Epiphany 1A/Baptism of our Lord

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Jan. 8, 2017

The Baptism of Christ

The Baptism of Christ, 1475. Oil painting on wood by Andrea del Verrocchio with his student, Leonardo da Vinci. Uffizi Gallery, Florence.

First Reading, Selection I: Isaiah 42:1-9

In light and breath, God’s spirit comes down to the people. Justice and righteousness are served, the oppressed are set free, and all is new. In the prophet Isaiah’s call to Israel in exile we see a vision that will be reflected on Jordan’s bank at the baptism of Jesus in today’s Gospel. Even in exile, the prophet tells the people, the God who created all things will take the people by the hand as God’s servant, sending them out as we are sent out in baptism, to be a light to the world and bring righteousness to all the nations.

Psalm 29

Have you ever sat on a porch with a mixture of fear and awe, watching a fierce summer thunderstorm pass by with lightning and thunder, wind and rain, whipping the trees around and whistling through the branches? Even towering oak trees seem to whirl, and large limbs come crashing down. It’s no wonder that the Psalmist chose to portray God’s power and glory in a massive storm that strips the forest bare. And yet, at the end, the people shout “Glory,” hailing God’s power and peace.

Second Reading: Acts 10:34-43

Peter quickly tells the good news of Jesus, starting with his baptism by John when God anointed Jesus through the Holy Spirit with power. Then he briskly recalls how Jesus healed and cast out spirits, was executed on the cross and raised again, and finally commanded his disciples to preach and testify that Jesus Christ is Lord, the Messiah. The verses we hear today gain context from those that come just before and after: At the invitation of Cornelius, a Roman centurion, Peter comes to his house and first begins to evangelize to Gentiles. After this speech, Peter and the apostles baptize Cornelius and all his household, the first Gentile family brought into the new church.

Gospel: Matthew 3:13-17

All four Gospels show us the familiar scene of John baptizing Jesus in the Jordan, with the Holy Spirit coming down as a dove to declare Jesus the son of God. Only in Matthew, however, do we hear what seems an obvious question: Why would Jesus need to repent or be baptized? Jesus should be baptizing John, not the other way around, John declares. But Jesus insists, asking John to baptize him “to fulfill all righteousness,” echoing Isaiah’s call to go out in righteousness to be a light to the world and bring justice to all the nations.

The Holy Name

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Jan. 1, 2017

Moses directing Aaron

Moses directing Aaron. Sixteenth century Flemish tapestry attributed to Pieter Coecke. DeYoung Legion of Honor Fine Arts Museums, San Francisco.

First Reading: Numbers 6:22-27

What’s in a name? What’s in the name of God? Today’s readings consider this thought-provoking question. In our short first reading, the Israelites have been camped at the foot of Mount Sinai for some time, but now they are ready to move on toward the Promised Land. God speaks through Moses, uttering a blessing so gracious that it is often used to this day. It also shows a turn in God’s relationship with the people. No longer is the sight of God’s face so fearsome that no one can look upon it and live. Now, having God’s face shine upon us is a blessing; and as an ultimate gift to the people, they are given God’s name as their own, creating an intimate connection with the divine.

Psalm 8

The Name of God, given to the Israelites at Sinai, is exalted in today’s psalm of praise. We look with awe on the majesty of God’s creation, the moon and stars; the world and all that is in it, and all humankind, just a little lower than the angels. We give praise and thanksgiving for all this, remembering that we are charged with dominion over God’s earthly creation. This dominion calls us not to pillage but to preserve and protect the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea. Over it all we exalt the Name of God, our Creator who made it all.

Second Reading: Galatians 4:4-7

God sent his own son, born of a woman in full humanity, born under the Torah, to redeem those under Jewish law and tradition. But that is not the end of the story. Continuing an argument that he pursues throughout Galatians, Paul assures the Gentile members of this young church in Galatia in Asia Minor – what is now Turkey – that they are adopted as children of God. God sends the Spirit into their heart through Jesus so that they are no longer slaves but children and thus heirs. The way of Jesus is open to all who follow him.

