Advent 2C

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Dec. 9, 2018

Saint John the Baptist Preaching to the Masses in the Wilderness.

Saint John the Baptist Preaching to the Masses in the Wilderness. Oil painting on oak by Pieter Brueghel the Younger (1564-1638). Galerie de Jonckheere, Paris. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Baruch 5:1-9

In our first reading, the minor prophet Baruch reflects a more familiar Isaiah passage: He tells Israel in exile to stop mourning, for God will lower the mountains and fill up the valleys to make level ground upon which Israel may walk safely home. In Sunday’s Gospel, we will hear Luke quote the Isaiah passage as a prophecy of John the Baptist. (This, by the way, is one of only two times in the three-year lectionary cycle that we’ll hear a reading from Baruch, one of the apocryphal books after the end of the Old Testament. Baruch, whose name is mentioned briefly in Jeremiah, was said to be a friend and scribe of that more famous prophet.)

Alternate First Reading: Malachi 3:1-4

In the second week of Advent, we turn from apocalyptic expectations of fear and foreboding to a more hopeful theme: A Messenger is coming to make the way ready for the Messiah. The minor prophet Malachi, whose name actually means “my messenger” in Hebrew, warns that God’s Messenger must cleanse the people with fire, making them pure and pleasing to God. “Who can endure the day of his coming?” the prophet sings (in words that Handel would make unforgettable 2,000 years later in The Messiah). “He is like a refiner’s fire!”

Alternate to the Psalm: Canticle 16 (Luke 1: 68-79)

In place of a Psalm today we sing a Canticle taken from Luke’s Gospel. These verses tell the story of John the Baptist’s father, Zechariah, a priest of the Temple. When Zechariah had refused to believe that his elderly wife, Elizabeth, had really become pregnant after an angelic visitation, God struck him mute. But his voice returned when he held the infant and named him John. This child, Zechariah declares, is to be a prophet like Abraham, the Messenger who will “go before the Lord to prepare his way.”

Second Reading: Philippians 1:3-11

The Christian community at Philippi in Greece, according to Luke’s account in Acts, was the first church formed by Paul in Europe as he traveled west from Asia Minor. This letter, written from a Roman prison several years later, is full of love and gratitude. In these verses near the beginning of the short letter, he offers greetings, love, thanks for their friendship and prayers for their well-being. Recalling how eagerly they had accepted the Gospel, Paul prays for this congregation’s continued spiritual growth and insight, which he hopes will lead them to a harvest of righteousness and justice in God’s love through Christ.

Gospel: Luke 3:1-6

Zechariah’s son John is a grown man now, and he has begun his public life as John the Baptist, a prophet crying in the wilderness along the Jordan river. Luke begins his account of John (which we’ll continue next week) with a detailed roster of Roman and Jewish leaders of the time, perhaps as a way to place the prophet in this historical setting for his readers decades later, after the death and resurrection of Jesus and the fall of the Temple. John the Baptist proclaimed a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, Luke tells us, quoting a prophecy of Isaiah as John’s call to “Prepare the way of the Lord … make his paths straight,” filling every valley and making every mountain and hill low so that all humanity may see God’s salvation.

Advent 1C

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Dec. 2, 2018

The Great Last Judgement

The Great Last Judgement (1617), oil painting, altarpiece, by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640). Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Jeremiah 33:14-16

Advent has come! The commercial celebration of Christmas may already be in full swing, but the quieter, gentler celebration of Advent comes to us as a blessing. Advent is a time to prepare, to wait for the celebration of Jesus’ birth – the Incarnation – and for the final coming of Christ’s kingdom in power and glory. Sunday’s readings begin with a prophecy from Jeremiah to Israel in exile. Jerusalem and the temple have been destroyed, and King David’s dynasty has ended after 400 years. But there is hope, Jeremiah foretells. A new branch – a messiah – will spring up and grow in David’s line, and will restore justice and righteousness in a new Israel.

