water but with the Holy Spirit and fire. John envisions Jesus presiding over a strict and final judgement like a harvester, separating the wheat from the chaff. Then we hear the familiar conclusion of Jesus’s baptism: The Spirit came down as a dove, and God’s voice proclaims that Jesus is God’s son, the Beloved, with whom God is well pleased.

Last Epiphany B/Transfiguration

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Last Epiphany B/Transfiguration

Transfiguration of Jesus

Transfiguration of Jesus (c.1437-1446), fresco by Fra Angelico (c.1395-1455). Museum of San Marco, Florence, Italy. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Kings 2:1-12

As the season after the Epiphany comes to its end on Sunday, we see the light of God revealed in shining glory. In the Gospel we will hear Mark’s account of the Transfiguration of Christ, the culmination of the series of epiphanies that have revealed Jesus as the Son of God. In those verses we will see a glowing Jesus meet the patriarchs Elijah and Moses on a mountaintop. Our first reading from the Second Book of Kings sets the stage with the ancient story of Elijah, who was taken up into heaven in a chariot of fire led by horses of fire.

Psalm: Psalm 50:1-6

We hear only the first six verses of Psalm 50, but even this snippet gives us a good sense of its resounding worship and praise. The Psalmist calls out to the people who have joined in covenant to come together in worship: Come near and hear the God of gods speak, revealed in glory, calling the the people of the earth together from sunrise to sunset. God will speak and not keep silence, we hear. God stands before a consuming flame, surrounded by a raging storm, calling the heavens and the earth to witness God’s judgment.

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6

God, who brought light into the world, shows us the glory of God’s image in Christ. In his second letter to the early Christian community in Corinth, Paul tells his flock that, because they believe, they see the light which those who do not believe can not see. For those who don’t believe, the light is veiled by worldy concerns, Paul writes. As Christians we are called to proclaim Jesus, not ourselves, Paul declares. We are to serve others humbly in service for Jesus’s sake.

Gospel: Mark 9:2-9

Just a few short weeks ago at the beginning of the Epiphany season we saw John baptizing Jesus in the Jordan. Now on the last Sunday of Epiphany we come to the Transfiguration, and Jesus is revealed as Messiah. With his friends Peter, James, and John looking on in awed amazement, Jesus’s clothes suddenly glow an unearthly dazzling white as he meets the patriarchs Elijah and Moses. Now God’s voice rings out again, as it had at his baptism: “This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him.”

Epiphany 5B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Feb. 3, 2024 (Epiphany 5B)

Christ Healing the Mother of Simon Peter’s Wife

Christ Healing the Mother of Simon Peter’s Wife (1839). Oil painting on canvas by John Bridges (1818–1854). Birmingham (Alabama) Museum of Art. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Isaiah 40:21-31

The season of Epiphany is coming to an early end this year because Easter comes early, on March 31. Ash Wednesday and Lent are only about two weeks away. In our first reading we hear the Prophet Isaiah reassuring the people in exile that though God may seem far away, they have not been forgotten. Isaiah poetically portrays a transcendent God who is far beyond our imagining. And yet, the prophet proclaims, this mighty, eternal and all-powerful God lifts up on eagle’s wings those who wait patiently for God. God provides the power and the strength to wait and to follow God’s ways.

Psalm: Psalm 147:1-12, 21c

Sunday’s Psalm portion, excerpted from one of the six exuberant hymns of praise that bring the book of Psalms to its end, sings harmony with our Isaiah reading as it celebrates the glory of a God who is powerful and all-knowing. God is large enough to count and name even the stars of heaven, the Psalmist sings; yet God is close to the people too, guiding them home from exile and binding their wounds. God is unimpressed by strength and might, yet cares deeply for the weak and lowly, gently tending the broken and the brokenhearted.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-23

Pretending to be something we are not is a morally dubious action, even when we do it for a worthy purpose. But that’s not really what Paul writes in these verses when he claims to have been “all things to all people,” presenting himself in a voice separately tuned to the ears of Jews and Gentiles, believers and pagans, the strong and the weak. Following up on the advice in last week’s reading, Paul offers simple counsel to the fractious, often battling believers of Corinth: Get over your divisions. Love one another. And finally, work together in spite of any differences in order to share the Gospel’s blessings.