Second Reading (Alternate): Philippians 2:5-11

Can you hear the gentle beat of poetry in these beautiful words from Paul to the Philippians in Greece? Scholars believe that Paul may be quoting here an ancient hymn of the early church. Its theology is deep and continues relevant, too: Although Jesus was truly God as well as truly human, he chose to “empty himself,” taking on the full weight of his suffering without divine foreknowledge; accepting the pain of crucifixion with human fragility and weakness. In taking on the full weight of all that suffering, Jesus showed us the true exaltation of God’s love, calling us only to respond with love for God and our neighbor.

Gospel: Luke 2:15-21

We return briefly to Bethlehem and the manger, where the shepherds have come down to find Mary and Joseph and the child and to tell them the amazing things that they had heard from the angels. Mary “treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart,” surely wondering where all these remarkable things might lead. And then, eight days later, they prepare to take Jesus to be circumcised, one of the most important requirements of Jewish law; and Mary names the child Jesus, just as the Angel Gabriel had told her.

Christmas Day I, II, and III

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Dec. 25, 2016
(Readings for Lectionary Selections I, II, and III)

Adoration of the shepherds

Adoration of the shepherds (1622). Oil on canvas by Gerard van Honthorst (1590–1656), Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne, Germany. (Wikimedia Commons)
(Click or tap image to view larger version)

First Reading, Selection I: Isaiah 9:2-7

Christmas is here! We see a great light and sing a new song as we behold with joy in the city of David the birth of a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. In our first reading, from the early chapters of Isaiah, in words that the composer Handel will borrow for “The Messiah,” the prophet foretells a glorious future when the oppressor’s yoke will broken and a child will be born for us, a son given to us, a Wonderful Counsellor to take the throne of David: Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. .

First Reading, Selection II: Isaiah 62:6-12

In this first reading, the exile is ending. Through the power of God’s strong right hand and mighty arm, the people will return to Jerusalem. Prepare the way, build up the highway toward home and clear it of stones: No longer shall enemies harvest Zion’s grain and drink its wine; a glorious future of redemption and salvation that will last until the end of time.

First Reading, Selection III: Isaiah 52:7-10

Israel’s exile in Babylon is ending, and God’s messenger brings good news of peace and salvation as God leads the people back to Zion, the temple on the mountain, Jerusalem. Even the ruins of the devastated city are called to break into song. Such is the joy of God’s return to the holy city! God reigns, the people are comforted, and all the nations shall see the power of God’s holy arm and the salvation that it brings.

Psalm, Selection I: Psalm 96

All the earth sings a new song, blessing God’s name in this joyous Psalm of praise There is fascinating theology here, ideas that we may see reflected in the New Testament: We are called to proclaim the good news of God’s salvation; we are to go out and declare God’s glory, a great commission to show God’s majesty to all the nations. The whole earth, the heavens, the seas, the forests and all that is in them rejoice before our God.

Psalm, Selection II: Psalm 97

God is king, and all creation rejoices. This Psalm praises God in an image of power and might that echoes the fearsome God who led the Israelites through the desert and protected them there, surrounded by clouds, lightning and fire. This is a God over all other gods, over all other nations, but also a God who loves the righteous, provides light for them, and cares for those who live justly.

Psalm, Selection III: Psalm 98

Again we are called to stand up and rejoice in a Psalm of praise that is full of joyous music, harp, trumpets and horn. We sing a new song of praise for the victory won by God’s mighty right hand and holy arm. All the nations, not only Israel, shout with joy. Even the sea, the land, the rivers and the hills will rejoice when God comes to judge all the world with righteousness and equity. Lift up your voice! Rejoice and sing!

Second Reading, Selection I: Titus 2:11-14

Here’s a Bible Trivia fact! Titus is the only book of the New Testament that does not appear in the regular three-year Lectionary of Sunday service readings. We hear it only on Christmas. Much of Titus’ short letter is spent warning the people of Crete to rein in their sinful behavior, an argument that leads to a worthy conclusion: We should live well and renounce bad actions as we wait for the grace of God through Jesus Christ, who gave himself to redeem us and make us God’s people.

