Epiphany 1C/Baptism of Our Lord

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 9, 2022 (Epiphany 1C/Baptism of Our Lord)

First Reading: Isaiah 43:1-7

The 12 Days of Christmas are over, and we are back to green altar colors and vestments as the season after Epiphany has begun.

Battesimo di Cristo (The Baptism of Christ)

Battesimo di Cristo (The Baptism of Christ, c.1470-1475). Oil and tempera painting on panel by Andrea del Verrocchio (1435-1488) and Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). Uffizi Gallery, Florence. (Click image to enlarge.)

The Gospel stories during this season will remind us of events that manifested the divinity of Jesus: The arrival of the Magi, which we heard in preview last Sunday; and now the baptism of Jesus by John at the Jordan. Our first reading from Isaiah and the following Psalm invoke images of water; the second reading, from Acts, and the Gospel speak of baptism. In the first reading, Isaiah assures the Israelites in exile that they will return to Jerusalem, kept safe by God through fire and water.

Psalm: Psalm 29

In Psalm 29, a thundering hymn from the ancient Temple in Jerusalem, the faithful sing of God’s power as seen in a great tempest. God is upon the mighty waters, the Psalmist sings. God’s voice is powerful. We hear it in thunder and lightning, wind and noise, flashing fire and mighty winds that shake the earth and topple trees. But these are not things to fear, the Psalmist assures us. They are signs of the mighty power and majesty of God. As the storm comes to a close, we are left with God’s promises of strength and peace. We share in these gifts through our baptism.

Second Reading: Acts 8:14-17

The Acts of the Apostles, the second act of Luke’s Gospel, tells the exciting story of Paul, the disciples, and other church leaders taking the new Way of Jesus across the ancient Mediterranean, spreading the Good News to Jews and Gentiles alike. Sunday’s short reading gives us a glimpse of Peter and John baptizing new Christians in Samaria. The Samaritans were longtime enemies of the Jews (which is why the Good Samaritan was so surprising), but now the apostles don’t venture boldly out to welcome and embrace the Samaritan converts and baptize them in the Holy Spirit.

Gospel: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

As Luke offers his account of the baptism of Jesus, he musters images of water and fire that seem to echo what we heard in the readings from Isaiah and Psalms. In previous verses, the people had wondered if John the Baptist was the Messiah, but John told them that the one who is coming – Jesus – is far more powerful than he. Now John steps aside – this Lectionary passage skips three verses explaining that Herod put John in prison. We then learn that Jesus has been baptized, whereupon the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove, and God’s voice from heaven announced that Jesus is God’s son, the Beloved, with whom God is well pleased.

Last Epiphany B/Transfiguration

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Feb. 14, 2021

First Reading: 2 Kings 2:1-12

Our Gospels in the season after the Epiphany follow Jesus through the early years of his public ministry as told by John and Mark, gradually unveiling his status as leader, teacher, and healer.

The Transfiguration of Christ

The Transfiguration of Christ (1605), oil painting on canvas by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640). Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy, France. (Click image to enlarge.)

This week we conclude this rather brief journey from Christmastide to Lent with the revelation of Jesus as prophet and messiah. Sunday’s readings glow with the light of God revealed in shining glory: Elijah’s fiery chariot; the rising sun and consuming flame of God’s justice; God’s light to the world, and finally the Transfiguration of Jesus with the patriarchs Elijah and Moses on a mountain top. Our first reading tells the ancient story of Elijah taken up into heaven in a fiery chariot while Elisha, his young successor, looks on in awe.

Psalm: Psalm 50:1-6

This week we read only a portion of Psalm 50, about one-fourth of its 23 verses. But it is a memorable passage, a resounding hymn of worship and praise, calling the people who have joined in covenant to come together in worship. Come near, the Psalmist shouts, and hear the God of gods speak, revealed in glory, calling the earth together from sunrise to sunset. God will speak and not keep silence, we sing, standing before a consuming flame while surrounded by a raging storm, calling the heavens and the earth to witness God’s judgment.

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6

God brought light into the world, and God shows us the glory of God’s image in Christ. Because they believe, Paul tells the people of Corinth in his second letter to them, they can see the light that those who do not believe do not see. For those who do not believe, he continues, that light is veiled by worldly concerns. Christians are called to proclaim Jesus, not ourselves, Paul declares. We are to serve others humbly for Jesus’ sake.