Psalm: Psalm 25:1-9

Echoing the prophet’s promises to Israel, today’s Psalm, traditionally understood to represent the voice of King David, speaks of a people facing the threat of humiliation and defeat. Trusting fully in God for our salvation, relying on God’s everlasting compassion and love, we ask God to forgive our youthful errors and wrong turnings while showing us the right path. The Psalmist asks God to remember us not for our sins but with all God’s compassion and steadfast love, using the Hebrew “chesed,” an emotion-laden word that may also be translated “faithfulness,” “kindness,” “mercy” or “grace.”

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13

In this short passage from the earliest of Paul’s letters, he calls on the people of this beloved community to strengthen their hearts in holiness so as to remain blameless before God when Jesus and his saints return, an outcome that in those days was still expected to happen at any time. Writing from afar, Paul calls God’s blessings on their lives and hopes that they may soon be reunited. Meanwhile, he prays that the people will love one another and everyone, just as he loves them.

Gospel: Luke 21:25-36

Advent, the turn of the church year, brings us to a new lectionary year. Having spent the past year reading through the Gospel according to Mark, we now turn to Luke’s gospel for the next 12 months. Sunday’s Gospel passage from Luke shows us Jesus giving another apocalyptic warning of hard times to come, reflecting the Gospel from Mark that we heard the Sunday before last. There will be frightening signs in the earth and heavens and the seas. But these signs will tell us that Jesus is returning and the world’s redemption is drawing near. Live good lives and be ready, so Jesus’ coming won’t take us by surprise.

Lessons and Carols

Lessons and Carols at the National Cathedral.

The traditional service of Lessons and Carols was sung on December 10, 2017, by the National Cathedral’s Cathedral Choirs. Readings from scripture, seasonal hymns, and choral anthems proclaim God’s love, continued presence, and the promised coming of the Messiah. To watch the service online, click the image or this link.

The service of Lessons and Carols is a service of worship traditionally held during Advent, celebrating the birth of Jesus with readings from Scripture, carols, and hymns.

Lessons and Carols originated at the Church of England’s Truro Cathedral in Cornwall in 1878, and since World War I has been famously presented (and broadcast) every December for the past century by King’s College, Cambridge, England, and Brown University in Province, Rhode Island. The original service has since been adapted and used by other churches all over the world, not only in the Anglican and Episcopal traditions but in many other denominations as well.

The original liturgy consisted of nine scripture readings from Genesis and the Prophets. The current Episcopal liturgy in our Book of Occasional Services permits as many as nine readings, plus a Gospel, from a choice of 13 Hebrew Bible readings and two Gospel passages.

Here’s a quick look at the readings that St. Matthew’s Episcopal Louisville will use in Lessons and Carols at our 10 a.m. service on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 2017, at 10 a.m.

Jeremiah 31: 31-34
The Prophet Jeremiah, speaking when the people are in exile and Jerusalem and the Temple destroyed, imagines God, planning to make a new covenant with the people, forgiving the iniquity that earned their exile when they broke the old covenant by failing to be righteous. The new covenant, written in our hearts, establishes that God is our God and we are God’s people.

Isaiah 64: 1-9a
The people have returned from exile to the wreckage of their city and temple. The Prophet Isaiah calls out a ringing cry to our God of power and might to tear open the heavens and come down among us. God was angry and turned away when the people sinned; but we, like potter’s clay, are the work of God’s hands. We beg God not to remain angry, nor to remember our iniquity forever.

Baruch 4: 36–5: 9
Tradition declares that Baruch was Jeremiah’s scribe, charged with writing down the prophet’s oracles and declarations. This short book of just five chapters, one of the “Apocrypha” at the end of the Old Testament, encourages the people as they return from exile. “Look East,” this passage urges, and see Israel’s children returning in glory, walking on level ground that God has prepared for them to walk safely home.

Isaiah 7: 10-15
We page backward toward the beginning of Isaiah to hear God warning David’s descendant, King Ahaz, that his land will soon be conquered, but that God will give the people a sign: A young woman will bear a child called Immanuel – “God With Us” – a child who will eventually show the world how to refuse evil and choose the good.

