Easter Sunday C

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for April 21, 2019

First Reading: Acts 10:34-43

Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia! On Easter Sunday, we remember and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. All of the readings for the principal Easter service remind us of resurrection and life.

The Risen Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalene

The Risen Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalene (1638). Oil painting on panel by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669). Buckingham Palace collection. (Click image to enlarge.)

These verses from the Acts of the Apostles, the evangelist Luke’s account of the life of the early church, may be used as either the first or second reading. In this passage we see Peter teaching in the household of the centurion Cornelius, a Roman army officer. Peter tells this gentile family about the Christian way: Jesus was crucified, but then raised from the dead, and now God’s saving grace is given through Jesus to all the nations, Jew and Gentile alike. Jesus is Lord of all!

Alternate First Reading: Isaiah 65:17-25

In the closing pages of Isaiah’s great book of prophecy, the people have returned home to Jerusalem from their long exile in Babylon. Much work remains to be done to restore the demolished city and its temple, but this is a time for celebration. God promises through the prophet to make Jerusalem a virtual heaven on earth, where everyone will enjoy abundance and happiness, peace and joy; even the wolf and the lamb shall feed peacefully together! As Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday, we too imagine a new kingdom where all will be physically and spiritually fed.

Psalm: Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24

Christians have long imagined the “stone the builders rejected” in this Psalm as an image of Jesus, but this song of victory goes deeper still: It exults in God’s never-ending love that saves us and promises everlasting life. Note well, however, that to enter the kingdom of heaven, we are expected to be righteous, and that means practicing justice in our lives, not only for our neighbor but the poor and the stranger, too. Having done this, then we may rejoice, singing, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Second Reading: I Corinthians 15:19-26

In his pastoral words to the early Christians of Corinth, Paul tried to explain what Christ’s resurrection means to us, the people of the church. Recalling Adam’s fall and the ancient covenantal commandment to offer the first fruits of the harvest to God, Paul declares that as all died with Adam, all are made alive again in Christ, the first fruits of our salvation. Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection changes everything for all, as the resurrection promises the arrival of God’s kingdom on earth and of eternal life.

Gospel: John 20:1-18

All four Gospels tell of Christ’s resurrection, of course, but each presents a different viewpoint, offering us a textured, multi-dimensional account when we consider them all. Here in John’s narrative we follow Mary Magdalene, recognizing her in these tender verses as the only one who stayed behind at the empty tomb after the others had left. John portrays her as the first person to meet and speak with the risen Christ, and the one sent to proclaim the good news of his resurrection to the others. As in many other Gospel accounts of the risen Christ encountering his friends in unexpected ways, Mary did not recognize Jesus at first. But when he calls her name, you can feel the joy in her delighted response, “Rabbouni!”

Alternate Gospel: Luke 24:1-12

Eyewitness accounts of any great account often differ on the details, and the Gospels’ resurrection narratives are certainly no exception.​ ​​Only Luke, for example, tells us that the women​ who had come with Jesus from Galilee were the first to learn that Jesus was risen; and he even tells us the names of three of them: Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James. When they ran back to tell the men this wonderful news, though, the men thought they were only telling “an idle tale,” until Peter ran to the empty tomb to see for himself.

Easter Sunday C

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for March 27, 2016

Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalene

Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalene. Pietro da Cortona, 1640-1650, oil on canvas. Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.

First Reading: Acts 10:34-43

Alleluia. Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! It is Easter Sunday, we remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ. All our readings speak of the resurrection and our life. Our first reading is from the Acts of the Apostles, the evangelist Luke’s account of the life of the early church. In these verses, Peter teaches in the household of the centurion Cornelius, a Roman army officer. Peter tells them about the Christian way: Jesus was crucified but raised from the dead, and now God’s saving grace is given through Jesus to Jew and Gentile, to all the nations. Jesus is Lord of all!

Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24

In this ancient hymn we remember Israel’s joyful thanks to God for its return from exile. While the prophetic words, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone,” spoke of the new temple, Christians may read this verse as a metaphor for Jesus. The words shout out the hope of an Easter people: “I shall not die, but I shall live … The Lord … did not give me over to death. … you have answered me and have become my salvation.”

Second Reading: I Corinthians 15:19-26

In his pastoral words to the early Christians of Corinth, who were puzzled and possibly arguing over the theology of resurrection, Paul tries to put the resurrection and its significance into simple terms. Remembering Adam’s fall and the ancient tradition of offering the first fruits of the harvest to God, Paul reminds the Corinthians that Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection changes everything. The resurrection promises the arrival of God’s kingdom on earth and of eternal life.

Gospel: John 20:1-18

Have you ever noticed that each of the four Gospel accounts of the resurrection is slightly different? In John we walk this road with Mary Magdalene, seeing her in tender verses as the only one who stayed behind at the empty tomb after the others had left. John portrays her as the first person to meet and speak with the risen Christ, and the one sent to proclaim the good news of his resurrection to the others. As in many other Gospel accounts of the risen Christ encountering his friends in unexpected ways, Mary did not recognize Jesus at first. But when he calls her name, you can feel the joy in her delighted response, “Rabbouni!”

Alternate Gospel: Luke 24:1-12

Have you ever noticed that all four Gospel accounts of the resurrection are slightly different? Eyewitness accounts often differ on details, and the Gospels are no exception.​ ​​Only Luke, for example, names ​all the women​ who had come with Jesus from Galilee as the first to learn that Jesus was risen. They ran back to tell the rest. Does it surprise us that the men didn’t believe them until they went to see for themselves?

Easter Sunday C

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Sunday, March 31, 2013.

The Women at the Tomb. Ottonian, Mainz or Fulda, about 1025 - 1050

The Women at the Tomb.

First Reading: Isaiah 65:17-25
Writing at the end of the book of Isaiah, the prophet celebrates the people’s return from exile. Although there is still much work to be done, Isaiah celebrates God’s promise to make Jerusalem a virtual heaven on earth, where everyone will enjoy abundance and happiness, peace and joy. As Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus today, we too imagine a new kingdom where all will be physically and spiritually fed.

Psalm: Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
Matthew interpreted the “stone the builders rejected” in this Psalm as an image of Jesus, but this song of victory goes deeper still as it exults in God’s never-ending love that saves us and promises everlasting life. Note well, however, that to enter the kingdom of heaven, we are expected to be righteous, and that means practicing justice in our lives, not only to God but to our neighbor and the poor and the stranger, too. Then we may rejoice, singing, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Second Reading: I Corinthians 15:19-26
Paul is speaking pastorally to the Corinthians today, trying to explain what Christ’s resurrection means to us, the people of the church. Recalling Adam’s fall and the ancient Jewish tradition of offering the first fruits of the harvest to God, Paul reminds the Corinthians – and us – that the glory of the resurrection is not only the promise of God’s kingdom on earth but of eternal life. If Christ has risen, then all who believe in him will also rise again.

Gospel: Luke 24:1-12
Here is the Good News, the most important Gospel story, and all four evangelists agree on the basics: Jesus’s friends, including Mary Magdalene, come to the tomb on Sunday morning and find it empty. But eyewitness accounts of great events often differ on the details, and the Gospels are no exception. Only Luke, for example, names the women who had come with Jesus from Galilee as the first to learn that Jesus was risen. They ran back to tell the rest. Does it surprise us that the men didn’t believe them until they went to see for themselves?