Pentecost 7A

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for July 19, 2020

First Reading (Track One): Genesis 28:10-19a

Signs of God’s abundant love and the gift of grace shine through Sunday’s readings.

Jacob's Dream

Jacob’s Dream (1639), oil painting on canvas by Jusepe de Ribera (1591-1652). Museo del Prado, Madrid. (Click image to enlarge.)

In our Track One first reading, Jacob, a conniving trickster, got himself in trouble and now is on the run. He fears the murderous wrath of his angry older twin Esau, whom Jacob tricked out of his inheritance and their father’s blessing. Now Jacob stops to rest. Sleeping in the desert on a stone pillow, Jacob has a remarkable dream of angels going up and down a celestial ladder. Then he hears God’s voice repeating the promise that God gave to his grandfather Abraham and to his father Isaac: God is with him, and his offspring will fill the Earth. Why would God reward such a sneaky cheater? God knows that no human is perfect, but God still loves and protects even broken, troubled people.

First Reading (Track Two): Isaiah 44:6-8

Isiah’s short, poetic prayer of praise in our Track Two first reading assures the people that their exile in Babylon will eventually end and that they will return home to Jerusalem. The prophet imagines God speaking in the first person, declaring God’s own power and majesty. Whatever beliefs their captors may hold in other gods and other prophecies, Isaiah makes clear that Israel need not fear or be afraid. As they have known since days of old, God is the nation’s rock, redeemer and leader, the first and last of all creation, beside whom there is no other god.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 139:1-11, 22-23

When Jacob ran from angry Esau, he might have prayed something like this Track One Psalm. God loves us and knows everything about us, the Psalmist sings. We may run from God, but we can’t hide. In heaven or in the grave, in darkness or in light, up in the sunrise sky or down in the deepest part of the sea, no matter where we go or how we try to hide, God knows where we are and what we are thinking, God will lead us, hold us and keep us. Even when we are wicked, God will lead us in right paths.

Alternative to the Psalm (Track One): Wisdom of Solomon 12:13, 16-19

The Wisdom of Solomon is a short book in the Apocrypha. It was written in the name of King Solomon not long before, or even possibly during or after, the time of Jesus and the evangelists. These verses harmonize with the faith expressed in Psalm 139 above in their ringing praise for a powerful, righteous God who reigns over all creation, yet judges the people mildly and with forbearance, teaching us that to be righteous requires us to be kind.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 86:11-17

The Psalmist expresses gratitude for God’s abundant love shown in protection against the violence and threats of enemies. Like the people in exile in today’s Track Two first reading from Isaiah, he faces difficulties – even being trapped in the “nethermost Pit” and pursued by a band of violent men. Nevertheless he turns to God with faith and trust, calling on God to respond out of grace and compassion, kindness and truth, to turn to him and have mercy, shaming his foes with a sign of God’s favor.

Second Reading: Romans 8:12-25

We are following Paul through his letter to the Romans for three full months in this season after Pentecost as he talks about what life in the Spirit of Christ looks like. Summing up his argument in today’s passage, he reiterates: If we live by our own selfish desires, we die. But if we live in the Spirit through Christ, loving God and our neighbor even as we suffer with Christ – as the Roman Christians had suffered through persecution – we are glorified with him and become adopted children and heirs of God. Hope for what we do not yet see and wait for it with patience, he concludes.

Gospel: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

Jesus was a carpenter, not a farmer, but he sure did tell a lot of parables about farming, planting, and growing things. Continuing in the spirit of last Sunday’s parable about the sower, he moves on to a discussion of weeds in the wheat field. In this parable the soil is good, and so is the seed. The sower is planting wheat in the rich soil of his own field, only to have an enemy sneak in at night and plant weeds among the good wheat. Now the sower can’t uproot the weeds without disturbing the wheat, so it all has to grow together until harvest, when the weeds can finally be torn out and discarded. Jesus’ explanation to the apostles may seem disturbing with its talk of hellfire and damnation for the weeds; but it’s clear that those who live righteously will enjoy God’s kingdom.

Pentecost 6A

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for July 12, 2020

First Reading (Track One): Genesis 25:19-34

God promised that Abraham’s descendants would be as numerous as the stars of heaven. But the ancestral legends of the chosen people show us that this outcome won’t be easy.

Landscape with the Parable of the Sower

Landscape with the Parable of the Sower (1552), oil painting on panel by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1526/1530-1569). Timken Museum of Art, San Diego, Calif. (Click image to enlarge.)