Zephaniah 3: 14-18
Much of the short book of the minor prophet Zephaniah prophesies Israel’s violent destruction, amid scornful threats of Israel’s enemies’ destruction. Its closing verses that we hear in Lessons and Carols, though, spare us that, instead looking toward the joyous time when Israel shouts in joy and exultation, its people restored by God in gladness and love.

Isaiah 65: 17-25
The people, home from exile, face a daunting chore in rebuilding the city and its temple, but the prophet assures them that God will create a new heaven and a new earth. There will be no weeping and no distress in the new Jerusalem. There will be no death in childbirth, no pain; all may expect joyous lives of 100 years of youthful strength! The city will be a holy place of peace, where people will enjoy the fruits of their own labor; the wolf, the lion and the lamb will live peacefully together, and none shall hurt or destroy.

Luke 1: 26-38
This Gospel, which is also assigned to the Fourth Sunday of Advent, tells the familiar story of the Angel Gabriel’s visit to a young Palestinian woman named Mary. Through God’s Holy Spirit this young woman will give birth to a son named Jesus, who will inherit King David’s throne and rule over an eternal kingdom. She responds to this amazing news with simple, trusting acceptance: “Let it be with me according to your word.” Just a few verses later in Luke’s Gospel, she will go on to utter the liberating poetry of the Magnificat, the Song of Mary, celebrating the God who casts down the mighty, lifts up the lowly, feeds the hungry and sends the rich away empty.

Additional readings available for use in Lessons and Carols but not chosen for the St. Matthew’s 2017 liturge follow, with brief summaries from the Book of Occasional Services:

Genesis 2: 4b-9, 15-25
God creates man and woman to live in obedience to him in the Garden of Eden.

Genesis 3: 1-22 or 3: 1-15
Adam and Eve rebel against God and are cast out of the Garden of Eden.

Isaiah 40: 1-11
God comforts his people and calls on them to prepare for redemption.

Isaiah 6: 1-11
God reveals his glory to the prophet and calls him to be his messenger.

Isaiah 35: 1-10
The prophet proclaims that God will come and save us.

Micah 5: 2-4
The one who is to rule Israel will be born in the village of Bethlehem.

Isaiah 11: 1-9
The Spirit of the Lord will rest upon the Holy One.

Luke 1: 5-25
An angel announces to Zechariah that his wife Elizabeth will bear a son.

Advent 4B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Dec. 24, 2017

The Madonna of the Magnificat

The Madonna of the Magnificat (1481), tempera painting by Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510), in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16

“Once in Royal David’s City.” As we turn from Advent to Christmas overnight this year, our readings for the fourth and last Sunday of Advent trace the Messianic line of King David that Christians follow down the ages to Jesus. In the first reading, David muses that it seems wrong for him to rest comfortably in a palatial house of cedar while God’s house, the Ark of the Covenant, rests in a mere tent. The prophet Nathan agrees that God should have a fine house, a temple, but God has a different plan. God lives and moves with the people, and needs no house! God, rather, will establish the house of David, the dynasty of God’s people. We hear this echoed in Luke’s Gospel today, as the angel tells Mary that Jesus will inherit the throne of his ancestor David.”

Alternative to the Psalm: Luke 1:46-55 (Canticle 15)

For the second Sunday in a row, the Magnificat, the surprisingly radical Song of Mary, is available as an alternative to the usual Psalm. As we hear in today’s Gospel, the Angel Gabriel has told Mary that she will give birth to King David’s heir, the Messiah. When she feels the infant move in her womb during a visit to her relative, Elizabeth, who will soon give birth to John the Baptist, Mary rejoices in a poetic celebration that echoes the words of the prophets; thoughts that, perhaps, her son Jesus would hear from his mother: “He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly.”

Psalm: Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26

In harmony with our first reading, this Psalm portion celebrates God’s covenant with David and his descendants, a royal family that God established to last forever. Even through the devastation of war and the pain of exile, when Israel and Judah feared that God’s promise might have been revoked because the nation had broken its covenant by failing to be just and righteous, the Psalms sing of a new King David, a Messiah and King who would rule the land forever, “from the great sea to the river,” from the shores of the Mediterranean to the Jordan, the Galilee, and the Dead Sea..

