Lent 1A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Sunday, March 9, 2014

The temptation of Jesus as envisioned by an African artist.

The temptation of Jesus as envisioned by an African artist.

First Reading: Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7
This week’s readings open the Lenten season with scriptural views of temptation and sin. In the creation legend, Eve and Adam give in to temptation and eat the fruit that God had told them not to touch. Not even God’s warning that the fruit would bring death was strong enough to block the overpowering temptation that came with the crafty serpent’s promise that they would gain Godlike knowledge of good and evil. Temptation is powerful; and so is the shame that comes with realizing that we have distorted our relationship with God and each other, a loss of loving connection that we know as sin.

Psalm: Psalm 32
Many of the Psalms celebrate the joy of loving God and living in God’s way. This Psalm in particular makes this point with an unusual twist: It exalts the joy, relief and “glad cries of deliverance” that erupt from our souls when we accept God’s sure forgiveness. Indeed God’s steadfast love surrounds all of us who trust enough to acknowledge our wrongdoing, confess our transgressions and accept God’s loving deliverance from the pain and guilt of separating ourselves from God through sin.

Second Reading: Romans 5:12-19
Offering pastoral guidance to the people of the ancient church in Rome in its struggle with human relationships, Paul sketches a direct connection between the sin of Adam (curiously, he doesn’t mention Eve) and the divinity of Jesus Christ, the son of God. If Adam’s yielding to the temptation of the fruit brought death into the world, as the Genesis verses foretell, then Jesus’ incarnation as one of us restores justification and life for all through God’s free gift of grace.

Gospel: Matthew 4:1-11
These verses come immediately after Jesus’ baptism, where he heard the voice of God declaring him God’s beloved Son. Now Jesus goes into the wilderness. To meditate and pray? Wait! What’s this? The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil? That’s not the way most of us remember this Gospel story! The devil – not a scary red horned creature but something more like the “Adversary” who tested Job’s faith in the Old Testament story – tries to test Jesus, tempting him three times to perform miracles to help himself. But Jesus shows that he is Son of God, standing strong against temptation.

Last Epiphany A/Transfiguration

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Sunday, March 2, 2014

Moses receives the Law and the Commandment.

Moses receives the Law and the Commandment.

First Reading: Exodus 24:12-18
Transfiguration Sunday marks the liturgical midway point between Christmas and Easter. Now we turn from the incarnate light of Epiphany toward the penitential pathway of Lent that leads toward the crucifixion and then the joy of the resurrection. Today’s readings show us the awe and fear of humans encountering the divine. Exodus describes Moses going up Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments from a fearsome God cloaked in clouds and fire. This scene is a surprising contrast with the verses that came just before, in which Moses, Aaron and the leaders of the people apparently dine and drink with a more accessible divine being. In our quest for God, humans have always wrestled with the contrasting ideas of an intimate God who knows our deepest thoughts, and a transcendent God who surpasses human understanding.

Psalm: Psalm 99
This hymn of praise envisions God as a mighty king, at whose appearance the people tremble and the earth shakes. Yet, recalling Moses and Aaron receiving God’s law and teaching, it also shows us God as forgiving and kind, a doer of justice, equity and righteousness. Again the people look for God and find both distant might and present love.

Second Reading: 2 Peter 1:16-21
Here’s something to know about the New Testament’s Letters of Peter: The Apostle Peter didn’t write either of them, and this one was probably written 100 years or more after the Crucifixion, long after Peter’s death. But that doesn’t matter! This letter may have sought to bridge quarreling factions in the young church as believers wondered why Jesus hadn’t yet kept his promise to return. Recalling Peter’s presence at the Transfiguration, it reminds us to trust in God.

Gospel: Matthew 17:1-9
Using images that recall Moses on the mountain and in words that precisely echo God’s approving words at Jesus’s baptism in the Jordan, this account shows us Jesus with Old Testament prophets, glowing in dazzling light, revealed as both human and divine. It’s no wonder that Peter, James and John were afraid … until Jesus’ loving touch reassured them. Jesus calls us, too, to follow his way … and not to be afraid.

Epiphany 7A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Sunday, Feb. 23, 2014

Temple code sacrifices in Leviticus.

