Pentecost 17B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Sept. 19, 2021

First Reading (Track One): Proverbs 31:10-31

This reading, our third and last in a brief series from the Book of Proverbs, seems to express an ancient, patriarchal view of woman’s subsidiary role in the household.

Christ Blessing the Little Children

Christ Blessing the Little Children (1839), oil painting on canvas by Charles Lock Eastlake (1793-1865). Manchester Art Gallery, England. (Click image to enlarge.)

Needless to say, we should understand the patriarchal language in both testaments as a signal of ancient time and culture, not as guidance for the modern world. Pay attention to these verses, though, and you’ll discover that this capable wife is no shrinking, helpless figure. She has her husband’s trust; she supervises the household servants as she buys goods and food for the family and even purchases farm and vineyard fields. She is strong, brave, wise and kind. Her husband and her children praise her. “Let her works praise her in the city gates,” indeed!

First Reading (Track Two): Wisdom of Solomon 1:16-2:1, 12-22

Both good behavior and bad behavior have consequences. Righteousness is pleasing to God; evil deeds lead to death. We hear this theme in Sunday’s readings. First up is this passage from the book of Wisdom, which is traditionally attributed to King Solomon but was actually written in Greek in the last centuries before Christ. These verses present the ungodly, arguing why they choose to persecute the righteous people who look down on them. They are wrong, of course, as the verses at the beginning and end of the passage make clear: They don’t understand God’s purpose, nor do they recognize the rewards of a blameless life.

Alternate First Reading (Track Two): Jeremiah 11:18-20

Jeremiah is often called “the Weeping Prophet” for his loud lamentations. He shouts out to warn the leaders of Jerusalem and Judah that their failure of righteousness and justice is going to bring down God’s wrath in the form of defeat, destruction and exile. In this brief passage, though, his weeping becomes more personal: He has learned that those leaders, angered by his prophecies, are scheming to kill him. He feels like a gentle lamb led to slaughter, he laments; but even in the face of enemies he remains committed to God.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 1

We sang Psalm 1, the first of the 150 Psalms, not long after Easter. Now we return to it again as summer turns to autumn. In its verses we celebrate those who follow in the way of God, who delight in God’s teaching and meditate on it. These faithful souls will be happy, the Psalmist tells us. They will become as firmly rooted in faith as are trees deeply rooted by running water, gaining strength and bearing fruit. The wicked, in contrast, can count on no such happy end. Those who do not follow in God’s way will be blown away like chaff in the wind.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 54

This Psalm, attributed by tradition to King David, recalls a time when the young David had to flee in terror from an angry Saul who sought to kill him. This narrative resonates with the reading from Wisdom: When insolent and ruthless enemies seek our lives, God’s laws will not hold them back. This is a time to pray, the Psalmist says. Now is the time to call on God, who delivers us from trouble and upholds our lives.

Second Reading: James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a

Picking up where last week’s reading from James left off, the author expands on the theme of using our tongues – tiny yet powerful instruments that they are – to praise and bless, not to poison. These verses contrast the wisdom that comes from above against the envy and ambition in our hearts. The writer calls us to show our gentle, wise works in the form of good lives, rather than engaging in earthly, unspiritual ambition and boasting. Resist evil, we are told. Draw near to God, and God will draw near to us.

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37

Sometimes the Apostles seem almost ridiculous in their cluelessness. Today Jesus tells them for a second time that he must suffer, be rejected, killed and then rise again. Not only do they still not get it, but they are afraid to ask. Did they think long and hard about this? Apparently not. Rather, they got off to themselves and argued about which of them was the greatest. Jesus, who must have been thoroughly exasperated, showed them a small child. Following Jesus is not about greatness and power, he said. It is about welcoming the smallest and weakest among us.

Pentecost 17B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Sept. 16, 2018

 Confession of Peter

Detail of a stained glass window of the Confession of Peter: “But who do you say that I am?” Church of St Mary and St Lambert in Stonham Aspal in Suffolk, England. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading (Track One): Proverbs 1:20-33

Have you ever noticed that ancient Hebrew poetry, like the Old Testament’s wisdom writings and the Psalms, does not rhyme words or sounds? Instead, it rhymes ideas. Look at each verse: Wisdom, as a powerful woman, is shouting out to the city and all its inhabitants: Be wise! Embrace knowledge!” Now note how every verse is divided into two lines. The idea expressed in each first line is reflected, explained, or expanded upon by the second. Ideas rhyme. Watch for this poetic technique in the Psalms, too, and see how meaning grows when lines build on lines to strengthen ideas.