Second Reading: Romans 16: 25-27

“Can’t we all just get along?” Throughout Paul’s powerful letter to the Romans, he gently encouraged Rome’s Gentile and Jewish Christian communities, who had been separated during the exile of Rome’s Jews, to come back together in Christian love and unify as one. Here, in ringing verses that conclude the letter, he reminds them that God’s covenant with the people in the First Testament, as expressed by the ancient prophets, now extends to all humanity, all living forever in glory through Jesus Christ.

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38

As Advent ends on Christmas Eve this year, we hear Luke tell the familiar story of the Angel Gabriel’s visit to a young Palestinian woman named Mary. Through God’s Holy Spirit this young woman will give birth to a son named Jesus, who will inherit King David’s throne and rule over an eternal kingdom. She responds to this amazing news with simple, trusting acceptance: “Let it be with me according to your word.” Just a few verses later in Luke’s Gospel, she will go on to utter the liberating poetry of the Magnificat, the Song of Mary, celebrating the God who casts down the mighty, lifts up the lowly, feeds the hungry and sends the rich away empty.

Advent 3B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Dec. 17, 2017

John the Baptist pointing toward the crucified Jesus

John the Baptist pointing toward the crucified Jesus. Detail from the Isenheim Altarpiece (1512-16), oil on wood panel by Matthias Grünewald (1480-1528). (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11

Watch as the Advent candle is lighted on Sunday: The one pink candle, a symbol of rejoicing, marks this day. Midway through Advent, our readings shift from a focus on the fire and upheaval of an apocalyptic Judgement Day toward a different kind of hope, a joyful hope that looks forward to God’s restorative justice that will come with the Messiah. The Prophet Isaiah – writing prophecy that Jesus will later declare fulfilled in his presence when he speaks in the synagogue at Nazareth – tells the people that God will comfort all who mourn. God’s good news will come to the poor, the oppressed, captives and prisoners, turning their state to gladness instead of mourning.

Psalm: Psalm 126

As Isaiah told the people in exile of God’s promise that justice and righteousness would be restored, the Psalmist sings that God’s promise was in fact fulfilled, that God has indeed done great things for Zion, the mountain in Jerusalem where the Temple stood, and thus, if frequent biblical metaphor, the Temple itself. Every verse of this short Psalm contains a shout of laughter, joy, gladness, and praise. God has been good. God has turned the people’s tears into songs of joy; their weeping into a bountiful harvest.

Alternative to the Psalm: Luke 1:46-55 (Canticle 15)

As an optional alternative to the Psalm, we may sing the Magnificat, the beautiful Song of Mary. In Luke’s Gospel Mary bursts into this powerful song when she greets her relative, Elizabeth. Elizabeth with John the Baptist, feels the infant move with joy inside her when the pregnant Mary comes in. Elizabeth declares Mary the blessed mother of God, full of grace. In response, Mary sings these startlingly radical verses that echo Isaiah and foreshadow Jesus’ own teaching; liberating verses that praise a God who scatters the proud, casts down the mighty, and sends the rich away hungry, while filling the hungry with good things.

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24

Paul concludes his short first letter to the Thessalonians with themes consistent with those that we heard in the first readings from 1 Corinthians and 2 Peter on the first two Sundays of Advent. He urges the people to rejoice always, pray unceasingly, and give thanks for all things, staying faithful and filled with the Spirit. Hold fast to the good and abstain from every kind of evil, he urges them, so they will be ready, “sound and blameless,” when Jesus Christ returns.

Gospel: John 1:6-8,19-28

Following the story of John the Baptist in Mark’s Gospel last Sunday, we now turn to the Gospel according to John. This version makes no mention of the Baptist’s attire or his dietary preferences, but opens into a tense scene in which the Temple authorities, worried about the noisy crowds surrounding John, want to know who he is. He is neither a new prophet nor Elijah, John says, but – quoting from the Isaiah verses that we heard last week – the voice crying out in the wilderness, calling on the people to make straight the way of the Lord. He baptizes with water, John says, to make way for the one who is coming after him, who is so much greater that John is unworthy to untie his sandals.

