Pentecost 7B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for July 7, 2024

Jesus commissioning the Twelve Apostles

Jesus commissioning the Twelve Apostles (1481), fresco by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494). Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Rome. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading (Track One): 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10

David has mourned the deaths of King Saul and Saul’s son Jonathan, David’s beloved friend. Now in Sunday’s Track One first reading, all the tribes and elders call David to be formally anointed king over all Israel.That includes both the Northern Kingdom with its capital at Hebron, and Judah, the Southern Kingdom, where Jerusalem is the capital. The elders, who had sworn fealty to Saul, now pledge loyalty to David, recognizing that God has called him to be shepherd over Israel. David would reign for 40 years, becoming greater and greater and earning for Jerusalem the title “City of David.”

First Reading (Track Two): Ezekiel 2:1-5

It’s frustrating when we have something to say, but people won’t listen. It doesn’t feel good, does it? Hold this thought as we hear Sunday’s Track Two readings, as each connects in some way with this spiritual challenge. In our Track Two first reading, God calls Ezekiel to be a prophet to Israel. God is not pleased with the people, telling Ezekiel that they are a nation of rebels who have rebelled against God: an impudent and stubborn people whose ancestors and they themselves continue transgressing against God. These rebellious people may choose to hear or not to hear, God tells Ezekiel, but he is to deliver God’s message of lamentation and mourning and woe.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 48

Psalm 48 offers a spiritual understanding of the founding narrative of Israel’s kingdom in Jerusalem, where the first temple would be built atop Zion, God’s holy mountain. The Psalmist sings praise to the greatness of God, who placed the city of the great king on the lofty hill of Zion, the very center of the world. Let the kings of the earth who might march on Zion in hope of conquest look and be astounded, the Psalmist sings. Let them writhe and tremble and run away, for God has established this citadel forever.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 123

Traditionally understood as a “song of ascent” to be chanted as the priests and people go up to the Temple in formal procession, Psalm 123 calls on a merciful God to hear the peoples’ prayer. They who have suffered the contempt, scorn and derision of the indolent rich and the proud now lift up their eyes to God enthroned in the heavens. They pray that God will show them mercy, for they have had more than enough of contempt.

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:2-10

These verses from 2 Corinthians are full of mysteries! Even bible historians and theologians aren’t sure what Paul means about the “third heaven” or the “thorn” that troubles him but that he does not describe. Perhaps the third heaven describes Paul’s own spiritual experience, and the thorn, Scripture scholars speculate, could be an unnamed illness or disability, or even a sexual temptation. In any case, there is no ambiguity in Paul’s conclusion: Through prayer and reliance on God’s grace through Christ, we can endure hardships that come from within and without.

Gospel: Mark 6:1-13

Jesus’s hometown neighbors and friends aren’t impressed with him. Oh, they were astounded at first by his teaching and preaching in the synagogue, his wisdom and deeds of power. But then they remember that this is nobody but just Jesus, the carpenter’s son! What makes him so high and mighty? Amazed by their unbelief, in Mark’s telling, Jesus responded: prophets are not without honor except in their home town. Then Jesus sends out his followers, two by two, to tell the good news, but he warns them to expect more of the same kind of pushback. Don’t dress up, he told them. Don’t act special. If people won’t welcome you, move on down the road.

Pentecost 6B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for June 30, 2024

The Raising of Jairus’ daughter

The Raising of Jairus’ daughter (c.1546), oil painting on canvas by Paolo Veronese (1528-1588). The Louvre, Paris. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading (Track One): 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27

Our journey through the story of Israel’s kings moves into the second book of Samuel. After a series of conflicts between Saul and David, King Saul has died, the battle against the Amalekites has been won, and David is king in his own right. Despite his troubled relationship with Saul, in this Track One first reading we hear David mourning Saul’s death. But that sorrow is eclipsed by David’s deep grief over the loss of Jonathan, Saul’s oldest son and David’s beloved friend. The reading concludes with a long, loving ballad that David calls the Song of the Bow, in which he declares Jonathan’s love for him “wonderful, passing the love of women.”