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39

Immediately after the events in last Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus goes from the synagogue at Capernaum to the home of his friends Simon and Andrew. There he cures Simon’s mother-in-law’s fever. Healed of her weakness, she gets up to serve them. The Greek word Mark uses for “she served” is “diekonei.” That’s the same word that Luke uses to describe those who came forward to support the Apostles as they spread the Gospel. And, of course, it is the word from which we derive our modern “deacon.” Just as Jesus cared for Simon’s mother-in-law and all who came for exorcism or healing, deacons vow to serve all people, particularly the poor, the weak, the sick, and the lonely.

Epiphany 4B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 28, 2024 (Epiphany 4B)

Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit

Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit (Mc. 1412-1416), from the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, a French Gothic illumination for the Book of Hours by the Limbourg Brothers, Herman, Paul and Johan, now in the Musée Condé, Chantilly, France. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20

The ongoing theme of listening for God’s voice and trying to discern what God is calling us to do continues in our readings for the Fourth Sunday of Epiphany. Our first reading is a passage from Deuteronomy, the fifth and final book of the Torah. We open the book as the story of God’s covenant with Israel is drawing to its close. Moses is in his last days. He will not live to enter the Promised Land. But then, the people wonder, how will they know God’s wishes once their longtime prophet is gone? Moses reassures them that God will raise up another prophet like him from among the people: a prophet who will speak God’s words and whom God will hold accountable.

Psalm: Psalm 111

Psalms, the hymns and worship poetry of the ancient Temple in Jerusalem, offer many forms of prayer. Some ask God’s favor. Some cry out in lament. Others sing thanks for blessings. Yet many of the most joyous Psalms – like the familiar verses of Psalm 111 as a resounding example – exultantly sing God’s praise. God’s work, God’s majesty, God’s splendor, God’s justice, all last forever. God feeds us. The fear (meaning awe) of God is the beginning of wisdom.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13

These verses offer us a fascinating insight into Paul. This pastoral question about eating meat that had been sacrificed in pagan temples might not seem to say much to us as inhabitants of a modern technological society. In his context, though, Paul understands the Corinthian Christians’ notion that pagan gods aren’t God at all, so sharing temple food – their primary source of meat – could be morally neutral to believers who are strong in their faith. The rest of Paul’s conclusion transcends time: Even if we do nothing wrong, Paul asserts, our actions may influence others, and Christ calls us to be mindful of that.

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28

We continue following Mark’s account of Jesus’ early ministry in Galilee. Baptized, returned from his time in the wilderness, and having chosen his disciples, Jesus now steps up and speaks for the first time during Sabbath services in Capernaum, the small Galilean town where he was active. Two remarkable things happen: First, this stranger amazes the community with bold teaching that reveals him as one “having authority.” Then Jesus further astounds the people by commanding a noisy unclean spirit to come out of a troubled man. Unclean though the spirit may be, it shouts wisdom, declaring Jesus “the Holy One of God.”

Epiphany 3B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 21, 2024 (Epiphany 3B)

Call of the Sons of Zebedee

Call of the Sons of Zebedee (1510), oil painting on panel by Marco Basaiti (1470-1530). Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venice, Italy. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Jonah 3:1-5, 10

As we continue through the Epiphany season, our readings again this week speak to us of God’s call and our response. Even after we do wrong, when we repent and return, God is quick to forgive and to welcome us back. Our first reading is a brief passage from the familiar story of Jonah, the reluctant prophet, who ran away when God called him to prophesy to the people of Nineveh. Just before this passage, Jonah had been spewed out on the beach by the giant fish that God sent to bring the fleeing prophet back. Jonah is ready to cooperate after this experience, and his concise prophecy has great effect: The people of this huge city all put on sackcloth, fast and repent; whereupon God shows mercy and forgives them.

Psalm: Psalm 62: 6-14

We enter Psalm 62 at Verse 6, joining a narrator who has been assailed, battered, and defamed by foes who seek to bring him down. Can this troubled person turn to God for refuge and stability in a world gone fearsome? Yes, the Psalmist asserts: Wait, hope, trust in God. Do not be shaken: when all else fails, God remains our strong rock and our refuge. Our faith and hope in God’s power and steadfast love will be rewarded. Trust in God alone, the Psalmist tells us over and over again. No one else can be trusted. God is always there, always holding the power, always ready to repay us according to our good deeds.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 7: 29-31

No marriage, no mourning, no joy? No things? What in the world is Paul going on about this time? Paul’s letters can sound very confusing to modern ears, but we can usually hear the voice of the Spirit when we understand them in the context of their time and place. Paul was convinced that Christ was coming back very soon, bringing God’s kingdom and a new way of life. Nothing was more important than that, Paul preached. Not husbands and wives, not mourning or joy. All that is passing away, Paul assures his fractious flock; but God abides.