Second Reading, Selection II: Titus 3:4-7

Titus emphasizes that Jesus is God, our savior, the perfect manifestation of goodness and loving-kindness. Jesus saved us not because of any good that we had done, but entirely because he is merciful, giving us God’s grace through baptism by water and the Holy Spirit. Justified by God’s grace, we become heirs to eternal life through Jesus.

Second Reading, Selection III: Hebrews 1:1-4,(5-12)

The letter to the Hebrews begins with a beautifully poetic description of Jesus, chosen as the son of God, the perfect reflection of God’s glory, higher even than the angels. Indeed, when Jesus was born into the world, multitudes of angels appeared in the heavens to worship him. Because Jesus loved righteousness and hated wickedness, his throne is for ever and ever, and God speaks to us no longer through the prophets but through him.

Gospel: Luke 2:1-14(15-20), Selection I; and Luke 2:(1-7)8-20, Selection II

And now we come to the familiar story of Jesus’ birth. Today we read the nativity according to Luke. This is the Gospel that gives us the memorable stories of Mary giving birth, wrapping the child in swaddling clothes and laying him in a manger in Bethlehem – the City of David – because there was no room in the inn. Here we have the beautiful scene of baby Jesus and his parents suddenly surrounded by shepherds and their flocks, while angels sing gloriously overhead while the Lord’s angel tells them that the baby is a Savior and the Messiah.

Gospel, Selection III: John 1:1-14

No, there is no nativity story in this Christmas Gospel. Luke and Matthew, each in his own way, give us the familiar story of the newborn baby born in Bethlehem. But John introduces us to Jesus in a completely different way: It’s poetic and spiritual instead, celebrating the unimaginable glory of God’s own word becoming flesh and living among us, lighting up the world. The Word that was in the beginning with God, when God said, “Let there be light” and there was light, is now, will be, and in God’s time always has been, incarnate as human flesh, Jesus, Messiah, God with us.

Advent 4A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Dec. 18, 2016

The Nativity with the Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel

The Nativity with the Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel (1308-1311) tempera on single poplar panel by Duccio di Buoninsegna. Andrew W. Mellon Collection, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

First Reading: Isaiah 7:10-16

In living through the four weeks of Advent, we deepen our appreciation for the coming of the Messiah, the Incarnation of God becoming fully human and fully divine in Jesus. Today’s readings conclude Advent with eager anticipation for the coming of God’s kingdom through the line of King David. The Prophet Isaiah tells of God warning David’s descendant, King Ahaz, that his land will soon be conquered, but that a child named Immanuel – “God With Us” – will be born to a young woman and will eventually bring good in place of evil.

Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18

Today’s Psalm, too, remembers the shame and disappointment of being conquered. It calls on God in a voice of lament, asking to be spared the divine anger that has left the people with “bowls of tears to drink” as their enemies laugh them to scorn. Send a man of God’s right hand, the strong son of man, they beg, promising never again to turn from God’s way if only God will save them.

Second Reading: Romans 1:1-7

Paul gets directly to the point as he begins his letter to this congregation that he has not yet met: He is an apostle of Jesus, called to that ministry; Jesus is the son of God, the descendant of David whom the prophets had foretold; and through his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ is Lord, the Son of God. Then he assures his mostly Gentile audience that he comes to them in Jesus’ name. They, too, are God’s beloved. Then, only after these important assurances, does he come back to a proper formal greeting: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Gospel: Matthew 1:18-25

Christmas is drawing near! Today we hear Matthew’s version of the events leading up to Jesus’ birth. While Luke’s Nativity, the other familiar Christmas Gospel, tells the story from the viewpoint of Mary and her relatives, Matthew gives us Joseph’s point of view. How do you suppose a man of this patriarchal Near Eastern culture might react, learning that his young fiancee is pregnant but not with his child? Joseph prefers to end the engagement quietly, without scandal or gossip. But then an angel comes to assure Joseph that Mary is bearing God’s son, in words almost mirroring the Isaiah prophecy: “Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel.” (The Hebrew word translated as “young woman” in Isaiah now reappears in the New Testament as “virgin” in Greek.)