First Reading (Track Two): Wisdom of Solomon 1:13-15; 2:23-24

Love is so strong that it has power even over death: Our loving God desires neither death nor destruction for us. We hear these hopeful ideas in Sunday’s Track Two first reading, and they recur through the day’s Lectionary selections. First we read the Wisdom of Solomon (often simply called “Wisdom”) from the apocrypha, the 15 “extra” books included at the end of the Hebrew Bible. These verses – which follow just after a warning to an earthly ruler not to invite his own death or destruction by behaving badly – remind us that God’s creation celebrates our life, not our death. God’s creation is a thing of beauty, and righteousness lives forever.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 130

Titled “De Profundis” (“out of the depths”), this Psalm of faith in God’s redemption reminds us that we wait in hope for God’s love and grace even in times of grief, pain and despair. Even in death we await the resurrection, as in night’s darkest hours we wait for morning light. We hear this psalm three times in this Lectionary cycle; it is also suggested for use in the burial of the dead.

Psalm (Track Two): Lamentations 3:21-33

This short, song-like passage is taken not from the Psalms but from Lamentations, a short book traditionally attributed to Jeremiah. These brief verses echo the hope and trust in God’s love that we heard in the Wisdom reading. In these words we sing our hope in God’s steadfast love that never ends, love that is renewed every morning. In words that foreshadow the Sermon on the Mount, we sing of giving our cheek to the one who smites us while we wait for our loving God who will not willingly afflict us.

Alternate Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 30

According to tradition, this ancient hymn offers thanksgiving for recovery from a serious illness. There is faithful optimism in these verses as the Psalmist celebrates the gifts of God that bring joy: an end to the sadness and depression that so often accompanies illness; turning the weeping of those long dark hours of night into the celebration that comes at dawn; and turning the mourning of sickness into the dancing of health.

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:7-15

To understand Paul, it is often helpful to recognize him as a pastor who loved the people of this little church, but who often found them cranky and difficult to persuade. Knowing that the congregation in Corinth included both hungry poor people and comfortable rich members who sometimes didn’t want to share, he urges them all to live by the generous example of the churches in Macedonia (mentioned in the verses just before this reading): Do your work, earn what you deserve, but give according to your means so all may have enough.

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43

Jesus and the apostles have come back home from their trip across the Sea of Galilee. Now Jesus performs two surprising healings, encountering one on his way to attend to another. The woman with the hemorrhage that has been with her for 12 years was ritually unclean because of that. She was poor and rejected by her neighbors. But she had great faith in Jesus. The 12-year-old child was the daughter of Jairus, a leader of the synagogue, an important person. When Jesus told the crowd around her bed that he could waken their seemingly dead child, they laughed at him. But Jesus did not care about approval. Calmly, without any fuss, he healed both the woman and the child.

Pentecost 5B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for June 23, 2024 (Pentecost 5B/Proper 7)

The Storm on the Sea of Galilee (

The Storm on the Sea of Galilee (1633), oil painting on canvas by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading (Track One): 1 Samuel 17: (1a, 4-11, 19-23), 32-49 or 1 Samuel 17:57-18:5, 10-16

The Track One lectionary offers two options this Sunday: The familiar story of the battle between young David and the Philistine giant Goliath, or the less well-known narrative that follows it, telling of the ominous encounter between King Saul and David after Goliath was slain. Both narratives build toward David’s rise to become King, and jealous Saul’s inclination to kill David before he can assume the crown. We stay with Saul, David and Solomon through August, before our Hebrew Bible readings turn to an anthology of wisdom including Proverbs, Job, Esther and Ruth.