First Reading (Track Two): Isaiah 50:4-9a

What is it like when great suffering lies in the road that leads to our most desired goals? We hear this challenging question in various forms in Sunday’s readings. Isaiah raises this question in his powerful metaphor of the “Suffering Servant.” What could be more important to a community than its teachers, whose words shape our growth and understanding? Isaiah portrays this teacher as a servant who suffers the humiliation of exile and turns away from those who strike him. To Israel he represented the nation awaiting vindication in its own exile. Christians would later see the image of Christ in this servant.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 19

The heavens declare the glory of God! This psalm of praise sings out the beauty of creation, God at work in the universe. Mirroring the first reading’s exhortation to hear God’s word, its verses urge us to rejoice in our hearts about God’s perfect law, a word that, in the original Hebrew, is synonymous with “teaching.” The psalm concludes with a familiar phrase that preachers often speak at the beginning of a sermon: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 116:1-8

In the spirit of the Suffering Servant, the poet recalls a time of sorrow when he was sick and close to death. Filled with grief, entangled in the cords of death, the Psalmist called out, and God responded. Now, rescued from death’s grip, his tears are wiped dry and his feet no longer stumble. Walking again in the land of the living, his heart fills with love for God, who has heard his voice in supplication.

Second Reading: James 3:1-12

The tongue of a teacher may reveal the way of God, but tongues can be tricky, the letter of James tells us in delightful wordplay. He likens this small but powerful organ to other little yet strong things that can control forces beyond their size: A small bridle holds back a powerful horse. A very small rudder moves a massive ship. A mere spark can flare into a forest fire. Yes, tongues may bless, but tongues can curse, too. James warns us to guard out tongues: Use them wisely, to praise and bless our brothers and sisters; don’t use them to stain the body with hurtful poison.

Gospel: Mark 8:27-38

The season after Pentecost lasts almost exactly six months this year, from June through November. We have passed the mid-point of Mark’s Gospel, and the narrative is taking a sharp turn. First, Jesus confirms Peter’s bold announcement that he is the Messiah, the apostles’ first hint of this startling revelation. Then, to Peter’s horror, Jesus tells them that he must endure great suffering, rejection and death. If they want to follow him, Jesus warns, they must deny themselves and take up the cross: You’ll have to lose your life in order to save it. What will it profit anyone to gain the whole world and forfeit their life? Soon now they will move on toward Jerusalem and the cross.

What are “Track 1” and “Track 2”?
During the long green season after Pentecost, there are two tracks (or strands) each week for Old Testament readings. Within each track, there is a Psalm chosen to accompany the particular lesson.
The Revised Common Lectionary allows us to make use of either of these tracks, but once a track has been selected, it should be followed through to the end of the Pentecost season, rather than jumping back and forth between the two strands.
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Pentecost 17B

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Sept. 20, 2015

Christ With the Children, Carl Heinrich Bloch, 19th century Danish painter.

Christ With the Children, Carl Heinrich Bloch, 19th century Danish painter.

First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-9a

Doing the right thing doesn’t always make people happy. Sometimes our best efforts to be good can get us in trouble. Look for this theme today and think about how our spiritual ancestors in Scripture dealt with this tough reality. The Wisdom of Solomon from the Apocrypha, written in King Solomon’s name not long before the time of Jesus and the evangelists, poses a stark choice: If you’re wise, if you follow God’s ways, the unwise may call you a trouble-maker and try to get revenge. But they, blinded by wickedness, will ultimately pay a higher price.

Psalm: Psalm 54

This Psalm, attributed by tradition to King David, is noted with the curiously specific advice that it be accompanied by stringed instruments! It recalls a time when the young David had to flee in terror from an angry Saul who sought to kill him. This narrative resonates with the reading from Wisdom: When insolent and ruthless enemies seek our lives, God’s laws will not hold them back. This is a time to pray, to call on God who delivers us from trouble and upholds our lives.

Second Reading: James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a

If we have wisdom and understanding, our lives will reflect that in our good and gentle works. Bitter envy and selfish ambition do not come from God. Greed and craving get us in trouble; coveting what others have leads us into conflicts, disputes, even murder. Rather, sow peace in order to grow peace. Draw near to God, and God will grow closer to us.

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37

Sometimes the Apostles seem almost ridiculous in their cluelessness. Today Jesus tells them for a second time that he must suffer, be rejected, killed and then rise again. Not only do they still not get it, but they are afraid to ask. Did they think long and hard about this? Apparently not. Rather, they got off to themselves and argued about which of them was the greatest. Jesus, who must have been thoroughly exasperated, showed them a small child. Following Jesus is not about greatness and power, he said. It is about welcoming the smallest and weakest among us.