Advent 2B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Dec. 10, 2017

Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness

Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness (1604-05). Oil painting by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571–1610); Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Isaiah 40:1-11

The Messiah is coming! Get ready! The Messiah is coming! Make the way clear! Imagined in modern language, Sunday’s readings might be shouting “Roll out the red carpet!” as we move into the second week of Advent. Our Isaiah reading – which may sound familiar, as Handel drew from it freely in his beloved “Messiah” – sings out comfort and hope to the people in exile. Jerusalem has paid doubly for her sins. Life is short as grass and flowers, but God’s word stands forever. Prepare the way! Make a straight highway in the desert, the prophet calls. Then we see a poetic image of a gentle, maternal Messiah who holds the lambs closely and gently leads the mother sheep.

Psalm: Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13

Sunday’s Psalm, particularly as edited to skip over a few verses of wistful doubt, shares the joyful hope of the Isaiah reading. The Psalmist remembers the people’s time time in exile, and rejoices that God did, indeed, come to the people with comfort and peace. Even though the people had been sinful and broken their covenant with God, God forgave their iniquity and blotted out all their sins. The straight highway that was built at Isaiah’s command has become a path for God’s feet.

Second Reading: 2 Peter 3:8-15a

This letter written in Peter’s name is the latest document in the New Testament, written down 100 years or more after the crucifixion. After such a long time, people worried: Why hadn’t Christ come back yet? He had been expected to return in power and glory, but that didn’t happen. What did this mean? The author had an idea, one that we also hear in the Isaiah verses: God’s time is not like our time. “One day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.” Be patient and live godly lives, while God waits patiently for all to come to repentance before the day of the Lord comes.

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8

Mark’s Gospel, the first written in the New Testament, perhaps only 30 or 40 years after Jesus died on the cross, does not say a word about Jesus’ birth but begins with Jesus as an adult, coming to John at the Jordan river to be baptized for repentance and forgiveness of sins. Mark first shows us John the Baptist, a wild man eating locusts and honey and wearing camel’s hair, shouting Isaiah’s promise that God would send a messenger to prepare the Messiah’s way. Jesus is coming after him, John foretells: The one so powerful that John is not worthy to stoop down and untie his sandals is coming to baptize us with the Holy Spirit!

Advent 1B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Dec. 3, 2017

The Son of Man Coming in Clouds

Enjoy a close look at The Son of Man Coming in Clouds, a detail from The Last Judgement (1536-1541), by Michelangelo Buonarotti (1475-1564) fresco in the Sistine Chapel in Rome that we saw in full in last week’s Illuminations. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Isaiah 64:1-9

Advent has come, and with it we turn from Matthew to Mark in our Gospel readings; our Old Testament readings this year will offer an anthology of Israel’s ancestral legends and its earthly kings. Despite the changes, though, the content of this Sunday’s readings stays in harmony with last week’s: God is coming and God will judge. God’s advent may come as a surprise, with fire and upheaval. We must be ready. Here near the end of Isaiah’s great book, the people have returned from exile, but they face harsh reality: The city and the temple were destroyed. They are only a defeated remnant. Oh, God, the prophet cries, come down! Show your might, restore your people. Make us new and forgive our sins.

Psalm: Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18

Our Psalm echoes Isaiah’s call, sending up three times to God the anguished cry, “Restore us, O God of hosts; show the light of your countenance, and we shall be saved.” The people have suffered. God’s punishment has forced them to endure their enemies’ derision and laughter. They have eaten and drunk their tears like bread and water. Send us a messiah, the prophet pleads – the son of man at God’s right hand – and the people will never turn from God again.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9

Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians is a deeply pastoral epistle that will address serious fractures in a small, passionate Greek Christian community. Paul begins with no hint of conflict, though, using in the formal style of ancient Greek correspondence: He sets the scene by greeting the people with grace and peace, reminding them that grace has come to them through Jesus and enriched them, filling them with spiritual gifts. Because of this, Paul assures them, they will be ready, strong and blameless when Christ returns.