Gospel: Mark 9:2-9

On the first Sunday of Epiphany, we watched John baptizing Jesus in the Jordan, where Jesus heard God’s voice saying, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” Now Jesus takes Peter, James, and John to a mountain top, where Jesus is joined by Moses, the giver of the law, and Elijah, who was transported into heaven to await the arrival of the Messiah. Jesus’ face and garments glow in a scene reminiscent of Moses receiving God’s commandments as his face glowed on another mountain. Jesus is revealed as Messiah as his friends look on in awe, and God’s voice rings out again with the same refrain: “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”

Epiphany 5B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Feb. 7, 2021

First Reading: Isaiah 40:21-31

God is very large. We are very small. God is very powerful. We are very weak.

Christ Healing Peter's Mother-in-Law

Christ Healing Peter’s Mother-in-Law (c.1650-1660), pen drawing with watercolor wash, by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn ((1606–1669). Fondation Custodia, Paris. (Click image to enlarge.)

In Sunday’s first reading, the Prophet Iāsaiah musters striking poetic language that likens the people to grasshoppers and their earthly rulers to dandelion puffs blown apart in the wind. As the people begin to ponder the challenges of return from exile, Isaiah portrays a transcendent God who is far beyond our imagining. And yet, the prophet foretells, this mighty, eternal and all-powerful God will lift us up on eagles’ wings and give us the power and the strength to follow God’s ways.

Psalm: Psalm 147:1-12, 21c

Echoing Isaiah’s message in one of the six exultant hymns of praise that conclude the book of Psalms, the Psalmist celebrates the glory of the powerful, all-knowing God who counts and names even the stars of heaven, and who has guided the people home from exile and bound their wounds. God is unimpressed by the powerful and the strong, the Psalmist sings, but gently tends the broken and the brokenhearted. God lifts up the lowly, but casts the wicked to the ground, we sing, celebrating a liberating theological idea that we hear again in the Song of Mary and the teaching of Jesus.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-23

It’s tempting to argue with Paul’s message in these verses. Even for a worthy purpose, it’s not good to pretend to be something you’re not. But that’s not really what he is saying. Paul is getting at something deeper than just being a moral chameleon when he claims to have been “all things to all people.” As in last week’s discussion about eating meat sacrificed to idols when Paul warned Christians not to be a stumbling block to others, Paul urges the people of Corinth to love one another and work together. It doesn’t matter whether you’re Jewish, Gentile, strong or weak, he tells the people. Honor each other in your differences. Then unite to share the good news of the Gospel.

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39

The season after Epiphany is ending early this year because Easter, and Lent before it, fall relatively early. In this Sunday’s Gospel, we’ll hear another of Mark’s accounts of Jesus healing, throwing out demons, and telling the Good News before we move along to the Transfiguration, Ash Wednesday and Lent. In this Gospel passage, Jesus goes from the synagogue at Capernaum to the home of his friends Simon and Andrew, where he cures Simon’s mother-in-law of a fever, a scary symptom in those days before modern medicine. Restored to health and strength, she gets up to serve them. The Greek word for “serve” used here is “διηκόνει,” from which we get the word “deacon.” The same word is later used in Acts to name those who came forward to support the Apostles who were busy spreading the Gospel. Just as Simon’s mother-in-law served Jesus and the apostles, deacons vow to serve all people, particularly the poor, the weak, the sick, and the lonely.

Epiphany 4B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 31, 2021

First Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Hearing God’s voice. Listening for God’s call. This theme echoes in many of our readings through the season of Epiphany, as each week’s Gospel shines more light on the reality of Jesus as Messiah.

Christ heals a man possessed in the synagogue of Capernaum

Christ heals a man possessed in the synagogue of Capernaum. Eleventh century Romanesque fresco in the former bell house of Lambach Abbey, a Benedictine monastery in Austria. (Click image to enlarge.)

Our first reading brings us to Deuteronomy, the fifth and final book of the Torah, the story of God’s covenant with Israel. The people have reached the promised land, and the long narrative of their travels is drawing to a close. Moses is dying, and now the people worry how they will know God’s wishes once their prophet is gone. Moses reassures them that God will raise up another prophet from among them, and that God will expect them to pay attention when this prophet utters God’s words.