Temple code sacrifices in Leviticus. (Woodcut by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld from the 1860 Die Bibel in Bildern.)

First Reading: Leviticus 19:1-2,9-18
Torah, the ancestral stories of God’s chosen people, is best translated as “teaching.” Torah tells of God’s covenant with the people, given at Mount Sinai. It teaches in detail how we are to practice righteousness and justice as we try to walk in God’s ways. Today’s reading commands us to deal justly with our neighbors. Surely this is the Torah that Jesus taught when he told the parable of the Good Samaritan: Everyone is our neighbor. We are to share our bounty with all who are poor and hungry; the foreigner, those who labor and those who struggle with disability.

Psalm: Psalm 119:33-40
We return to Psalm 119, the longest of the Psalms, for another excerpt that celebrates love for God’s teaching. Listen as the Psalmist lifts up humility and generosity, calling us to turn from selfish gain and avoid “vanities” as we follow God’s ways through life-giving righteousness. This is what Torah teaches; it is the way that Jesus urges us to live.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:10-11,16-23
Continuing his pastoral advice to the church at Corinth, Paul uses metaphors to make his point. In last week’s reading he first likened the Corinthians to children who need milk before they are ready for solid food, then as a field to be planted and watere​d. He now describes the church as a building set on the strong foundation that is Jesus: We are God’s temple, and the Holy Spirit dwells in us. Repeating key themes from earlier verses, he reminds us that we accept​ that the world calls us “fools” when we accept the scandal of the Cross, and that we all belong to God, not to factions led by mere humans.

Gospel: Matthew 5:38-48
Our Gospel reading again comes from the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus urges us to go beyond the old teaching to a new way, hearing God’s commandments not only as rules to live by but as new ways to understand our relationship with God and our neighbors. “An eye for an eye” was a humane practice in ancient times when “death for an eye” was the usual response. Jesus now calls us not merely to equity in justice but to radical forgiveness. Love all our neighbors, no matter what, Jesus insists, calling us to the lofty if impossible goal of emulating God’s perfection.

Epiphany 6A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Sunday, Feb. 16, 2014

Moses, in old age, sees the Promised Land from Mount Pisgah.

Moses, in old age, sees the Promised Land from Mount Pisgah.

First Reading: Deuteronomy 30:15-20
On the banks of the Jordan as the people prepare to cross into the promised land, Moses preaches the core of Old Testament teaching: Follow God’s commandments, and you will inherit the land. Defy God’s wishes, and you will lose the land and die. From Sinai to the Jordan, he people have repeatedly heard this covenant: Be righteous, be just. Care for the poor and the weak; the widow, the orphan and the stranger. And when the people fail, the prophets will rise up to remind them of God’s promise, which will play out in the loss of the land, the destruction of the Temple, and exile.

Alternate First Reading: Sirach 15:15-20
We rarely hear readings from Sirach, one of the “deuterocanonical” books (also known as Apocrypha) that come at the end of the Old Testament. Called “The Wisdom of Jesus, ben (Son of) Sirach” in the original Greek, Sirach took the Latin name “Ecclesiasticus” after the Emperor Constantine. It sums up God’s teaching (“Torah”) in the genre of wisdom literature: brisk, memorable advice akin to the Book of Proverbs. Today’s reading reminds us that we are given free will. God does not force us to keep God’s commandments – we may choose either fire or water – but God is all-knowing and wise and does not wish us to sin.

Psalm: Psalm 119:1-8

Today we hear only the first eight verses of this, the longest of the Psalms. But its central message, reinforcing the covenantal agreement that we heard in Deuteronomy, remains consistent through all 176 verses: God’s laws are wonderful, and those who follow that teaching and walk in God’s ways will be rewarded. The Psalmist calls on God to keep him steadfast in following God’s teaching.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9
We continue working through the opening chapters of First Corinthians this week, listening in as Paul writes pastorally to a bickering church that has split into factions. Last week it might have sounded as if Paul was praising the Corinthians for a spiritual maturity that enabled them to understand the ways of God that aren’t so clear to those less mature. But no! Paul makes it clear that the Christians of Corinth have a long way to go. Their quarreling factions show that they aren’t ready for spiritual food, Paul warns, adding that we are all God’s servants. When we work together, God uses us to build and grow.

