Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Oct. 4, 2020
First Reading (Track One): Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20
When God commands, the people try to obey; but it isn’t always easy. Listen for this theme through Sunday’s readings.

Moses with the Ten Commandments (18th century); painting by Anton Losenko (1737–1773). University of Kiev, Ukraine. (Click image to enlarge.)
Moses has led Israel out of slavery in Egypt and across the Red Sea in our Track One first readings. Now on Mount Sinai in the desert comes a significant encounter: Establishing their identity and their hope, the people join in covenant with God. They receive the Ten Commandments that will guide their lives and ensure their righteousness in relationship with God and others. In the last lines of the reading, though, Moses reminds them that through the commandments God tests our faith: “God has come to test you and to put the fear of him upon you so that you do not sin,” Moses reminds the people.
First Reading (Track Two): Isaiah 5:1-7
When Jesus blessed bread and wine at the Last Supper, he was honoring a Jewish Passover tradition that goes back to ancient times. It’s no wonder, then, that the bible is full of parables involving wine, the fruit of the vine, and the vineyards from which it comes. In Isaiah’s poetic song in our Track Two first reading, God plants a vineyard and cares for it with love. But the harvest yields “wild” grapes – “stinking, worthless, sour” in the original Hebrew. What happened? The vines metaphorically stand for the people, who disappointed God by failing to be just and righteous. Now God will trample down the vines, destroying the vineyard.
Psalm (Track One): Psalm 19
God’s commandments are a wonderful gift, a gift that shows God’s glory in such a shining light that all the heavens sing: All the skies reveal the work of God’s hand! So shouts this triumphant Psalm as it begins with mighty praise for the beauty of all God’s creation. Then the theme turns to God’s commandments, God’s law and teaching. True, just and righteous, God’s commandments stand even above the earthly creation that we have just celebrated, the Psalmist sings: They are sweeter than honey, more precious than gold.
Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 80:7-14
Surely the Psalmist had Isaiah’s book at hand while writing these poetic verses. In our Track Two first reading, Isaiah had warmed that a disappointed, angry God, loathing the sour fruit, would demolish the vineyard, tearing down its wall and hedge and ordering a drought to lay it waste. Now these verses of Psalm 80 imagine a people who brought a vine out of Egypt, made it mighty, but then neglected it and let it wither. Now they beg a compassionate God to regard and restore the bountiful vines. This hint of hope was not found in the dark verses of the Isaiah reading.
Second Reading: Philippians 3:4b-14
The verses just preceding this reading provide needed context: Since Paul left Philippi, other Christians preaching a more rigid Jewish Christianity have come in and told the people of this Macedonian church that Paul’s teaching was wrong, They must follow Jewish law – including purity laws and circumcision – in order to be Christians. Just before this passage, Paul has told the Philippians to beware of these teachers, calling them “dogs … evil workers … those who mutilate the flesh!” Paul now reminds them that he is a devout Jew himself, and a Pharisee too, observant and righteous. But now. he says, everything has changed: The old commandments mean nothing without Christ.
Gospel: Matthew 21:33-46
In Sunday’s Gospel we find Jesus still arguing with the temple authorities. He tells another difficult parable set in a vineyard: Its owner goes to another country, hiring tenants to tend the vines for him. When he sends slaves for the produce, though, the tenants beat them up and kill them. They do the same to another group of slaves the owner sends after that. Then, incredibly, when the owner sends his own son, the tenants kill him, too! What, Jesus asks, will the owner do? Surely he will kill the evil tenants! the priests and Pharisees respond. But Jesus gives the parable another twist, saying that it is those who work to produce the fruit who will inherit the Kingdom of God. Angered, the temple leaders start plotting to arrest Jesus.