Advent 3A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Dec. 11, 2016

John the Baptist in Prison.

ca. 1850 — An illustration from a mid-19th century copy of Grand Catechisme des Familles (Christian Doctrine for Families). — Image by © Stefano Bianchetti/Corbis

First Reading: Isaiah 35:1-10

When the Messiah comes, when the Kingdom draws near, those days of glory will be filled with righteousness and justice, joy and abundance, and healing and good news for the poor. This is the message that we hear today, the third Sunday of Advent. This Sunday, historically called Gaudete (“Rejoice”) Sunday, shifts focus from quiet expectation toward anticipatory joy, a change in tone that many like to mark by wearing something pink to church on this day. Our first reading offers Isaiah’s vision of the return from exile, a homeward journey when the desert itself shall rejoice and blossom with joy and singing as the weak become strong.

Psalm 146:4-9

This is the third time this year that we hear part of Psalm 146, “Praise the Lord, O My Soul.” This resounding hymn of praise fits well on the Third Sunday of Advent with its beautiful poetry of praise for our Creator, the God eternal who made heaven, earth, the seas and all that is in them. Its words of promise seem to foreshadow the Song of Mary, the mother of Jesus, as well as Jesus’ own promise to feed the hungry, give sight to the blind, set prisoners free and bring good news to the poor.

Canticle 15 (Luke 1:46-55, The Song of Mary – Magnificat)

Tradition has come to show us Mary, the mother of Jesus, as a sweet, submissive figure. But this image is a far cry from the brave Palestinian teen-ager that we see in Luke’s Gospel when she first feels the baby Jesus moving within her. Thanking God for this gift, she shouts a song of God’s righteousness and justice, a theme that unites the message of Torah and the message of Jesus: God has “scattered the proud … brought down the powerful … lifted up the lowly … filled the hungry with good things … and sent the rich away empty.”

Second Reading: James 5:7-10

Doesn’t “Be patient, therefore,” seem a strange way to begin a reading? It almost compels us to page back and see what led up to it. Indeed, the preceding verses show us James (who traditionally is understood as the brother of Jesus) sounding very much like Jesus’ mother, Mary, and like Jesus himself. In those verses James, in words much like Mary’s Magnificat and Jesus’ first sermon, warns that the selfish rich will weep and wail in misery because they laid up treasure by defrauding the workers who tilled their fields. Then, in the short verses that we hear today, James urges a different way: Love and be generous with each other, while we wait for the Lord’s coming.

Gospel: Matthew 3:1-12

As we move through Matthew’s Gospel in this new Lectionary year, we will hear frequent reminders that Jesus is Messiah, the lord and savior that the prophets foretold. Today we hear a conversation between Jesus and messengers from John the Baptist in prison, asking outright whether Jesus is the Messiah or if they must wait for another. Then Jesus sets out his priorities, which echo Isaiah’s prophecies and his mother’s song: “… the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have good news brought to them.”

Advent 2A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Dec. 4, 2016

John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness

John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness, oil painting on canvas by Anton Raphael Mengs, 1760s. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

First Reading: Isaiah 11:1-10

Repent! We hear an Advent call to repent and await the Messiah in our readings this week. Don’t think of “repent” in its modern definition of deep regret and remorse, though. Hear it rather in its ancient sense as “change one’s mind” in New Testament Greek, or “turn back” in Old Testament Hebrew. If we are on the wrong path in our relationships with God and our neighbors, now is the time to turn back and watch for the light of God’s Kingdom. Isaiah envisions a time when the Messiah, the descendant of King David (whose father was named Jesse), will reign from Zion’s Holy Mountain, where justice will prevail for the poor and the meek.

Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19

The Psalmist seems to draw from the same wellsprings as Isaiah in this hymn that may have been composed in memory of the crowning of King Solomon. We call for a just and righteous king who will rule fairly. We call for a king who will bring prosperity to all the people; a king who will take special care to provide for the poor and the oppressed; a king who will reign as long as showers water the earth; a king who will bring peace on earth as long as the moon shines. This is a Messiah devoutly to be wished.

Second Reading: Romans 15:4-13

Paul wrote his letter at a time when all of Rome’s Jews, who had been banished to exile for a decade by the Emperor Claudius, were finally able to come back home after the emperor died. There was tension in the young church as returning Jewish Christians rejoined Christian communities that had become entirely Gentile. Paul devots much of the letter assuring both communities that they are all one in Christ. In today’s reading he cites the prophets, including Isaiah’s Root of Jesse, as foretelling Christ as the king of all humanity, the hope of Jew and Gentile alike.

Gospel: Matthew 3:1-12

Today we meet John, the cousin of Jesus, now an adult and – as his father, the temple priest Zechariah, had foreseen – a great prophet in the spirit of Isaiah and Jeremiah. John is a loud, angry prophet indeed, dressed in camel’s hair and eating locusts and honey, calling on the people to be baptized in the Jordan river as a sign of their repentance from sin. In these verses, indeed, John invokes Isaiah to declare himself the prophet who would cry out in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord, a Messiah who will throw away the old traditions, baptizing not with mere water but the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Advent 1A

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Nov. 27, 2016

“For as the days of Noah were, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” Persian tapestry, 14th century.

“For as the days of Noah were, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” Persian tapestry, 14th century.

First Reading: Isaiah 2:1-5

Advent begins! It is a time of preparation and expectation for the coming celebration of the birth of Jesus. As we look forward to Christmas Day, our readings look forward to a bright Messianic future. In verses of poetic beauty, the prophet Isaiah foresees Jerusalem and its Temple restored. It will be the highest of the mountains, the center of a world that recognizes it as the house of God. It will be a world of peace, a time when swords have been beaten into plowshares and there is no more war.

Psalm 122

This Psalm closely mirrors the Isaiah reading’s hope for a future of triumph and peace for Jerusalem, the city of God, the throne of the new King David, the Messiah. The house of David is a city at peace, a city on a mountain where all the tribes of Israel go up with gladness to praise God’s name. At David’s throne, all the people can expect fair judgment; there the love of God is rewarded with security, prosperity and peace.

Second Reading: Romans 13:11-14

Advent is the time to wake up, to watch and wait, enduring the darkness as we look for the coming of a new dawn. Paul urges the people of the young church in Rome to prepare for the return of Jesus, an eagerly anticipated event that first century Christians believed and prayed would come very soon. “The night is far gone, the day is near,” he assures his flock. In the verses just preceding, Paul had advised the Romans to obey the commandments and love their neighbors as themselves. Then, to prepare for the day of the Lord, Paul invites them to “put on the armor of light” by living honorably, behaving well, living abstemiously, and avoiding quarrels and jealousy.

Gospel: Matthew 24:36-44

The First Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of the new liturgical year and a new year of Sunday readings. We have spent the last 12 months focusing our attention on Luke’s gospel; now we turn to a year with Matthew. Today’s verses complete today’s cycle of readings that foretell the last days and a Messianic future. Looking at the Temple from a nearby hillside in they days just before his passion and death, Jesus reminds his followers that only God knows when the last days will come, just as careless humans in Noah’s time had no warning of the Flood. The Advent message here is clear and simple: Be ready. Be prepared. Live as if Christ might come back at any hour.

Christ the King C

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Nov. 20, 2016

Christ and the Good Thief

Christ and the Good Thief, oil painting by a follower of Titian, c.1566. Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna, Italy.

First Reading (Both Lectionary Tracks): Jeremiah 23:1-6

We celebrate the feast of Christ the King today, marking the end of the Pentecost season and turning toward Advent. In this reading we hear the prophet Jeremiah speaking forceful truth to the leaders of Babylon, who were holding Israel and Judah in exile. God will soon round up the remnant of his scattered flock and bring them home like a shepherd, the prophet foretells, warning the oppressors that they will be punished for their evil. Soon God will raise up a a mighty new king in David’s tradition, restoring the glory of the lost kingdoms. As Christians we may see our hope of good shepherd and mighty king reflected in these words, but we must not ignore their original intent as God’s promise to return the people from exile.