Psalm: Psalm 111

The Psalms – the Hebrew Bible’s book of hymns and worship poetry of the ancient Temple in Jerusalem – take many forms. Some ask God’s favor. Others weep in lament. Some offer thanks for past blessings. And some of the most joyous, such as today’s familiar verses, exultantly sing God’s praise. All of God’s work, all of God’s majesty and splendor, all of God’s justice last forever, the Psalmist exults. God feeds us. God’s covenant redeems us, and the people shout “Hallelujah!” “Praise God!”

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13

These passage might not seem to say much to us in modern times, but it offers us a fascinating insight into understanding Paul as a pastor working with his flock. A question had arisen about whether it was acceptable to eat meat that had been sacrificed in pagan temples. This was a common practice in pagan Greece, where meat from animals who had been sacrificed in the temples were made available to the public. Paul accepts the notion of Corinth’s Jewish Christians that pagan gods aren’t really God at all, so sharing temple food could be morally neutral to Christian believers who are strong in their faith. But the rest of Paul’s conclusion transcends time: Even if we do nothing wrong, our actions may influence others who are not so strong – in this case of the Corinthians, for example, recent converts from paganism. “If food is a cause of their falling,” says Paul, “I will never eat meat, so that I may not cause one of them to fall.”

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28

We are still in the first chapter of Mark’s Gospel, and the ministry of Jesus is getting under way. Jesus, who now has a group of followers, goes to Sabbath services in Capernaum, a small town near the Sea of Galilee where we often find him in Mark’s Gospel. Two remarkable things happen there: First, this young rabbi amazes the congregation with profound teaching that reveals him as one “having authority,” in contrast with the less authoritative scribes. Then Jesus further astounds the people by commanding a noisy unclean spirit to come out of a troubled man. Unclean though the spirit may be, it shouts wisdom, declaring Jesus “the Holy One of God.”

Epiphany 3B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 24, 2021

First Reading: Jonah 3:1-5, 10

Listen for these themes in Sunday’s readings: God’s love is steadfast: When we do wrong, when we repent, return and hear God’s good news, God is quick to forgive and welcome us back.

Jonah preaching to the people of Nineveh

Jonah preaching to the people of Nineveh (17th century), oil painting on canvas by Andrea Vaccaro (1604-1670). Museo de Bellas Artes of Seville, Spain. Click image to enlarge.)

In the first reading we hear the ancient story of Jonah, the reluctant prophet, who ran away when God called him to prophesy to the people of Nineveh, and ended up taking an unwanted journey in a giant fish. Now, spewed out on the beach, Jonah feels more cooperative. The prophecy that God commanded him to give has great effect: All the people of this great city accept Jonah’s call to fast and repent! Then God shows forgiving mercy, and decides not to destroy the people after all. (In the following verses that conclude this short book, Jonah is more than angry about this turn of events, but God’s mercy abides.)

Psalm: Psalm 62: 6-14

Wait for God, hope in God, the Psalmist sings. Trust God above all else. When all others fail, God, our strong rock and our refuge, will reward our trust in God’s power and steadfast love. Others cannot be trusted, the Psalmist tells us over and over again: “On the scales they are lighter than a breath.” But God is always there, always holding the power, always ready to repay us all according to our good deeds.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 7: 29-31

Much like last week’s reading from 1 Corinthians, Paul’s instructions to the Christians of Corinth sound daunting and harsh. Give up our husbands and wives? Don’t buy possessions, mourn our dead or rejoice our victories? This passage makes clear why we must be more than cautious about reading Paul’s directions to his First Century flock as if they direct our activity in the 21st. Hear these verses in Paul’s context: He was certain that this world was passing away as the Kingdom of God drew near; he was sure that Christ would return very soon, bringing a new way of life. Nothing was more important than that; not husbands and wives, not mourning or joy.

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20

The public ministry of Jesus as told by Mark has begun! On the first Sunday after Epiphany we heard Mark’s account of John baptizing Jesus in the River Jordan, when a dove came down from heaven declaring to Jesus that he is the son of God. Now in Sunday’s Gospel events are moving fast. John has been arrested, and Jesus has taken over John’s call to prophesy repentance and declare the good news of God’s kingdom. Then Jesus calls his first disciples, who follow him immediately without any discussion or question, and the long journey toward the cross and resurrection begins.

Epiphany 2B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 17, 2021

First Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-10

Sunday’s Lectionary readings prompt us to think about listening for God’s voice in the world … and about taking care to discern just what we hear.

