Advent 1B

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Nov. 30, 2014

The Prophet Isaiah

The Prophet Isaiah, Lorenzo Monaco, 1405-10

First Reading: Isaiah 64:1-9

One clear idea rings through today’s readings as Advent begins: God is coming. God may come quietly, quickly; God may come amid fire and upheaval. We had better be ready. Near the end of this great Old Testament book of prophecy, Isaiah speaks while the people are returning home to Jerusalem from exile at last. They must face up to harsh reality: This is not the city they knew, but a devastated landscape with a destroyed Temple and a remnant of defeated people. Oh, God, the prophet cries, come down! Show your might, restore your people. Form us into something new … and please forgive our sins.

Psalm: Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18

The Psalm, too, calls on God to hear the people’s prayers, set aside God’s anger, and restore Israel. The people have suffered. God’s punishment has forced them to endure their enemies’ derision and laughter. They have eaten and drunk their tears like bread and water. Please, God, the Psalmist pleads: Shine the light of your countenance upon us, save us, and we will never turn from you again.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9

Paul opens his first letter to the Corinthians in the formal style of ancient Greek correspondence. He greets and thanks the people of this church, and in doing so reassures them that Jesus Christ will soon return and find them strong and free of sin. Thanks to the grace and peace that God has given them, they will reflect God’s faithfulness in the fellowship of Christ.

Gospel: Mark 13:24-37

The Prophet Isaiah spoke of his hope for God to come and bring justice after the first destruction of Jerusalem. Now, while the Romans are destroying the city and the temple again, the Evangelist Mark hopes for Jesus’ return in power and glory. It is no wonder that Mark uses apocalyptic language as he imagines Jesus speaking of the signs and portents that will accompany his return. In three quick images, Jesus warns of a tumultuous time; advises his followers to watch for signs of his return; and urges them to be on the watch. Like the wise bridesmaids with their oil-filled lamps, we are wise to be ready, be awake, be alert.

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