First Reading (Track Two): Job 38:1-7,34-41

Even in times of chaos and fear, God remains with us. Surely we are all familiar with the trials of Job. Tested by God at the urging of Satan (who in this context was more an adversary than a demonic spirit), Job retained his faith in spite of horrifying tests that would break even the strongest. Now, nearing the end of the book, Job finally gets his wish that God would come out of hiding and listen to him. But God, speaking out of a whirlwind with power and might, sets Job in his place with words like thunderbolts: “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding.” Job quickly repents; and at the end his fortunes are restored.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 9:9-20 or Psalm 133

This passage from Psalm 9 is paired with the David and Goliath reading. Befitting the first reading’s warlike setting, the Psalm gives thanks to God who protects the people in time of trouble and oppression; who never forsakes those who seek protection in God’s name. Psalm 133, which we also read recently on the second Sunday after Easter, is to accompany the first reading about David and Saul. It celebrates the goodness and pleasure of living in unity, comparing this with the luxury of anointing with fine oil so abundantly that it runs down one’s hair and beard.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32

This beautiful hymn of praise to a God of mercy who protects us in peril sets a pitch-perfect tone for the following Gospel story about Jesus stilling the storm. The psalmist recalls a time when a violent storm at sea came upon some travelers whom God had redeemed. When they cried out to God, the storm gave way to calm. The travelers arrived safely on the shore, and we are called to join them in thanks and praise to a loving God who protects us from peril and delivers us from distress.

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 6:1-13

The theme of this letter reflects Paul’s effort to reconcile and restore good relations after a period of trouble and anger in the church in Corinth. Paul tells them that he himself has suffered many things for following in Jesus’ way: beatings and prison, hunger and sleeplessness, riots and more. If he doesn’t mention storm and shipwreck, we know that Paul endured those trials, too. He urges the people to remember that God is with us through all difficulties. Open wide your hearts, he tells them, and accept God’s love.

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41

Jesus has been preaching to Jewish crowds on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, and now he leads the apostles across the broad lake to Gentile territory. Along the way we encounter one of those beloved Gospel stories that many of us remember from childhood. As children, though, we might have focused more on Jesus quieting the scary storm than on the apostles’ reactions. First, the fearful apostles fear that the calmly sleeping Jesus isn’t aware – or doesn’t care – that they are in deadly danger and scared out of their wits. Then, catching their breath when all is calm again, they seem shocked to discover that Jesus actually had the power that they had just called on him to use.

Pentecost 4B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for June 16, 2024 (Pentecost 4B/Proper 6)

Ernte in der Provence (Harvest in Provence)

Ernte in der Provence (Harvest in Provence, 1888), oil painting on canvas by Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890). The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading (Track One): 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13

Saul, named king of Israel amid great hopes, hasn’t worked out. In fierce and bloody verses just before this reading, God had ordered Saul to gather an army and attack the neighboring Amalekites, utterly destroying all that they have and killing all their people and livestock. But against God’s command Saul spared the king and kept the best spoils for himself. Now God regrets having made Saul king, and rejects him. In today’s reading God sends Samuel to Bethlehem to find the next king from the sons of Jesse. Much to everyone’s surprise, God passes over seven strong, handsome sons to choose the youngest: David.

First Reading (Track Two): Ezekiel 17:22-24

It is only a few days until the Summer Solstice, and all nature has turned green and lush. How fitting that many of Sunday’s readings touch on planting, growing, and new life! Much of the prophet Ezekiel’s writings are filled with angry recriminations to a people in exile, but today’s passage looks forward more gently toward a restored Israel, using the metaphor of a mighty cedar, a lofty tree that provides nesting space for birds and shade for many creatures. The prophet’s words offer an inspiring reminder that, with God’s help, a mighty tree can grow from a sprig. In the beauty of creation, we know that God is good.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 20

Mirroring the militaristic theme of Israel’s kings and their call to holy war against their neighbors, Psalm 20 is a prayer for victory, a blessing before battle. The Psalmist calls on God to defend the people, to send help and strength, accept their offerings and advance their plans. Rather than trusting in chariots and horses, the people call on the name of God to give victory to Israel’s king.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 92:1-4,11-14

Echoing the Track Two first reading’s image of a mighty cedar that grows from a sprig, this Psalm of praise and thanksgiving sings of mighty trees, too. It sings about cedars of Lebanon and lofty palms, standing for those who grow and flourish under God’s nurturing care. Through righteousness, justice, and faith in God’s loving kindness, the people hope to remain ripe and fruitful all their lives.