Abraham and Sarah had to wait until she was 90 years old before the miracle of Isaac’s birth. In Sunday’s Track One first reading we recall that Isaac and Rebekah, too, prayed for 20 barren years before their twins, Esau and Jacob, were born. Jacob, a notorious trickster, talks his moments-older sibling, in a moment of hunger, into giving up his rights as firstborn in trade for a bit of bread and a pot of lentil stew. Jacob’s tricks reveal once more that God does not choose unbelievably perfect people, but works through flawed and sinful humans.

First Reading (Track Two): Isaiah 55:10-13

In Sunday’s Track Two first reading we hear the concluding verses of second Isaiah. This is the second of the three ancient prophets who bible scholars believe participated in writing this memorable book. Overall, the three writers tell of the chosen people’s exile to Babylon and their eventual return home to Jerusalem, where they build a restored temple. In these verses, having assured the people that God has forgiven their failures of justice, Isaiah in these verses paints a beautiful image of God as the giver of life and sustenance and all that is good. His image of seeds and the sower and Earth’s bounty sets the stage for Jesus’ parable of the sower that we hear in Sunday’s Gospel.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 119:105-112

We hear parts of Psalm 119 a dozen times during the three-year cycle of Lectionary readings, so it will probably come as no surprise to hear that its 176 verses make it the longest of all the Psalms. All of those verses are devoted to a long, loving celebration of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. “Torah” is usually translated in this context as “law,” “ordnance” or “decree” throughout the psalms, but it might be better expressed as “teaching,” a point of view that reveals God’s loving desire for us to live in good relationship with God and each other. Following God’s decrees – God’s teaching – brings joy even in darkness and time of trouble, the Psalmist sings.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 65: (1-8), 9-14

This psalm of praise and thanksgiving beautifully reflects Isaiah’s portrayal of God as the generous creator who made the world and all that is in it, and who provides bountiful water and grain, pastures and flocks. Perhaps originally sung as a harvest thanksgiving, it chants praise for the overflowing richness of God’s abundance and for the joy it provides to those who receive it. This abundant seed has fallen on good soil and yielded a hundredfold.

Second Reading: Romans 8:1-11

Paul, a proud Pharisee who considered himself righteous and blameless under the law, the teaching of Torah, now tells the Romans that Christ’s resurrection has freed us from the law of sin and death. If we follow the ways of the world, he warns, we are subject to sin and death. But when we accept God’s Spirit through Jesus, we gain life and peace. Our mortal bodies gain life because the Spirit dwells in us.

Gospel: Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

For the rest of the season after Pentecost we will follow Matthew’s account of Jesus’ final journey with the apostles from Galilee to Jerusalem. In many of these Gospels Jesus will teach by using parables, colorful, attention-getting metaphors. Sunday we hear the parable of the sower, the first parable that Jesus tells in Matthew’s Gospel and the only parable that Jesus explains. It is tempting to look for specific instruction in the fates of the seeds that fall on the path, on rocks, among thorns, and on fertile ground. Perhaps the message is this simple: Sow God’s word extravagantly, everywhere, and rejoice when it falls on good soil and the harvest is rich. Or are we being told to decide what kind of soil we will choose to be when we hear God’s word? The parables of Jesus don’t come straight at us. They make us think.

Pentecost 5A

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for July 5, 2020

First Reading (Track One): Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67

Rebekah’s response to Abraham’s servant in Sunday’s Track One first reading reminds us of Abraham’s response to God’s call: Hearing God’s voice, both respond with faithful trust.

Portrait of a Couple as Isaac and Rebecca, “The Jewish bride”

Portrait of a Couple as Isaac and Rebecca, “The Jewish bride” (c.1662-1666), oil painting on canvas by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669). Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. (Click image to enlarge.)

Abraham uproots his family and moves to a new land. Rebekah leaves home and family to marry Abraham’s son, Isaac, a man she has not yet met but who will come to love her. Abraham heard God’s promise that his offspring would become “a great and mighty nation.” Rebekah hears that her children will become “thousands of myriads.” Rebekah’s faith, it appears, is no less strong than Abraham’s.

First Reading (Track Two): Zechariah 9:9-12

Zechariah, one of the last of the dozen so-called minor prophets, celebrates the people’s return from exile and their hope of restoring the Temple. In this Track Two first reading, he envisions a humble yet powerful king who will come to reign in peace and restore the nation’s prosperity. Matthew later will find Jesus so vividly foretold in these verses that he adopts the wording precisely, including the poetic repetition of Hebrew verse, “riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey,” in his portrayal of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on two animals on Palm Sunday.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 45:11-18

Psalm 45 is a wedding blessing, a love song addressed to a princess bride of Tyre (an ancient island kingdom and occasional rival to Israel), who has come to Israel to be joined in a royal marriage. These verses chosen for the first of two options for Sunday’s Track One psalm celebrate the pomp and joy of her coming wedding. They also highlight the Psalmist’s hope that the bride will be remembered and praised in future generations, a wish that reminds us of God’s promises of myriad descendants to Abraham and Rebekah.