Gospel: Matthew 5:21-37

The Sermon on the Mount, which takes up three full chapters in Matthew’s Gospel, is all about discipleship, the hard work of following Jesus. In today’s passage, Jesus takes three commandments that we think we know, and reinterprets them in radical new ways. It’s not just “Do not kill” but do no harm; even respond to your enemies in peace! Do not commit adultery? No, treat women with respect! Do not bear false witness? No, do more: Be honest, be true, say exactly what you mean!

Epiphany 5A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Sunday, Feb. 9, 2014

Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount window in Shrewsbury Cathedral, England.

First Reading: Isaiah 58:1-12
Two important ideas run through today’s readings: Righteousness and light. “Righteous,” in biblical understanding, may not mean quite what we think it does in modern times. It speaks of God’s call to God’s people to practice justice, as Isaiah insists and as Jesus, too, asks of us, by going beyond mere fasting and ritual practice to stand against oppression, feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked. Righteousness heals our souls and lights up our lives, as the light of Epiphany that shines in the deep winter darkness will illuminate the way of our God.

Psalm: Psalm 112
Today’s Psalm, titled “Blessings of the Righteous,” echoes the Prophet Isaiah’s call: The righteousness of those who follow God and delight in God’s commandments will endure forever. Those who are gracious and merciful, who deal with others generously and act with justice, will “rise in the darkness as a light for the upright.” By living justly, we become an example for others and show the way to God.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:1-16
Paul continues his pastoral guidance for the quarreling community at Corinth, turning their thoughts toward humility as he reminds them that, although following the crucified Jesus in weakness and fear may make us appear “foolish” in the eyes of the world, we actually share God’s hidden and secret wisdom; the Holy Spirit will give us new life through the mind of Christ.

Gospel: Matthew 5:13-20
Today’s Gospel picks up in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, just after Jesus has given the crowd the Beatitudes, promising God’s kingdom to the poor, the hungry, the thirsty; those who mourn, the meek; the humble, and all who are persecuted and oppressed. You, God’s people, are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, Jesus tells the crowd; and with that comes the responsibility to let the world see God through your good works. Jesus says he has not come to change God’s law that calls us to righteousness: Love God, and love our neighbors as ourselves. But in fulfilling the law, Jesus will show us new ways, as he goes on to do on the next pages of this great Sermon: “You have heard that it was said … but I tell you …” That which was old becomes new again in Jesus.

Epiphany 4A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014

Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount, from L’histoire dv Vieux et dv Nouveau Testament, Nicolas Fontaine, 1625-1709.

First Reading: Micah 6:1-8
The prophet Micah imagines humanity standing before God as a defendant in a trial, pleading our case before the almighty Judge. God “has a controversy with us,” the prophet warns. God has done so much for us since bringing the people out of Egypt to the promised land. How are we to respond? Not with burnt offering or sacrifice, but, in Micah’s memorable terms, simply by doing justice, loving kindness and walking humbly with God.

Psalm: Psalm 15
Historically, bible scholars believe, this short Psalm may depict ancient Temple liturgy and practice, questions to be asked and answered as the priests led the people in procession up to the doors. Who may enter? those who do right, speak truth, don’t slander or reproach and do no evil. These are rules to live by in any age. Surely there are echoes of Micah in, “Walk blamelessly, do what is right, and speak the truth from [your] heart.”

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
Paul, continuing his lecture to the quarreling factions in the church at Corinth, repeats the verse that concluded last Sunday’s reading: Jesus’ death on the cross – a horrific form of execution reserved by Rome for the worst criminals – “is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” Yet God chose this way to celebrate the weak, the poor and the despised and to shame the powerful and the strong through Jesus, who gives us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.

Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12
Ah, the Beatitudes! Jesus’s loving verses in the Sermon on the Mount are central to Christian thinking, so much so that it is easy to hear them with more affection than deep reflection. But beatitudes – a Scriptural genre found also in Psalms and Proverbs – reward deeper thought. In eight quick phrases, Jesus turns the world upside down: The poor are blessed, not the rich. Mourners, the meek, the hungry; the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, the oppressed win God’s blessing. This should come as no surprise to those who follow Jesus: “He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.”