Canticle 16, BCP (Luke 1:68-79)

This week we sing Canticle 16, Luke’s Song of Zechariah, instead of a Psalm. Zechariah, whose wife, Elizabeth, was the cousin of Jesus’ mother, Mary, was a priest at the Temple. When he refused to believe that his elderly wife had become pregnant after an angelic visitation, he was struck mute. Now his voice returns when he holds and names the infant John. The child, he declares, will be a prophet in the tradition of Abraham and Sarah – who also were blessed with a child in their old age through God’s action. We know that John, the Baptist, will proclaim the fulfillment of God’s covenant in Jesus, who sets us free.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 46

This Psalm of praise may not explicitly speak of kings, but it reassures us that whenever terrible things happen, even when earthly kingdoms and nations are shaken by frightening events, when mountains rock and the oceans roar and foam, God remains with us. God doesn’t promise us a world where horrors can’t happen and no one ever suffers. But even in the worst of times, God abides, inviting us to take refuge in God’s strength. ​Our Prayer for Quiet Confidence (BCP p.832), ​draws from ​Psalm ​46 ​​as it ​reminds us, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

Second Reading: Colossians 1:11-20

The Christian community of Colossae in what is now Western Turkey may have felt something like Jeremiah’s remnant of Israel in exile, as they faced Roman persecution and feared that they might lose their homes and even their lives for their faith. The author of this letter urges them to endure their difficulties with patience and the strength that comes from God’s glorious power expressed through Jesus. We gain redemption and the forgiveness of our sins through Christ, whose incarnation as God in human flesh makes him the first of all creation and the head of the body of the church.

Gospel: Luke 23:33-43

It may seem surprising to hear a passage from Luke’s account of the Crucifixion at this time of year. But this shows Christ as an entirely different kind of king! Jesus is crucified, a horrible death reserved for Rome’s most despised evildoers. He hangs bleeding and in unimaginable pain, while above him is placed a sign meant to mock him by declaring him King of the Jews. Soldiers and a criminal on a nearby cross torment him as a Messiah who can’t save himself. Yet while all this is going on, Jesus shows his love and his true power, quietly inviting a repentant criminal on another cross into a different kind of kingdom, one given for all humanity and for all time.

Pentecost 26C

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Nov. 13, 2016

Roman depiction of the destruction of the Temple.

Roman depiction of the destruction of the Temple.

First Reading: Isaiah 65:17-25

Here, near the end of Isaiah, God speaks through the prophet after the people’s return to Jerusalem from their exile in Babylon. Now, as they face the big job of rebuilding the city and its temple, they are assured that God’s plan will come as a joy and a delight. There will be no weeping and no distress in the new Jerusalem. There will be no death in childbirth, no pain; all may expect joyous lives of 100 years of youthful strength! The city will be a holy place of peace, where people will enjoy the fruits of their own labor; the wolf, the lion and the lamb will live peacefully together, and none shall hurt or destroy.

First Reading (Track Two): Malachi 4:1-2a

The book of Malachi, the last of the prophets, falls at the very end of the Old Testament. In bibles that exclude the Apocrypha, we go directly from the end of this short book to the first chapter of Matthew’s Gospel. The prophet speaks to a people newly returned from exile, warning in apocalyptic terms that the great day of the Lord is coming. The prophet warns that God will separate evildoers from the righteous and destroy them; but those who revere God’s name will have healing and joy.