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:1-17

This week’s Lectionary metaphor of growth and fruitful harvest doesn’t jump right out at us in this passage from Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth. But read closely, and perhaps we can catch a glimpse of it in the last few verses: When we choose to live in Christ, our lives change. Just as the leaves fall in autumn and our flowers and gardens die, only to return full of life in the spring, everything that is old passes away in Christ’s new creation. Everything becomes new for us again in the life we gain through Jesus.

Gospel: Mark 4:26-34

The two parables featured in Sunday’s Gospel draw metaphors from seeds and sowing: tiny beginnings that grow up to yield food from the earth.These are also the first two of 18 parables in Mark’s Gospel in which Jesus tells stories that hint at the nature of the Kingdom of God. “The Kingdom is like” is surely the most frequent introductory phrase in this Gospel. But wait! There’s still more! This passage also begins another recurring theme in Mark: Jesus speaks through mysterious parables in which he intentionally disguises his mission. Then he explains the real meaning to his followers but tells them to keep it all secret. Perhaps Jesus’s repeated call for a Kingdom of God – a kingdom that might be seen as a regime change from Roman rule – was too dangerous an idea to talk about in public.

Pentecost 3B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for June 9, 2024 (Pentecost 3B/Proper 5)

Christ among the Pharisees

Christ among the Pharisees (1600s), oil painting on canvas by Jacob Jordaens (1593-1678). Sotheby’s, London. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading (Track One): 1 Samuel 8:4-20,11:14-15

This reading may at first appear to be an obscure passage from Israel’s early history, but it marks a significant turning point: Having settled in the Promised Land under the guidance of judges (temporary military leaders), the nation now faced rising difficulties with corrupt judges, including the prophet Samuel’s own sons, who had taken bribes. The people clamored for a king to lead them in the manner of their neighboring nations. Samuel opposed this idea, declaring that God was Israel’s king. But with God’s direct guidance, Samuel finally gave in and named Saul king; but Samuel warned that the people would come to regret it.

First Reading (Track Two): Genesis 3:8-15

When Adam and Eve ate the fruit that God forbade, they suddenly realized that they were naked. Then they realized that they had defied God’s command. No wonder they were scared! They covered their bodies and hid. When God found them, they blamed each other, and they blamed the snake. What would have happened if they refused to take the fruit? Would the bible have ended just like that, Adam and Eve living happily ever after in Eden? But Adam and Eve did disobey God and lost their home in the garden. Bear in mind, though, that God came out of the garden with them, and stayed with a people of free will and belief through all the ages.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 138

Even from on high, God cares for the lowly. This lovely Psalm of thanksgiving praises God and exults in gratitude that God stays with us when we are in trouble, and answers us when we call. In words that echo the familiar verses of the beloved 23rd Psalm, we remember that God keeps us safe even when we walk in the midst of trouble and that God’s strong hand protects us from our enemies.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 130

We hear this Psalm of hope in God’s redemption now and then in Lent; and it is often chosen, albeit less frequently than Psalm 23, as a Psalm for use in the burial of the dead. Titled “De Profundis” (“out of the depths”), it reminds us that we wait in hope for God’s love and grace even in times of grief, pain and despair, . Even in death we await the resurrection, as in night’s darkest hours we wait for morning light.

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1

Do not lose heart, Paul tells the Christian community of Corinth, even though we may feel as if we are living a life of affliction and wasting away in our fallen world. That anguish is only momentary in God’s greater intent: God raised Jesus from the dead, and God will raise us, too, Paul writes. The pain that we feel today is only passing. Through God’s grace we will come to live forever in God’s glory beyond all measure.

