Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for March 17, 2019
First Reading: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
Even in times of darkness and fear, we hold on to our hope and trust in God.

God’s promise to Abram: progeny as numerous as the stars in the sky. Woodcut (1860) for “Die Bibel in Bildern,” by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1794-1872). (Click image to enlarge.)
In Sunday’s first reading, Abram is worried because he and his wife Sarai remain childless in old age. Will they have to adopt a slave child to receive the inheritance that God has promised? But God comes to Abram with reassuring words: “Do not be afraid … I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.” God takes Abram outside to look at the countless stars, and assures him that he and Sarai – who we will know as Abraham and Sarah – will begin a family as countless as the stars; a family that will inherit the promised land to which God has brought them.
Psalm: Psalm 27
Pslam 27 echoes the message of God’s covenant with Abraham: Even when we feel under attack, beset with dangers and real-life fears, we place our confidence in God and ask for God’s protection. We sing of our trust in God, our light and salvation, whose strength is so great that nothing can stand against it. Yes, bad things sometimes do happen to good people. That is the way of our lives. But we ask God’s to show us the way and lead us on a level path, and we trust that God will be with us both in bad times and good.
Second Reading: Philippians 3:17-4:1
The people of the church in Philippi in northern Greece had endured much to embrace the Christian way. They wrestled with fear as they faced persecution by their enemies. But Paul reassures them pastorally in words that might remind us of the Psalmist’s wisdom: Look to God, through Christ, for our salvation. Stand firm in our faith and find meaning in our lives by making every effort to live as Christ would have us live: Christ is the one who will transform us.
Gospel: Luke 13:31-35
We are well into Lent now, and Sunday’s Gospel tells us of friendly Pharisees warning Jesus that King Herod wants to kill him. But Jesus, calling Herod “that fox,” presses forward in his long journey from Galilee to Jerusalem and his death on the cross. In order to have the resurrection and its promise, Jesus first must die. But then, in the middle of this dark and foreboding passage, there is a magical image that we cannot overlook: Jesus describes himself as a mother hen protecting her brood under her wings! This is not the strong, manly Good Shepherd guarding his flock, but a nurturing, feminine image that’s just as loving but very different. Reflect on Jesus as a source of gentle motherly love, and expand our vision of Christ for all.