The Presentation of our Lord

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014

Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, Master of the Cini Madonna, Rimini, 14th century.

Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, Master of the Cini Madonna, Rimini, 14th century.

First Reading: Malachi 3:1-4
“Who can endure the day of his coming?” “He is like a refiner’s fire!” If you love Handel’s “Messiah,” you may feel like singing along with the Prophet Malachi. The prophet, writing after the people’s return from exile, isn’t happy. He calls on God to cleanse the rebuilt temple with fire and to send a messenger to keep it clean. Christians, seeing an image of Christ in the ancient prophecy, imagine a more generous Messenger, who purifies us and makes us pleasing to God.

Psalm: Psalm 84
When we read this Psalm during Christmastide, we heard it as a hymn of joy in knowing that God will provide protection, favor and honor to those who trust in God. Now reflect on the details: As God provides nests for the small birds, so will God provide for us. As God provides pools of water for thirsty travelers, so will God hear our prayers.

Second Reading: Hebrews 2:14-18
Hebrews was written for Jewish Christians who were undergoing frightening persecution, causing many to abandon their new faith. Hebrews stands strong in its call for perseverance. It names Jesus as Son of God and great high priest, God who became fully human like us and overcame death through his sacrifice. The early church, scholars believe, did not understand this sacrifice as tribute demanded by an angry God. That idea came only centuries later. Rather, it joyfully saw Jesus’s sacrifice as freeing us from death, so the old Temple’s sacrificial rites were no longer needed.

Gospel: Luke 2:22-40
Today’s readings celebrate Joseph and Mary presenting baby Jesus in the Temple, sacrificing a pair of birds to fulfill the Jewish practice that the author of Hebrews would later declare superseded. Simeon, a very old man who had heard God’s promise that he would meet the Messiah before he died, joyfully takes the baby, blesses Jesus and his family, and utters the verses that we know as the Nunc Dimittis, the Song of Simeon: “Lord, you now have set your servant free to go in peace as you have promised; For these eyes of mine have seen the Savior, whom you have prepared for all the world to see …”

Epiphany 3A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Sunday, Jan. 26, 2014

The Calling of Peter And Andrew

The Calling of Peter And Andrew, Caravaggio, 1590.

First Reading: Isaiah 9:1-4
Swirling snow and bitter chill remind us that this is January, the darkest month of the year. Yet Epiphany draws us to the light of hope that calls us to join Jesus in “proclaiming the good news of the kingdom.” That gracious light shines through today’s readings. In this first reading, the Prophet Isaiah still promises, despite hard times when the northern lands of Zebulon and Naphtali have fallen to the Assyrians and the nation’s fate is in doubt, that God’s light will banish the darkness. In word’s familiar from Handel’s Messiah, he foretells a world of bounty and joy.

Psalm: Psalm 27:1, 5-13
God indeed is our light, the Psalmist exults, and our stronghold and our salvation, so there is nothing to fear. This is not just a happy-clappy song, though. The verses remind us that bad things can happen even in the lives of God’s people. The people face adversaries, armies of enemies; sometimes it even feels as if their own parents have turned against them. But we pray that God will hear us, love us, protect us and keep us safe.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:10-18
Last week we heard Paul greeting the church at Corinth with fondness. Now he gets to the point: He has learned that this small church is falling into disunity, quarreling over doctrinal issues and leadership. Remember that baptism brings us together in unity in Christ, Paul reminds them. Our belief in the Resurrection and salvation through Christ may sound like “foolishness” to those who haven’t found Christ, but it saves us through God’s power.

Gospel: Matthew 4:12-23
Quoting Isaiah to name Jesus as fulfillment of Messianic prophecy, Matthew presents a fascinating narrative of Jesus, grieving the murder of his cousin John, moving from his home in Nazareth to Capernaum, a larger city on the shore in Galilee, the old Northern Kingdom of Zebulon and Naphtali. There Jesus begins his public life, preaching in the same words as John: “‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Jesus calls four fishermen who eagerly drop their nets and follow as he preaches, teaches, cures and heals. But how do we think James’ and John’s father Zebedee felt about being left behind with the nets? The gospels often warn us that following Jesus may require leaving everything else behind.