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35

Last Sunday we saw Jesus rouse the anger of the Pharisees when he healed a man with a withered hand in the synagogue on the Sabbath. Now, accompanied by a huge, excited crowd that has been following him, he’s in trouble with his family and neighbors. The neighbors think Jesus has gone crazy, or is possessed by a demon, which in those times amounted to the same thing. His mother and brothers come out to talk to him, but his reply probably did not make his family happy: He tells them that his followers are his family now, with work to do in a broken world full of sinners.

Pentecost 2B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for June 2, 2024 (Pentecost 2B/Proper 4)

Jesus Heals the Man with a Withered Hand

Jesus Heals the Man with a Withered Hand (1692), illumination in an Arabic manuscript of the Gospels copied in Egypt by Ilyas Basim Khuri Bazzi Rahib, probably a Coptic monk. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading (Track One): 1 Samuel 3:1-10

Our liturgy now moves into the long season after Pentecost. For six months we will walk with Jesus and the apostles, hearing Mark’s Gospel narrative of Jesus’ early ministry from Galilee to Jerusalem and the cross. During this season we have a choice of two “tracks” of Lectionary readings for first reading and the Psalm. Sunday’s first reading for Track One, which we also heard after Epiphany earlier this year, tells us of the young prophet Samuel, puzzled by a mysterious voice that calls him in the night that he eventually discerns as God’s call.

First Reading (Track Two): Deuteronomy 5:12-15

Sunday’s Track Two first reading foreshadows the Gospel with a passage about Sabbath from the First Testament’s “other” Ten Commandments narrative: not the familiar version in Exodus but a somewhat more extended list in Deuteronomy. While the Exodus version tells us to rest on the seventh day because God rested on the seventh day after the creation, this commandment is more nuanced: Because the people were once slaves who never had rest until God brought them out of Egypt, all creatures should rest and give thanks on the Sabbath – all the family, resident aliens, even slaves, and all the family livestock as well.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17

We heard this Psalm on the second Sunday after Epiphany. Now we repeat it on the second Sunday after Pentecost. God knows us as intimately as the potter knows his clay, the Psalmist sings. God knows our every thought, whatever we are doing, wherever we are; God knows every word that we speak and every idea that we imagine. Even before we were born, God knew us.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 81:1-10

This song of praise and joy to God who led the people out of Egypt imagines an orchestra of ancient instruments ringing out in exultation. Sing with joy, it shouts; raise a song with timbrel, harp, lyre, and ram’s horn to accompany the people’s voices in praise of God who heard the people’s voices and came to save them. Recalling the first commandment, we recall, “There shall be no strange god among you … I am the Lord your God.”

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:5-12

We will spend six weeks hearing passages from Paul’s second letter to the Christian community in Corinth, Greece. This shorter letter – actually several short epistles later combined in a single volume – was written several years after the first, and it follows what Paul calls “a painful” return visit with this beloved but often argumentative community. In this portion (perhaps the last of the letters), that quarrel seems behind them, and Paul offers beautiful words of encouragement for hope after despair and survival after loss. Death may come, as it did to Jesus, but life flourishes in us through the glory of God that makes the life of Jesus visible in our mortality.

Gospel: Mark 2:23-3:6

These two short narratives from early in Mark’s Gospel set a theme that will recur through Mark and through the Gospels: Jesus is not afraid to challenge authority, and Jesus has little patience for rote obedience to the rules – specifically rigid Pharisaical interpretations – when a practical need makes it more sensible to bend or ignore them. So we see Jesus and the disciples picking and eating grain on the Sabbath because they are hungry; then Jesus heals a man with a withered hand in the synagogue, as the Pharisees look on with angry horror and begin plotting ways to destroy him.