Gospel: Mark 13:24-37

In our first reading, Isaiah prayed for God to come with justice after the first destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. Now, just as the Romans are destroying the city and the temple for a second time, Mark’s Gospel foresees Jesus coming in clouds, in power and glory. In an apocalyptic passage that echoes the Prophet Joel, we hear that the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the skies. This will be a tumultuous time, Jesus warns his followers, so they must watch for signs of his return. Like the wise bridesmaids with their oil-filled lamps, they must stay awake, ready and alert.

Advent 4A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Dec. 18, 2016

The Nativity with the Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel

The Nativity with the Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel (1308-1311) tempera on single poplar panel by Duccio di Buoninsegna. Andrew W. Mellon Collection, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

First Reading: Isaiah 7:10-16

In living through the four weeks of Advent, we deepen our appreciation for the coming of the Messiah, the Incarnation of God becoming fully human and fully divine in Jesus. Today’s readings conclude Advent with eager anticipation for the coming of God’s kingdom through the line of King David. The Prophet Isaiah tells of God warning David’s descendant, King Ahaz, that his land will soon be conquered, but that a child named Immanuel – “God With Us” – will be born to a young woman and will eventually bring good in place of evil.

Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18

Today’s Psalm, too, remembers the shame and disappointment of being conquered. It calls on God in a voice of lament, asking to be spared the divine anger that has left the people with “bowls of tears to drink” as their enemies laugh them to scorn. Send a man of God’s right hand, the strong son of man, they beg, promising never again to turn from God’s way if only God will save them.

Second Reading: Romans 1:1-7

Paul gets directly to the point as he begins his letter to this congregation that he has not yet met: He is an apostle of Jesus, called to that ministry; Jesus is the son of God, the descendant of David whom the prophets had foretold; and through his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ is Lord, the Son of God. Then he assures his mostly Gentile audience that he comes to them in Jesus’ name. They, too, are God’s beloved. Then, only after these important assurances, does he come back to a proper formal greeting: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Gospel: Matthew 1:18-25

Christmas is drawing near! Today we hear Matthew’s version of the events leading up to Jesus’ birth. While Luke’s Nativity, the other familiar Christmas Gospel, tells the story from the viewpoint of Mary and her relatives, Matthew gives us Joseph’s point of view. How do you suppose a man of this patriarchal Near Eastern culture might react, learning that his young fiancee is pregnant but not with his child? Joseph prefers to end the engagement quietly, without scandal or gossip. But then an angel comes to assure Joseph that Mary is bearing God’s son, in words almost mirroring the Isaiah prophecy: “Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel.” (The Hebrew word translated as “young woman” in Isaiah now reappears in the New Testament as “virgin” in Greek.)

Advent 3A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Dec. 11, 2016

John the Baptist in Prison.

ca. 1850 — An illustration from a mid-19th century copy of Grand Catechisme des Familles (Christian Doctrine for Families). — Image by © Stefano Bianchetti/Corbis

First Reading: Isaiah 35:1-10

When the Messiah comes, when the Kingdom draws near, those days of glory will be filled with righteousness and justice, joy and abundance, and healing and good news for the poor. This is the message that we hear today, the third Sunday of Advent. This Sunday, historically called Gaudete (“Rejoice”) Sunday, shifts focus from quiet expectation toward anticipatory joy, a change in tone that many like to mark by wearing something pink to church on this day. Our first reading offers Isaiah’s vision of the return from exile, a homeward journey when the desert itself shall rejoice and blossom with joy and singing as the weak become strong.

Psalm 146:4-9

This is the third time this year that we hear part of Psalm 146, “Praise the Lord, O My Soul.” This resounding hymn of praise fits well on the Third Sunday of Advent with its beautiful poetry of praise for our Creator, the God eternal who made heaven, earth, the seas and all that is in them. Its words of promise seem to foreshadow the Song of Mary, the mother of Jesus, as well as Jesus’ own promise to feed the hungry, give sight to the blind, set prisoners free and bring good news to the poor.