Alternate to the Psalm (Track One): Song of Solomon 2:8-13

The Song of Solomon, also known as the Song of Songs, is a lyrical collection of ancient Hebrew love poetry. Curiously, this book and the book of Esther are the only books in the Bible that do not explicitly mention God. Rather, we are invited to find the image of God in the joy of giving and caring love. These verses are understood as a rhapsodic song of springtime, but their metaphorical evocation of love in the midst of an awakening springtime Earth speaks to our hearts even during summer’s heat.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 145:8-15

Like many of the psalms, this hymn of praise is traditionally if not historically attributed to the hand of King David. It serves well to echo today’s Track Two first reading from Zechariah in its vision of a humble, powerful king who reigns in peace and prosperity. This kingdom of glorious splendor is clearly understood not only as a kingdom for here and now, but one that is known in glory to all people, an everlasting kingdom that endures through all the ages.

Second Reading: Romans 6:12-23

We have recently heard Paul’s assurances to the ancient Christians of Rome that through baptism we “die” to our old lives enslaved to sin only to be “born” to a new life freed from sin through the free gift of grace from God. In today’s reading, though, using himself as a bad example of a “wretched man,” Paul points out that it’s not necessarily easy to leave sin behind, even when we want to do the right thing. He tries, but he can’t get rid of the sin that lives within him. He can’t fight sin on his own – and neither can we – without God’s help through Jesus, who frees him from the slavery of sin.

Gospel: Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

Jesus seems frustrated and even angry in the beginning verses of Sunday’s Gospel. Preaching to crowds around Capernaum in Galilee, he calls them “children.” He may be irritable because some of the same people who considered ascetic John’s call for repentance crazy and judgmental are now criticizing Jesus’ joyous embrace of life as evidence that he is a glutton and a drunk. But then, after we skip over five additional angry verses not included in Sunday’s reading, Jesus pauses and thanks God. His words of hope for Israel’s children and infants turn gentle as he invites all who carry heavy burdens to come to him and find rest for their souls.

Pentecost 4A

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for June 28, 2020

First Reading (Track One): Genesis 22:1-14

We reflect on sacrifices as small as the gift of water to a child and as serious as the death of a child in Sunday’s Track One readings.

Sacrifice of Isaac

Sacrifice of Isaac (c.1603), oil painting on canvas by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610). Uffizi Museum, Florence, Italy. (Click image to enlarge.)

Having sent his son, Ishmael, into the desert with his mother to die, as we heard in last Sunday’s reading, Abraham now receives an even more shocking command: God tells him to slay his beloved son Isaac as a sacrifice. What in Heaven’s name is going on here? Perhaps the easy answer is to recognize that these are these are ancient legends, difficult for us to understand in our own context, and not intended to be taken literally even in their original setting. For the ancients, perhaps this narrative showed that God does not desire human sacrifice. It reveals a compassionate God who, having subjected Abraham to a harsh test, then ultimately says “no” to death.

First Reading (Track One): Jeremiah 28:5-9

To understand this Track Two first reading, it is helpful to have the context of the verses just preceding it. Jeremiah had warned the priests and people of Israel in exile that their sojourn in Babylon had a long way to go, and that any prophets who told them otherwise were liars. Then the young prophet Hananiah stood up and challenged Jeremiah, prophesying that God had in fact broken the yoke of the Babylonian king and would bring all the exiles home within two years. Now in this short passage, Jeremiah responds. He agrees that God will indeed end the exile some day, but that will happen only when peace prevails and war, pestilence and famine come to an end.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 13

At first glance, this Psalm might not seem the best choice to read to someone who is grieving or afraid. The Psalmist speaks from the depths of fear and loss, suffering deep pain. Has God’s face turned away, leaving him alone and defenseless? But even in this dark place, hope remains; for God’s love is steadfast and abiding. God has been just and fair, and the Psalmist trusts that God will remain so.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 89:1-4,15-18

These two excerpts taken from a longer Psalm celebrate God’s covenant with King David, a royal lineage that God established to last forever as a sign of God’s righteousness and never-ending rule. Those who walk in God’s way and rejoice in the divine name will be full of joy, knowing that God is their ruler, the Psalmist sings: The Holy One of Israel is everlasting king.

