Easter 4C

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for April 17, 2016

El Buen Pastor, painting by Cristóbal García Salmerón (1603–1666), Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid.

El Buen Pastor, painting by Cristóbal García Salmerón (1603–1666), Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid.

First Reading: Acts 9:36-43

Even in the midst of difficulty, we always have hope in God. This encouraging theme resonates through today’s readings, reminding us that God protects us, feeds us, washes away our tears and offers us life. The sudden death of Tabitha must have hit the infant church hard, as this hard-working disciple was known for her works of charity and made clothes for the group. Then Peter, filled with the Spirit, brings her back to life with a prayer and a command, just as Jesus had done with Lazarus and others.

Psalm 23

These comforting verses comprise what is surely the most familiar Psalm of all. It expresses our trust in God as a kindly, protecting shepherd, an image that Christians eagerly adopt for Jesus, the good shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep. Its comforting words offer us confident hope even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Although it turns darker momentarily as we envision our joy at dining sumptuously at God’s table while our enemies must only stand by and watch, it ends as full of hope as it began, accompanied by God’s goodness and mercy as we reside with God forever.

Second Reading: Revelation 7:9-17

Since last week’s reading we have skipped over a chapter filled with striking, frightening symbols and allegories, and now we stand again with a vast crowd dressed in white, representing all nations, races and people; all united in worshiping the Lamb, Christ, our King. These are the ones who have come through “the great ordeal,” facing persecution for Jesus’ sake. Now they know joy with the Lamb, who has become their Shepherd and gives them the water of life, protects them and wipes away their tears.

Gospel: John 10:22-30

Is Jesus the Messiah? In the verses of John’s Gospel just before this, Jesus has declared himself the Good Shepherd. Now the group of Pharisees that has been quizzing Jesus becomes insistent, demanding that he end the suspense and tell them plainly if this is his claim. Jesus tells them not to ask for his words but to look at his works, the things that he has done in the name of God, his Father. His followers – his sheep – follow him willingly; and through their faith they will gain eternal life.

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