Easter 4C

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Sunday, April 21, 2013.

Christ as the Good Shepherd

4th century depiction of Christ as the Good Shepherd

First Reading: Acts 9:36-43
Peter is out in the world, filled with the Holy Spirit, and to the amazement of the disciples and perhaps even to his own surprise, he brings a dead woman back to life. These verses from Acts, the apostle Luke’s report of the early church, give us a vivid picture of the weeping women in the room, remembering their friend by looking at the clothing she had made. Imagine the excitement they must have felt at seeing Peter showing powers that they had only seen in Jesus.

Psalm: Psalm 23
Many Christians know this beautiful Psalm so well – perhaps in the cadences of King James – that we could recite it from memory. But sometimes familiarity robs us of the beauty of rediscovering the details. Try reading it today with fresh eyes and mind, taking it slowly, one verse at a time. Breathe deeply and visualize yourself and your loved ones in each line; walking with God through the green pastures, past the still waters and through the dark valley, then sitting down at God’s table for an unforgettable banquet. God loves us all, always. What could be more comforting than that?

Second Reading: Revelation 7:9-17
We are again in the strange land of Revelation, a book written in symbolic language for a persecuted first century church. But there is hope written here for all ages. First, the multitude worshiping the Lamb is not exclusive but worldwide, of all colors, languages and nations. Everyone is included! And then look at the final verses: The Lamb will be our good shepherd, guiding us beside the still waters, protecting us from danger and delivering us from hunger and thirst. How does it feel to find the comfort of Psalm 23 again in Revelation?

Gospel: John 10:22-30
We know that John’s Gospel reflects life during a time of conflict between early Christians and Jews, but we can look past the harsh verses that open this Gospel to find love and hope for all nations in Jesus. The Good Shepherd will protect the flock, caring for the sheep through Christ’s body on earth, and provide us our safe dwelling in God’s big house.

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