Epiphany 2A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Sunday, Jan. 19, 2014

Russian icon of the Prophet Isaiah, 18th century (iconostasis of Transfiguration Church, Kizhi monastery, Karelia, Russia)

Russian icon of the Prophet Isaiah.

First Reading: Isaiah 49:1-7
On the second Sunday after the Epiphany, the Gospel gives us another perspective on the baptism of Jesus, this one from the Gospel according to John. First, though, our Old Testament reading tells us more about Isaiah’s vision of the Suffering Servant, a figure that the prophet understood as God’s savior coming to lead the the people back to Jerusalem from their Babylonian exile. But Christians can’t help imagining Jesus in the prophet’s words, a servant, once despised, who rises up and extends God’s saving power to all the nations, to the ends of the Earth.

Psalm: Psalm 40
Like the people waiting in ancient exile for their servant savior, the Psalmist waits with patience and faith for God to act. Although surrounded by too many evils to count and blinded by iniquities until his heart fails, the Psalmist remains firm in the hope that God’s faithful, steadfast love will eventually bring mercy, deliverance and safety.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9
In these opening verses of his first letter to the people of Corinth, a major Greek trading and seafaring city. Paul’s friendly greetings give us insight into the letter that follows. The congregation in Corinth probably wasn’t large, but it was divided into quarreling factions, each with its own ideas about Christian practice. Faith in Christ has already given them gifts that have made them strong, Paul reminds the people of the church, urging them to stay strong and to remain blameless as they await the day of Christ’s coming.

Gospel: John 1:29-42
Last week in Matthew’s account of the baptism of Jesus, we heard John the Baptist ask why Jesus shouldn’t be baptizing him. Today, John’s gospel takes another approach to this sticky question: why would Jesus need to be baptized for the forgiveness of sins? John’s answer is simple: John, baptizing in hope that the Lamb of God would be revealed, saw the Spirit coming down to Jesus, showing that Jesus is the Son of God. Then the first disciples recognize Jesus as the Messiah and start to follow him.

Epiphany 1A/Baptism of Our Lord

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Sunday, Jan. 12, 2014

The baptism of Jesus, Russian icon, 1430-1440; the Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

The baptism of Jesus, Russian icon, 1430-1440

First Reading: Isaiah 42:1-9
The book of Isaiah actually incorporates the work of three separate prophets, modern Bible scholars tell us. The First Isaiah warned of the loss of Jerusalem and the Temple and exile in Babylon if the people didn’t follow their covenant and walk in God’s ways. In today’s reading we come to Second Isaiah. The dire predictions of First Isaiah have come to pass, and the prophet reminds the exiled community of God’s call for justice and righteousness. There is still hope – God is always with us and will send God’s servant to lead us – but God’s covenant must be fulfilled with all the nations.

Psalm: Psalm 29
Whether we huddle in the basement, listening to the radio for news, or venture out onto the porch to watch in fearful awe, we all surely know how it feels to live through a powerful thunderstorm. Lightning flames like fire. Thunder shakes everything. Giant oak trees seem to whirl, and large limbs come crashing down. We may sense God’s power in the frightening storm, but we also feel the comfort that comes with knowing God’s protection and peace.

Second Reading: Acts 10:34-43
Peter, alive with the Holy Spirit, tells the Roman centurion Cornelius, an early Gentile Christian, that God’s message through Jesus is for everyone and every nation. God’s generous gift of grace to all, without partiality, surely reflects God’s righteousness to all the nations expressed in today’s Isaiah reading. As Peter so firmly states, “All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”

Gospel: Matthew 3:13-17
All four Gospels tell of Jesus coming to John the Baptist, who was baptizing crowds in the Jordan River for “repentance and the forgiveness of sins.” But then we have to wonder: Why would Jesus need to repent or be baptized? The Gospels show John pointing out that Jesus should be baptizing him, not the other way around. But Jesus insists, and John agrees. And then we see a vision of the Trinity on Jordan’s bank as Jesus, the Son, comes up from the water to see the Holy Spirit descending like a dove, while the Creator God’s booming voice declares Jesus as the beloved son.