Pentecost B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for May 19, 2021 (Pentecost B)


Pentecôte (1732), oil painting on canvas by Jean Restout II (1692-1768), Musée du Louvre, Paris. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading (or alternate Second Reading): Acts 2:1-21

Come, Holy Spirit! It is Pentecost, the festival day when we recognize that the Body of Christ is drawn together, given life, and sent out into the world by the Holy Spirit. In our first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we see the Holy Spirit come as wind and tongues of fire in the room where the apostles are gathered. A crowd of spectators hears the apostles speaking in their own native tongue, signaling that Christ has come for all nations and that the word of God is heard in every language. Peter then preaches to the crowd in the apocalyptic words of the Prophet Joel, foretelling that God would pour out the Spirit on all God’s people in the last days.

First Reading (alternate): Ezekiel 37:1-14

In this familiar passage from Ezekiel, the prophet imagines an eerie valley of death filled with dry bones. In these poetic verses, God tells Ezekiel to prophesy. As Ezekiel does so, the dry bones become connected, covered with skin, and then breathed into life as a vast multitude. Ezekiel’s prophetic vision reveals God’s promise to restore Israel from exile. In the context of the readings for Pentecost, we may hear it as the work of the Spirit bringing forth life and a multitude of witnesses from the dust and dry bones of death.

Psalm: Psalm 104:25-35,37

This Psalm of joy and thanksgiving celebrates the diversity of all God’s creation: God has filled the earth and sea with too many amazing creatures to count. Recalling the first story of creation in Genesis, the Psalmist reminds us that God’s spirit was at work in creating the Earth, and that God’s spirit remains active in making creation new again. The loss of breath ends life; new breath restores it.

Second Reading: Romans 8:22-27

Paul’s striking words describe all creation groaning in labor pains like a mother giving birth, while the Holy Spirit joins in “with sighs too deep for words” to help us pray. Like many unusual metaphors, these verses prompt us to reflection that leads to insight. Like a mother eager to hold her new infant, we are eager for the new life that God has in store for us, yet we wait patiently for something that we desire but cannot yet see.

Gospel: John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

We turn one last time to John’s account of Jesus’s Final Discourse, his last talk with his disciples at the Last Supper. Jesus tells them that he will soon go back to God – the one who sent him – but reassures them that God will send an Advocate who will testify on God’s behalf. Even though the apostles have been with Jesus since his public ministry began, he tells them, there is still much that they don’t understand; much that Jesus has not explained. When the Advocate comes bearing Jesus’s words, much more will be revealed, and then they will understand.

Christ the King A

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Nov. 26, 2023 (Christ the King A)

The Last Judgment

The Last Judgment (1617), altarpiece, oil painting on canvas by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640). Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading (both tracks): Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24

Now we celebrate the last Sunday of Pentecost. We join other Christian denominations in celebrating the feast of Christ the King, or the Reign of Christ, this day; but it’s an unofficial celebration, not included in the Book of Common Prayer’s calendar. This aversion may trace back to the American Episcopal church having forsworn earthly kings when our ancestors separated from the Church of England after the Revolutionary War. Sunday’s readings, however, show Jesus Christ is a different kind of king: not a traditional patriarch but a loving shepherd. Both Lectionary tracks combine to present Ezekiel’s prophecy to Israel in exile, praying for a new King David in a new Jerusalem. This new shepherd will bring home and strengthen the sheep who have suffered, while destroying the fat and strong sheep that bullied and scattered them.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 100

Both Lectionary tracks for Christ the King sing out joy and praise for God, our maker and protector, in verses that are also provided for use in Morning Prayer. Track One is the Jubilate, a call for God’s people and all God’s lands to serve the Lord our God with gladness and song. We are the protected sheep of God’s pasture, joyously singing thanksgiving and praise for God’s everlasting mercy that endures from age to age.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 95:1-7a

This hymn will surely sound familiar, too. We recite it or chant it often as the Venite in Morning Prayer. These verses sing out unalloyed worship and praise for the creator and protector of all things, and, in harmony with today’s readings, both king of kings above all gods and loving shepherd who cares for us, the protected sheep of God’s hand.