Samuel Relating to Eli the Judgements of God upon Eli's House

Samuel Relating to Eli the Judgements of God upon Eli’s House (1780), oil painting on canvas by John Singleton Copley (1738-1815). Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut. (Click image to enlarge.)

In the first reading, the boy Samuel – who will grow up to be a prophet when Israel becomes a kingdom under Saul – hears a mysterious voice calling him in the night. He thinks that it his guardian Eli, the high priest and judge (which was the title of the Israelites’ leader in the days before kings). But Eli, who was sleeping, eventually realizes that Samuel is hearing the voice of God. Eli advises the boy to respond, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” After Samuel reports what he has heard from God, Eli accepts it, even though it is bad news for Eli and his blasphemous sons who had corrupted the priesthood.

Psalm: Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17

It may be difficult for us to discern what God asks of us, the Psalmist sings, but we can rely on God’s full and complete knowledge of our every thought. God knows us, God knows when we move forward and when we sit down; God knows every word that we speak and every word that we think. Chanting, “How deep I find your thoughts, O God! How great is the sum of them,” the Psalmist assures us that, although we can never know all that God wills for us, there is joy and hope in listening for God’s voice.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

On a casual reading, this passage from 1 Corinthians might make us groan,“Oh, no, Paul is ranting about sexuality again.” If we check the context of these verses that seem to address immorality and sleeping around, though, we find – as we often do in Paul’s letters – he is addressing pastoral advice to a loving, but sometimes troublesome, church community. The Christinas of Corinth have been arguing. They’re split into factions. Some haven’t been behaving well. Some even believe that their baptism makes it okay for them to behave immorally! Paul’s direction is simple: Listen for God’s voice through the Holy Spirit. Remember that our bodies are parts of Christ and temples of the Holy Spirit, and honor God by doing the right thing.

Gospel: John 1:43-51

After his brief encounter with John at the Jordan, Jesus begins calling his apostles one and two at a time, according to the account in John’s Gospel. Andrew and Simon Peter first heard Jesus’s call. Then he called Philip, who in turn wants to get his friend Nathanael into the growing band. But Nathanael is wary at first. This Jesus comes from Nazareth? That’s not where the Messiah is supposed to come from! But when Jesus speaks to Nathanael in words that seem to echo the Psalm’s phrases such as “My body was not hidden from you.” Nathanael – who is named as an apostle only by John – hears Jesus’ call and delightedly accepts him as the Son of God and King of Israel.

Epiphany 1B/Baptism of Our Lord

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 10, 2021

First Reading: Genesis 1:1-5

We remember the Baptism of Jesus this Sunday, and all our readings speak of creation and new life through God in Word and Spirit.

The Baptism of Christ

The Baptism of Christ )c.1510-20), oil painting on oak wood by Joachim Patinir (c.1480-1524). Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. (Click image to enlarge.)

Our first reading presents the familiar opening verses of the ancient creation story in Genesis. Glimpsed through its firm monotheism, we can see an emerging idea of God in three persons: God the Creator presides. The Word that God speaks makes the light shine in the darkness. God’s spirit wind breathes over the face of the water. In the beginning God created heaven and earth, and it was good. In the beginning was the Word.

Psalm: Psalm 29

This striking, poetic psalm portrays God’s spirit wind as a majestic and powerful storm. Such a storm, breaking mighty cedars, shooting flames, and shaking the wilderness, might send us running for shelter. But it is also the kind of memorable storm symphony that might lead us outside to feel the rain and the wind touch our faces as the towering clouds roll by. It is an apt image for the God who reigns over all creation, giving us strength and peace.

Second Reading: Acts 19:1-7

In last week’s second reading we heard Paul pray that God would give God’s Spirit of wisdom and revelation to the Ephesians, enlightening their hearts. Now we turn to the Acts of the Apostles, written a generation or two later, and find Luke’s account of Paul in Ephesus, introducing a dozen Ephesians to the Holy Spirit. They had received John the Baptist’s baptism of repentance previously, but had not heard of the Holy Spirit. Now, as Paul baptizes them in the Spirit in Jesus’ name, they joyfully speak in tongues and prophesy as the Holy Spirit comes to them.