Second Reading: Romans 6:12-23

Paul uses the idea of slavery to make his point in Sunday’s passage from his letter to the Romans: Through Christian baptism we have been spared from the slavery of sin, freeing us to joyously embrace a better kind of slavery, the “enslavement” of willing submission to God through Christ. In this way, Paul writes, we receive the free gift of grace that brings eternal life.

Gospel: Matthew 10:40-42

This is the third and final Sunday Gospel passage from Matthew’s account of Jesus teaching his recently commissioned apostles. In the first two readings we heard him warn about the challenges of discipleship. Now Jesus tells them about the rewards of following his way. Immediately following his troubling warning that those who follow him must leave friends and family behind, Jesus now echoes the Psalmist’s promise that God will be just and fair. Jesus promises that those who practice justice in his name – even in such small ways as offering water to a child – will receive God’s justice.

Pentecost 3A

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for June 21, 2020

First Reading (Track One): Genesis 21:8-21

Sometimes we turn to scripture for reassurance, looking for readings that bring us comfort and joy. Sunday’s readings are different: They challenge us, jolt our assumptions, and at the end, make us think about how our spirituality works.

Hagar in the Desert

Hagar in the Desert, oil painting on canvas by Giambattista Pittoni (1687-1767). Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice. (Click image to enlarge.)

The Track One first reading offers a particularly troubling story about Abraham, the patriarch of the chosen people. Abraham followed God’s commands with exemplary faithfulness, yet here we see him doing something disturbing as he sends his slave, Hagar, and their son, Ishmael, out into the desert to die. Happily, God intervenes, saving Ishmael and promising them a bountiful future parallel to that of Abraham and Sarah’s son, Isaac. (Indeed, while Jews and Christians recognize Abraham as our patriarch through Isaac, the world’s Muslims trace their Abrahamic line through Ishmael.)

First Reading (Track Two): Jeremiah 20:7-13

In Sunday’s Track Two first reading, we find the prophet Jeremiah angry and upset. God has called him to prophesy to the people that their failure to be righteous and just will bring destruction upon them, but they will not listen. Worse, they laugh and deride him when he shouts about their impending peril. Anger builds up in his bones like a burning fire, and he cannot hold it in. Even his close friends wait for him to stumble. But Jeremiah knows that it is his persecutors who will stumble, for God is with him like a warrior at his side.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 86:1-10, 16-17

Like Hagar with Ishmael in the desert, the Psalmist in Sunday’s Track One psalm suffers in misery. He suffers in distress despite his faith and trust in God. Recognizing that God is a God like no other, the God of all nations, who loves us even when we aren’t happy, he cries out his prayer, trusting in a good and forgiving God to answer him and make his heart glad.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 69: 8-11, (12-17), 18-20

The tone of lamentation in Sunday’s Track Two psalm rings in harmony with Jeremiah in the first reading. Like Jeremiah, the Psalmist spoke for God only to become the subject of scorn and reproach from his own friends and family. Even drunkards at loiterers at the city gate made up mocking songs about him! The Psalmist begs God to save him from their hatred, to turn to him in compassion and rescue him from his enemies.

Second Reading: Romans 6:1b-11

Everything in our lives changes in Baptism. This reassuring theme runs like a thread through Paul’s letter to the Romans. Baptism unites us with Christ so that we share in his death and resurrection, Paul writes. In Baptism we symbolically die to our old life that was enslaved by sin, and through God’s abounding grace become alive to new life through Jesus.

Gospel: Matthew 10:24-39

How can we read a difficult Gospel passage like this? We love to imagine Jesus as the Prince of Peace, but now we hear that he did not come to bring peace but a sword, to set family members against each other, and to call us to leave our families behind when we follow him. These disturbing verses, continuing Jesus’ stern instructions to the apostles in last Sunday’s Gospel, may reflect the difficult times when the evangelist we know as Matthew was writing his Gospel. The Roman Empire had crushed a Jewish rebellion, leaving Jerusalem shattered and the Temple in ruins. Jewish Christians were breaking away from Rabbinic Judaism amid angry rivalry over Jesus’ status as Messiah. Under those circumstances, it would have been not only hard but dangerous to follow Jesus’ Way. From those times to ours today, Jesus calls us to give, not to take.

Pentecost 2A

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for June 14, 2020

First Reading (Track One): Genesis 18:1-15,(21:1-7)

The long season after Pentecost with its green vestments and liturgical colors now begins. From now until Advent starts in November, our Sunday readings will take us through the life of Jesus in the Gospel according to Matthew.

The Angel Appears to Sarah (

The Angel Appears to Sarah (1726-28), fresco by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770). Museum Palazzo Patriarcale, Udine, Italy. (Click image to enlarge.)