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20

The Gospel according to Mark is moving along very quickly, as Mark’s Gospel does. We are only 14 verses in, and already Herod has arrested John the Baptist, and soon will have John killed. Jesus has just returned from the 40-day fast in the desert that he took on immediately after John baptized him. Now Jesus has taken over John’s call to proclaim repentance from sin and to declare the good news of God’s kingdom. Then, just like that, Mark’s narrative shifts again as Jesus calls his first disciples from fishers working on the Sea of Galilee: Two pairs of brothers, Simon and Andrew, and James son of Zebedee and John. Without any discussion or question, they all get up, leave their former lives behind, and follow Jesus.

Epiphany 2B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 14, 2024 (Epiphany 2B)

Nathaniel Under the Fig Tree

Nathaniel Under the Fig Tree (c.1886-1894), gouache drawing over graphite on gray paper by James Tissot (1836-1902). Brooklyn Museum, New York City. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-10

Listen for God’s voice in the world, and take care to grasp the reality that we hear. Listen for this theme as it resonates through Sunday’s Lectionary readings. Our first reading introduces young Samuel, puzzled by a mysterious voice as he lies near the Ark in the Temple in Jerusalem. Samuel thinks the voice is his guardian Eli, the high priest and judge of Israel. But Eli, who is elderly and nearly blind, was sound asleep. After a few repetitions, Eli realizes that Samuel is hearing the voice of God. Eli advises the boy to respond, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” Then Eli accepts the words that Samuel hears from God, although they are harsh and stern: God plans to punish Eli and his blasphemous sons who have corrupted the Temple priesthood.

Psalm: Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17

It is rarely easy for us to be certain of what God is asking of us. But we can be sure that God fully and completely knows our every thought, the Psalmist sings in verses traditionally attributed to King David. God knows us, God knows when we move forward and when we sit down; God knows every word that we speak and every word that we think. God’s thoughts are more countless than Earth’s grains of sand, the Psalmist continues. It would take an infinity of time to count them.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

At a glance, this reading might reinforce our modern doubts about Paul’s occasional ruminations on sexuality and sin. Read in its original context, though, we see a kinder and gentler image. As he so often does in 1 Corinthians, Paul is offering pastoral counsel to a loving but often quarrelsome little church community. They’ve been arguing about all sorts of theological issues. They’re split into factions. Some of them really haven’t been behaving well, fired by an odd notion that being baptized in the Spirit allows them to behave immorally without sin. Paul’s advice is not angry but clear and firm: Listen for God’s voice through the Holy Spirit. Remember that our bodies are parts of Christ’s body and temples of the Holy Spirit, so honor God by behaving well.

Gospel: John 1:43-51

We are called to respond to Christ in faith through the revelation of his divinity in the gospels of the Epiphany season. In the first chapter of John’s gospel, Jesus calls his disciples, one and two at a time. In the verses preceding Sunday’s gospel, Andrew, Simon Peter and now Philip have joined Jesus. Now we learn that Philip wants his friend Nathanael added to the growing band. Nathanael, though, is wary at first. This Jesus comes from Nazareth? That’s not where the Messiah is supposed to come from! But when Jesus speaks to Nathanael in words that seem to echo the Psalm’s “Your eyes beheld my limbs, yet unfinished in the womb,” Nathanael accepts Jesus’s call and declares him the Son of God and King of Israel.

Epiphany 1B/Baptism of Our Lord

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 7, 2024 (Epiphany 1B/Baptism of Our Lord)

The Baptism of Christ, with donors and their patron saints

The Baptism of Christ, with donors and their patron saints (1505), oil painting on wood, altarpiece of Jean des Trompe, by Gerárd David (c.1450/1460–1523). Groeninge Museum, Bruges, Belgium. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Genesis 1:1-5

Now we turn to the season of Epiphany and visualize how Scripture reveals Jesus as Christ and Messiah. Week by week, we celebrate the various manifestations, or epiphanies, of Jesus’s divinity, beginning with the coming of the Magi on the Epiphany, January 6, and now his baptism. All four readings this Sunday speak of creation and new life through God in Word and Spirit. Our first reading begins with the opening words of the ancient creation story in Genesis. God’s Word rings out, and light shines in the darkness. Then God’s spirit breath sweeps over the face of the waters. In the beginning God creates heaven and earth. In the beginning was the Word.