Second Reading: Ephesians 1:15-23

For the last Sunday in Pentecost, we turn from our recent readings in First Thessalonians, which was perhaps the earliest of Paul’s letters, to Ephesians, a much later epistle that was probably written in Paul’s name a generation after his death. In 1 Thessalonians Paul offered hope that Christ would return soon, while many in the church were still alive. This later letter provides a glimpse of the early church’s evolving understanding of Christ, a vision that we will also see in the Gospel for this day: The resurrected Jesus is placed at God’s right hand and given authority over all things in heaven and in the church, Christ’s body on earth.

Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46

Matthew’s long series of parables about the kingdom of heaven now ends with this familiar Gospel. It isn’t always easy to see Jesus in the face of a hungry, thirsty, homeless person, sick and naked and oppressed. But Matthew tells us clearly that this is the way that we make God’s kingdom happen. Then, echoing our first reading, Matthew paints a disturbing picture of the fate that awaits those who fail to find Christ in the hungry and the weak: They earn eternal punishment, a place in the outer darkness that also awaited the slave who buried the single talent, the foolish bridesmaids who ran out of oil for their lamps, and the man who wore no wedding garment. This parable may warn that we ignore Jesus’ call to serve only at our peril. But we know in our hearts, too, that the mighty king who judges us is also the loving shepherd who calls us to love one another.

Pentecost 24A

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Nov. 12, 2023 (Pentecost 24A)

Three Foolish Virgins Flanked by Adam and Eve

Three Foolish Virgins Flanked by Adam and Eve (1531-1539), fresco by Francesco “Parmigianino” Mazzola (1503-1540). Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Steccata, Parma, Italy. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading (Track One): Joshua 24:1-3a,14-25

Sunday’s Lectionary readings are challenging. They make us work to discern how – or even if – these selections from Scripture might guide our lives. In the Track One first reading we find the people renewing their covenant with God as they enter the promised land. Joshua calls on all the tribes of Israel to swear allegiance to God, the Lord of Israel. Declaring the God of Israel “a jealous God,” Joshua emphasizes the people’s theological separateness from the gods of their new neighbors, and calls them to a new covenant, reinforcing the covenant that they had made with God through Moses at Sinai.

First Reading (Track Two): Wisdom of Solomon 6:12-16

The Wisdom of Solomon, a short book in the Apocrypha, was written in King Solomon’s name not long before the time of Jesus and the evangelists. It reminds us of a memorable passage in Proverbs that personifies Wisdom as a female voice, a strong woman who sits at the city gates and advises the people on right living, and even presents Wisdom as the female presence who was with God at the moment of creation. This short reading tells us how easy it is to find Wisdom, for she meets us more than halfway and graciously finds us in our paths and thoughts, if we are worthy of her.

Alternate First Reading (Track Two): Amos 5:18-24

The prophet Amos challenges us with a frightening question in this alternative reading: What if we confidently await the day of God’s judgement, assuming that we have lived well, but learn to our shock that God has rejected our prayers and turned away? Amos warns that God doesn’t care about our burnt offerings but only about how we live! But the prophet offers hope, warning the people to follow God’s way or risk destruction and exile: If only we seek good, not evil, when we let our righteousness flow like mighty waters, then God will be with us.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 78:1-7

We sing only the first seven verses of a long, 72-verse Psalm today. If we had the time to chant it in full, we would hear an extensive account of the people’s sins and failures, a dark narrative indeed, but one that turns at the end to a happy conclusion under the love and guidance of God. This provides a little context to the Psalm’s confident beginning, which sings of the good news of God’s gifts to humankind, God’s words and teachings that we should pass down to our children and their children’s children.

Psalm (Track Two): Wisdom of Solomon 6:17-20

The verses just preceding these lines from The Wisdom of Solomon appear as an alternative first reading for Lectionary Track One today. This short book in the Apocrypha celebrates Wisdom as a female voice, a strong woman who sits at the city gates and generously gives advice on right living. This snippet nails down the importance of loving wisdom and following her laws, for this is the assurance of wisdom that brings us near to God and leads us to God’s kingdom.

