Advent 3C

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Dec. 16, 2018

San Giovanni Battista (Saint John the Baptist)

San Giovanni Battista (Saint John the Baptist), oil painting on walnut wood (c.1513-c.1516) by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). The Louvre, Paris. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Zephaniah 3:14-20

This week we light the pink candle on the Advent wreath to mark the third Sunday of Advent, called Gaudete (“Rejoice”) Sunday or Rose Sunday. A common thread in the day’s readings calls us to be joyful. Zephanaiah, a minor prophet who came before Isaiah and Jeremiah, prophesied of Jerusalem’s coming destruction. But then, here in the third and final chapter of the short book, Zephaniah promises that after the exile a joyous time will follow, when God will gather Israel’s righteous people, restore their fortunes and bring them home.

Alternate to the Psalm: Canticle 9 (Isaiah 12:2-6)

“Surely it is God who saves us. We will trust in God and not be afraid.” These familiar verses that we often read in Morning Prayer offer joy and comfort in knowing that we are safe under God’s protection. In these psalm-like verses, Isaiah connects salvation with drawing water, a meaningful metaphor for people in arid lands, for in biblical times, drought meant death. Thank God with joy when we draw precious, life-giving water from the springs of salvation, Isaiah tells us. Sing out our joy and sing praises to God.

Second Reading: Philippians 4:4-7

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” Beginning with this familiar admonition, Paul calls the people of Philippi to respond with joy, for the Lord is near. Even though it is a difficult time, he advises, pray and give thanks, let our gentleness be known to all, and the peace of God, which passes all understanding will fill our hearts and minds. In our world of stress and tension, can we imagine God’s peace, something so wonderful that we can’t even comprehend it?

Gospel: Luke 3:7-18

At first glance, it’s not easy to find the joy in this Gospel passage, concluding Luke’s account of John the Baptist in the desert that started last week. Luke shows us the long-haired, ranting prophet, preaching and baptizing, yelling at the crowds and calling them “a brood of vipers.” John declares that he is not the Messiah but prophesies that one more powerful is coming to baptize with the Holy Spirit, separating the good wheat from the unworthy chaff. The people ask what they should do to be ready, and John tells them to share their clothing and their food with those who have none. Don’t cheat. Don’t be selfish! This is a theme that will carry through Luke’s Gospel. We will hear it again and again from Jesus as he proclaims the Good News, the joy.

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