Gospel: Mark 1:4-11

Now God’s Spirit moves over the waters again, this time embodied as a dove coming down while Jesus emerges, dripping, from Jordan’s water, baptized by the prophet John. Jesus looks up, sees the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove, and he hears God’s voice from above, telling him that he is God’s Son, God’s Beloved, in whom God is pleased. Before all this, John defers to Jesus’ greater power to baptize with the Holy Spirit. He proclaims that Jesus is the more powerful one who is coming after him and whose sandals he is not worthy to untie.

Last Epiphany A/Transfiguration

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Feb. 23, 2020

First Reading: Exodus 24:12-18

Significant things happen on mountain tops, where earth and heaven come close together.

The Transfiguration of Christ

The Transfiguration of Christ (c.1480), oil painting on panel by Giovanni Bellini (d.1516), Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy. (Click image to enlarge.)

On Transfiguration Sunday, roughly midway between Christmas and Easter, we come to the mountain top. As we turn from the incarnate light of Epiphany toward the penitential pathway of Lent, our readings show us the awe and fear of humans encountering the divine. In the first reading we see Moses going up Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments from a mighty God cloaked in clouds and fire. In the verses that came just before this reading, though, Aaron and the other leaders dined and drank with a much more accessible divine being. Humanity continues to wrestle with the contrasting ideas of an intimate God who knows our deepest thoughts, and a transcendent God who surpasses human understanding.

Psalm: Psalm 2

This Messianic hymn of praise envisions God as a mighty king, and more: King of Kings, to whom earthly kings must submit with fear and trembling. Those who seek to break away from God’s power and that of God’s anointed, the Messiah, will earn only divine derision and terrifying rage, the Psalmist sings. Such actions have consequences. But when God’s anointed is set on the holy hill of Zion, the temple, the psalm concludes, happy are all who take refuge in God.

Alternative Psalm: Psalm 99

This hymn of praise offered as an alternate reading to Psalm 2 also envisions God as a mighty king, at whose appearance the people tremble and the earth shakes. Yet, recalling that Moses and Aaron received God’s law and teaching, it also shows us a forgiving and kind God, a doer of justice, equity and righteousness. It mirrors the Exodus reading in showing a God of both distant might and present love.

Second Reading: 2 Peter 1:16-21

Modern bible scholars generally accept that this letter, perhaps the last written in the New Testament, is not the work of Simon Peter, the apostle. It was almost certainly written in Peter’s name by a leader in the early church a century or more after the Crucifixion. Still, it opens a window into the thinking of the second-century church, when believers were trying to understand why Jesus had not returned as soon as had been expected. Everything they have heard about Jesus is true, the letter reassures them, speaking as if in Peter’s own voice: Peter himself was present at the Transfiguration. Trust in God and wait for the dawn and the morning star.

Gospel: Matthew 17:1-9

Using images that recall Moses on the mountain, in words that echo God’s approving words at Jesus’s baptism in the Jordan, Matthew’s account shows us Jesus with the ancient prophets Moses and Elijah. Jesus is transfigured, glowing in dazzling light, revealed as both human and divine. It’s no wonder that Peter, James and John were terrified to hear the voice of God, but Jesus reassures them with a loving touch. Then, for the first time in this Gospel, Jesus speaks of his coming resurrection.

Epiphany 6A

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Feb. 16, 2020

First Reading: Deuteronomy 30:15-20

As we live through the Epiphany season, waning winter’s days are growing longer and the slant of noonday light perceptibly rises. Lent may lie just ahead, but Spring is drawing near.

Moses's Testament and Death

Moses’s Testament and Death (1481-1482), oil painting on fresco by Luca Signorelli (1450-1523). The Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. (Click image to enlarge.)

In Sunday’s first reading the people have reached the banks of the Jordan after 40 years wandering in the desert. As they prepare to cross into the promised land, Moses preaches the core of Old Testament teaching: Follow God’s commandments, and you will inherit the land. Defy God’s wishes, and you will lose the land and die. From Sinai to the Jordan, he people have repeatedly heard this covenant: Be righteous, be just. Care for the poor and the weak; the widow, the orphan and the stranger. And when the people fail, the prophets will rise up to remind them of God’s promise, which will play out in the loss of the land, the destruction of the Temple, and exile.