Canticle 9 BCP (Isaiah 12:2-6)

In place of a Psalm today we chant these verses from earlier in Isaiah, a passage that should be familiar as Canticle 9, “The First Song of Isaiah,” that we often read in Morning Prayer. Hard times lie ahead for the people at this point, but the prophet reminds us that God will be with them. Even in threatening times, even when we feel frightened and vulnerable, God will be our stronghold and our sure defense.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 98

Mirroring the prophet’s vision of God as great judge, today’s Psalm envisions God as fair and just judge of the world and all its people. God’s coming to judge the earth is a time to sing a new song, to lift up our voices, to express our joy so abundantly that even the sea, the lands, the rivers and the hills will jump up and join the celebration; for God’s righteousness has become know to all the nations.

Second Reading: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17

“Anyone unwilling to work should not eat.” We must take care not to read this through a lens of 21st century politics. These verses were meant for an early church community living in the spirit of Acts: “All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.” Cheating would have been unfair and corrosive to a community that lived by sharing. But in no way does this negate Christ’s call to give food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, or any of the other ways in which we are called to show love to our neighbors.

Gospel: Luke 21:5-19

It is tempting, but wrong, to interpret scary readings about apocalyptic events and final judgement as prophesies about our present time. As the long season of Pentecost ends and Advent draws near, we will be hearing more of these in our Sunday readings. The evangelist we know as Luke wrote this Gospel around the end of the first century, some 70 years after the Crucifixion and 30 years after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple. He is framing these events as a lesson from Jesus, bearing a truth for all times: God is with us. Even when we’re betrayed, scorned, hated and hurt, “By our endurance we will gain our souls.”

All Saints C

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Nov. 6, 2016

The Beatitudes

The Beatitudes

First Reading: Daniel 7:1-3; 15-18

Does this reading remind you of Revelation? Much of the book of Daniel is apocalyptic literature, an imaginative genre that was popular from late Old Testament times through early Christianity and was understood as symbolic, not literal. Daniel tells of a vivid dream about four scary beasts that represent earthly kings. In later verses, we would meet a winged lion, a tusked bear, a four-headed leopard, and an iron-toothed monster with 10 horns! But the nightmare ends with reassurance that resonates as we recall all those who have died and gone on to their eternal rest: God will win and reign forever.

First Reading (BCP Service II): Ecclesiasticus 2:1-11

We mark All Saints Day with a rare visit to the Apocrypha, the books at the end of the Old Testament. Ecclesiasticus (not to be confused with Ecclesiastes), is also known as “The Wisdom of Jesus ben Sirach,” or “Sirach” for short. Calling on the people to stay true to their faith when Israel had fallen under Greek rule, Sirach reminds us to remember all the saints, and discover that those who trust in our compassionate God are never disappointed; those who call upon our merciful God are never neglected.

Psalm 149

Shouting out praise for God’s glory, the Psalmist sings out a new song, a song of praise with full hearts and voices, worshiping God so fully that the people physically embody their prayer in dance, music and song. We rejoice that God takes pleasure in us; we praise God who lifts up the poor. But then the short Psalm takes a sudden turn that might remind us of an ancient vision of Judgement Day: It recognizes God not only as protector of the faithful but also as stern judge of all who’ve turned against God’s way.

Second Reading: Ephesians 1:11-23

Christ is King, and God has placed him at God’s right hand and given him great power to rule over us all, in the present and for all time to come. So the author of Ephesians assures his flock, writing in Paul’s name to the persecuted Christians of Ephesus in Asia Minor. From that time onward, all the people of God, baptized in Christ and sealed by the Spirit, are the saints of God. We are Christ’s body on earth, pledged through our inheritance through baptism to redemption as God’s own people.

Gospel: Luke 6:20-31

Think you know the Beatitudes? For most of us, Matthew’s narrative of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is the version we remember, as it guides us toward service and neighborly love. Today, though, we hear Luke’s rather different view of the Beatitudes in Jesus’ Sermon on the Plain. Luke’s version is much more directly focused on caring for the poor, and that means those who have no money or resources, not only the “poor in spirit.” We are called to give food to the hungry and water to the thirsty, not just stand with those who “hunger and thirst for righteousness.” Don’t just turn the other cheek: Forgive your enemies … and pray for them. In these Beatitudes, doing unto others is not easy, but it is essential. It binds us as the people of God.