Alternate Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 70

This Psalm, like the alternative first reading from Joshua, opens on a dark note: The Psalmist begs God to deliver and save him from enemies who enjoy his misfortune and gloat over his losses. The Psalmist wants a kind of justice that is very far from turning the other cheek: He wants to see those enemies suffer the shame and disgrace that they wish for him! He knows that the poor and needy can count on God’s protection, but he can’t wait. Come to us speedily, God, the Psalmist sings. Oh, Lord, do not tarry!

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Paul’s imaginative description of the coming of Christ, complete with an archangel’s shout and trumpet blast, the dead rising from their graves and the people of God rising into the air, has become the basis for a lot of colorful theories about what the return of Christ might look like. Some Christians read this passage as a literal prediction of the last days. But most bible scholars offer a simpler explanation: At the time of this letter – the earliest in the New Testament – many Christians still thought that Jesus would return and establish God’s kingdom while they were still alive to see it. But now some members of the church were dying! Would they miss out? No, writes Paul. Know this and encourage each other: All will be saved.

Gospel: Matthew 25:1-13

When Matthew tells us that Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven will be like this,” we can expect the following parable to challenge our expectations. Sure enough, this story is just as unsettling as the other kingdom parables that the Lectionary has offered recently: the outcast who had no wedding garment; the murderous vineyard workers; and the workers who were all paid the same. Here, the bridesmaids who didn’t plan ahead were locked out of the banquet, dismissed by the bridegroom, even though he was late himself! Is Jesus telling us that the kingdom of heaven is unfair? No. Rather, the parable offers simple wisdom to early Christians who expected Christ to come back soon: Jesus, the bridegroom, is coming: Be ready!

All Saints A

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Nov. 5, 2023 (All Saints A)

First Reading: Revelation 7:9-17

The Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount (1598), oil painting on copper by Jan Brueghel the Elder (1568-1625). J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. (Click image to enlarge.)

We remember all saints, known and unknown, on All Saints Sunday. The Episcopal Church recognizes that saints are not only historic figures recognized by the early church, but that Christ makes it possible for us to be saints as we share his life. Sunday’s readings begin with the apocalyptic vision of John of Patmos, who imagine all the saints, robed in white and gathered in a heavenly throne room. A countless multitude of every race and nation, they are all assembled to praise the Lamb, Revelation’s allegorical image for Jesus as both sacrificed sheep and messianic shepherd; victim and victor, the loving protector who leads us as a single multitude that shows all Earth’s glorious diversity.

Psalm: Psalm 34:1-10, 22

Most of the Psalms address God in prayer, but this portion of Psalm 34 is different: The Psalmist here, imagined as the voice of King David after he had feigned madness to escape a deadly threat, sings directly to the people, offering wise counsel: As God’s saints and as God’s servants, we praise and worship God. We are small and humble. God is great and powerful. Yet when we are in trouble, when we are afraid, when we are hungry, we place our faith and trust in God and need not fear.

Second Reading: 1 John 3:1-3

Biblical scholars believe that the three short letters of John were written neither by John the apostle, John the evangelist, nor John the author of Revelation. After all, John was – and is – a very common name! Still, these verses from the first letter of John celebrate the abundant love of God that showers on us and makes us all God’s children in language that seems consistent with the theology of John’s Gospel and may have come from a later community devoted to John the Evangelist’s tradition. The glory of our coming adulthood under God’s love remains to be revealed, the author of this letter tells us. But from the beginning, we are assured, all of God’s children, all of God’s saints, are brothers and sisters through God’s creative love.

Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12

The Beatitudes, the beloved verses in Matthew’s telling of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, have become so familiar that we sometimes don’t pause to give them the deep reflection that they deserve. In eight quick statements, Jesus turns the world upside down: It is not the rich who are blessed, but the poor. It is not the successful and the proud who win God’s blessing, but mourners, the meek, the hungry; the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, the oppressed. This is good news for the poor, and it is earth-shattering. It is also a theme that Jesus repeats again and again until it is difficult to understand why we have such a hard time getting it.