Canticle 15 (Luke 1:46-55, The Song of Mary – Magnificat)

Tradition has come to show us Mary, the mother of Jesus, as a sweet, submissive figure. But this image is a far cry from the brave Palestinian teen-ager that we see in Luke’s Gospel when she first feels the baby Jesus moving within her. Thanking God for this gift, she shouts a song of God’s righteousness and justice, a theme that unites the message of Torah and the message of Jesus: God has “scattered the proud … brought down the powerful … lifted up the lowly … filled the hungry with good things … and sent the rich away empty.”

Second Reading: James 5:7-10

Doesn’t “Be patient, therefore,” seem a strange way to begin a reading? It almost compels us to page back and see what led up to it. Indeed, the preceding verses show us James (who traditionally is understood as the brother of Jesus) sounding very much like Jesus’ mother, Mary, and like Jesus himself. In those verses James, in words much like Mary’s Magnificat and Jesus’ first sermon, warns that the selfish rich will weep and wail in misery because they laid up treasure by defrauding the workers who tilled their fields. Then, in the short verses that we hear today, James urges a different way: Love and be generous with each other, while we wait for the Lord’s coming.

Gospel: Matthew 3:1-12

As we move through Matthew’s Gospel in this new Lectionary year, we will hear frequent reminders that Jesus is Messiah, the lord and savior that the prophets foretold. Today we hear a conversation between Jesus and messengers from John the Baptist in prison, asking outright whether Jesus is the Messiah or if they must wait for another. Then Jesus sets out his priorities, which echo Isaiah’s prophecies and his mother’s song: “… the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have good news brought to them.”

Advent 2A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Dec. 4, 2016

John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness

John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness, oil painting on canvas by Anton Raphael Mengs, 1760s. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

First Reading: Isaiah 11:1-10

Repent! We hear an Advent call to repent and await the Messiah in our readings this week. Don’t think of “repent” in its modern definition of deep regret and remorse, though. Hear it rather in its ancient sense as “change one’s mind” in New Testament Greek, or “turn back” in Old Testament Hebrew. If we are on the wrong path in our relationships with God and our neighbors, now is the time to turn back and watch for the light of God’s Kingdom. Isaiah envisions a time when the Messiah, the descendant of King David (whose father was named Jesse), will reign from Zion’s Holy Mountain, where justice will prevail for the poor and the meek.

Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19

The Psalmist seems to draw from the same wellsprings as Isaiah in this hymn that may have been composed in memory of the crowning of King Solomon. We call for a just and righteous king who will rule fairly. We call for a king who will bring prosperity to all the people; a king who will take special care to provide for the poor and the oppressed; a king who will reign as long as showers water the earth; a king who will bring peace on earth as long as the moon shines. This is a Messiah devoutly to be wished.

Second Reading: Romans 15:4-13

Paul wrote his letter at a time when all of Rome’s Jews, who had been banished to exile for a decade by the Emperor Claudius, were finally able to come back home after the emperor died. There was tension in the young church as returning Jewish Christians rejoined Christian communities that had become entirely Gentile. Paul devots much of the letter assuring both communities that they are all one in Christ. In today’s reading he cites the prophets, including Isaiah’s Root of Jesse, as foretelling Christ as the king of all humanity, the hope of Jew and Gentile alike.

Gospel: Matthew 3:1-12

Today we meet John, the cousin of Jesus, now an adult and – as his father, the temple priest Zechariah, had foreseen – a great prophet in the spirit of Isaiah and Jeremiah. John is a loud, angry prophet indeed, dressed in camel’s hair and eating locusts and honey, calling on the people to be baptized in the Jordan river as a sign of their repentance from sin. In these verses, indeed, John invokes Isaiah to declare himself the prophet who would cry out in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord, a Messiah who will throw away the old traditions, baptizing not with mere water but the fire of the Holy Spirit.