Psalm: Psalm 29

“Ascribe due honor to God’s holy name.” This striking psalm, perhaps a call to worship at the ancient temple, uses the metaphor of a majestic storm to portray God’s powerful spirit wind. Such a damaging storm, breaking mighty cedars, shooting flames, and shaking the wilderness, might scare anyone into running for shelter. But it also has potential to lure us outside to feel the rain and the wind on our faces as the storm rolls through. After such an event, anyone would surely cry out in worship, thanking the God who gives us strength and peace.

Second Reading: Acts 19:1-7

The Acts of the Apostles continues the narrative of Luke’s Gospel, following the evangelist’s account of the early church after Jesus’ death. In this passage we find Paul in Ephesus, introducing a dozen followers to the Holy Spirit. They tell Paul that they have already been baptized through John’s baptism. But when Paul explains that John himself told the people to believe in Jesus, the one who was to come after him, they eagerly accept baptism again, this time in Jesus’s name. Then, like the apostles at the first Pentecost, they joyfully begin speaking in tongues and prophesying as the Holy Spirit comes to them.

Gospel: Mark 1:4-11

Last month, on the second and third Sundays of Advent, we heard Matthew’s and John’s accounts of Jesus’s baptism in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. Now here we are again, this time reading Mark’s version of the familiar story. John has been telling the crowds that one more powerful is coming, whose sandals John is not worthy to untie. In Mark’s typical brisk, no-nonsense style, we hear that Jesus arrives, is baptized, and emerges from the water to see the heavens torn apart and the Spirit coming down, while God’s voice rumbles from heaven, saying, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”

Last Epiphany A/Transfiguration

Illuminations on the Lectionary readings for Feb. 19, 2023 (Last Epiphany A/Transfiguration)

First Reading: Exodus 24:12-18

The gradual revelation of Jesus as Messiah, which began last month with his baptism by John in the Jordan, draws to a close as Transfiguration Sunday concludes the season of Epiphany.

The Transfiguration

The Transfiguration (1308-1311), tempera painting on wood altarpiece by Duccio di Buoninsegna (1255=1319). National Gallery of London. (Click image to enlarge)

Midway between Christmas and Easter, we will now turn toward the penitential path of Lent. Sunday’s readings show us the awe and fear of humans encountering the divine. Our first reading from Exodus describes Moses going up Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments from a fearsome God cloaked in clouds and fire. This scene is a surprising contrast with the verses that came just before, in which Moses, Aaron and the leaders of the people apparently dine and drink with a more accessible divine being.

Psalm: Psalm 2

Earthly kings may have wielded vast temporal power in biblical times, but even they must submit with fear and trembling to the mightiness of God, King of Kings. So sings the Psalmist in Psalm 2. Those who would seek to break away from God’s power and that of God’s anointed, the Messiah, will earn only divine derision and terrifying rage. God’s anointed, however, will be set on the holy hill of Zion – site of the temple. Then these verses of anger and divine threats turn to a note of promise: Happy are all who take refuge in God.

Alternative Psalm: Psalm 99

In verses that hark back to Moses and Aaron following God’s sign through the desert and receiving God’s law, this hymn of praise shows us an image of God as a powerful king, before whom the people tremble and even the earth shakes. But this is a fair God, who may have punished the people when they were evil, but who also answered their prayers and rewarded them. This is a forgiving and kind God who provides equity, justice and righteousness.

Second Reading: 2 Peter 1:16-21

Here’s something to know about the New Testament’s Letters of Peter: The Apostle Peter didn’t write either of them, and this one was probably written 100 years or more after the Crucifixion, long after Peter’s death. Still, it opens a window into the second-century church, when believers were trying to understand why Jesus had not returned as soon as they had hoped and prayed. All that they have heard about Jesus is true, the letter insists. Speaking in the first person as Peter, it reminds them that Peter himself had been present at the Transfiguration. Trust in God, it urges, and wait for the dawn and the morning star.

Gospel: Matthew 17:1-9

“This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased.” In almost identical words, we heard the voice of God coming from above to declare Jesus his beloved Son at Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan at the beginning of Epiphany. Now we hear it again at the end of Epiphany in the Transfiguration. We see Jesus meeting Old Testament prophets on a mountaintop, glowing in dazzling light, revealed to the apostles Peter, James and John for the first time as both human and divine. The three, witnessing all this, are terrified to hear the voice of God, but Jesus reassures them with a loving touch and, for the first time, speaks of his coming resurrection.