Alternate First Reading: Sirach 15:15-20

We rarely hear readings from Sirach, one of the books known as Apocrypha that come at the end of the Old Testament. Called “The Wisdom of Jesus, ben Sirach” in the original Greek, Sirach was renamed Ecclesiasticus in Latin after the Emperor Constantine accepted Christianity as the state religion. Sirach is in the genre of wisdom literature: brisk, memorable advice akin to the Book of Proverbs. Sunday’s alternate first reading reminds us that we are given free will. God does not force us to keep God’s commandments – we may choose either fire or water – but God is all-knowing and wise and does not wish us to sin.

Psalm: Psalm 119:1-8

Today we hear only the first eight of the 176 verses that make up this, the longest of the Psalms. This introductory passage introduces us to the long psalm’s message: Torah, God’s teaching, is so wonderful that it inspires us to love it and follow it as law. Those who follow that teaching and walk in God’s ways will be rewarded. In chanting this psalm we pray that God will keep us steadfast in following this teaching, these laws.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9

Paul continues making his case to the quarreling factions that have formed in his little church at Corinth. Last week’s passage might have given the impression that Paul was praising the Corinthians for a spiritual maturity that enabled them to understand the ways of God. But no! Paul makes it clear in the verses we read Sunday that the Christians of Corinth still have a long way to go. Their quarreling factions, he warns, show that they are like babies not yet weaned from milk, utterly unready for spiritual food. When we work together as God’s servants, he adds, God uses us to build and grow in common purpose.

Gospel: Matthew 5:21-37

The Sermon on the Mount takes up three full chapters in Matthew’s Gospel, and in this, our third Gospel drawn from it, we are still in the first of the three! In last Sunday’s portion we heard Jesus say that he did not come to change the Law and the Prophets (the literal translation for the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible). Now, however, he begins interpreting the law as the Talmudic scholars did, reading it in new, radical, and challenging ways. It’s not just “Do not kill” but do no harm of any kind; we must even respond to our enemies in peace! Do not commit adultery? Not just that, but treat women with respect! Do not bear false witness? No, do more: Be honest, be true, say exactly what you mean!

Epiphany 5A

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Feb. 9, 2020

First Reading: Isaiah 58:1-12

To follow in God’s way, we are called to be righteous, to practice justice; to be light to the world and the salt that flavors and preserves our lives. These themes resonate through Sunday’s readings.

Sermone della Montagna (Sermon on the Mount

Sermone della Montagna (Sermon on the Mount, 1481-1482), fresco by Cosimo Rosselli (1439-1507). Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. (Click image to enlarge.)

Righteousness and justice are the essence of God’s call, Isaiah insists to the people returning from exile in the first reading and Jesus, too, will ask in his Sermon on the Mount. Being righteous and just requires us to go beyond mere fasting and ritual practice to stand against oppression, feed the hungry, house the homeless, and clothe the naked. Righteousness heals our souls and lights up our lives, as the light of Epiphany that shines in winter’s darkness will illuminate the way of our God.

Psalm: Psalm 112:1-9, [10]

Take care not to hear the “Prosperity Gospel” in today’s Psalm. Yes this ancient worship hymn imagines God rewarding the righteous with earthly power and riches in exchange for their good acts. But look deeper and it echoes Isaiah’s call in the first reading: The righteousness of those who follow God and delight in God’s commandments will endure forever. Those who are gracious and merciful, who deal with others generously and act with justice, will “rise in the darkness as a light for the upright.” The wealth we gain by living justly is not measured in gold and silver but by the example we set for others, showing the way to God.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:1-16

We continue in the opening chapters of 1 Corinthians as Paul makes his pastoral case to the bickering, divided church community at Corinth. We missed the opening of this argument as we marked the Presentation of Our Lord in last Sunday’s readings; it’s worth looking back to 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 to read it in full. But we get the gist of it this week as Paul invites the people to be humble. He reminds them that Christians appear foolish in the eyes of the world because they follow a Messiah who suffered the shame of crucifixion. In reality, though, he declares, we actually share God’s hidden and secret wisdom: The Holy Spirit provides new life through the mind of Christ.

Gospel: Matthew 5:13-20

We come in to the middle of the Sermon on the Mount this week, just after Jesus has taught the crowd the Beatitudes, promising God’s kingdom to the poor, the hungry, the thirsty; those who mourn, the meek; the humble, and all who are persecuted and oppressed. You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, Jesus tells the people. With those gifts comes responsibility, too: We are called to show God to the world through our good works. Jesus says he has not come to change the Torah – “the Law and the Prophets” – which calls us to be just and righteous: We are to love God, and love our neighbors as ourselves.