The Lectionary offers a choice of two separate tracks of First Readings and Psalms during this season. Churches that follow Track One will hear the Hebrew Bible’s narrative of God’s chosen people, from the patriarch Abraham through Isaac, Esau and Jacob, Joseph, Moses and Joshua. Sunday’s first reading begins that story as Abraham welcomes and offers hospitality to three mysterious strangers, who foretell that he and Sarah will have a son and that their offspring will inherit the Promised Land. Sarah finds this hilarious because of their great age, but God’s promise is fulfilled in their son, Isaac.

First Reading (Track Two): Exodus 19:2-8a

This Sunday we start the season after Pentecost, featuring the green liturgical colors that will continue until Advent begins at the end of November. During this time churches may choose to follow either of two Lectionary tracks, each with its own First Readings and Psalms. In Track Two, the Hebrew Bible readings usually show some relationship with the week’s Gospel in theme or theological point. This Sunday, for example, we see Moses bringing God’s words to the elders of the people, asking and receiving their agreement to be in lasting covenant with God. Listen for a distant kinship in Sunday’s Gospel, as Jesus gathers his 12 disciples, sending them out to heal the sick, raise the dead, and proclaim the good news.

Psalm (Track One): Psalm 116:1, 10-17

This Track One Psalm comes again after only a short break, as we heard it on the Third Sunday of Easter just about two months ago. In the verses designated for this reading, we sing of the transforming joy that comes with recovery and resurrection after a frightening illness. In the joy of restored life, the Psalmist offers thanks to God who frees us from the snares of death.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 100

This joyful hymn is familiar to many Episcopalians as the Jubilate, one of the readings that the Book of Common Prayer offers us for use in the “Invitatory and Psalter” near the beginning of Morning Prayer of the service. It draws its joyous theme from the truth that Moses gave to the elders: We are God’s creation, God’s own people, and – using the metaphor that we know and love in Psalm 23 – the sheep of God’s pasture.

Second Reading: Romans 5:1-8

Our second readings for the next three months will be excerpted from Paul’s letter to the Romans, in which we hear him beautifully working out his evolving theology of Christ, the Spirit and salvation. Paul writes to a community that he had not yet met, at a time when Rome’s Jewish Christians were returning from exile, while the city’s formerly pagan Christians had faced persecution at home. In a theme that recurs, Paul encourages all the Christians of Rome, regardless of their heritage, to love one another other and heal their differences in spite of their own suffering. Reminding them that Jesus was tortured and died on the cross, he urges them to learn endurance in their own pain, remembering that even though they are sinners, they are justified through faith and saved through the cross.

Gospel: Matthew 9:35-10:8(9-23)

After having spent much of Lent and all of Eastertide hearing readings from John’s Gospel, we now return to Matthew for the rest of the Lectionary year. Earlier in the year we heard portions of the Sermon on the Mount. Now we find Jesus, who had been teaching and healing on his own, selecting 12 apostles to help. He gives them power to heal and exorcise and even raise the dead, then charges them to go out to the “lost sheep of the house of Israel” to proclaim the good news that the kingdom of heaven has come near. His rules for them are strict: Accept no pay. Take only the most basic possessions along. Don’t stay with those who don’t welcome you. Be prepared for persecution and hate, but know that the Son of Man is coming soon.

Trinity Sunday A

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for June 7, 2020

First Reading: Genesis 1:1-2:4a

As our readings move from Eastertide to Pentecost, we have celebrated Christ’s ascension into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, then seen the Holy Spirit coming in wind and fire.

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden (1530), oil painting on poplar wood by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553). Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden, Germany. (Click image to enlarge.)

Now as Trinity Sunday marks the start of the six-month-long season after Pentecost, we reflect on Creator, Son and Holy Spirit in their mysterious dance, three persons in one triune God, the Holy Trinity. Sunday’s readings begin where Scripture begins as our first reading presents the first of the two creation stories that open the book of Genesis. We need not take the Genesis story literally to appreciate its beautiful poetry as it portrays a monotheistic God – Creator, Word and Spirit wind moving over the waters – as a loving creative force at work in the world.

Psalm: Psalm 8

This Psalm of praise beautifully knits together the ideas that call for our attention on Trinity Sunday. In it we give praise and thanksgiving for God’s earthly creation. We remember that we hold dominion over creation. We accept that this duty demands that we preserve and protect “the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea.” And finally we worship the majesty of God, our Creator who made it all.

Alternate Psalm: Canticle 13

As an optional alternative to Psalm 8 on Trinity Sunday we may sing Canticle 13 from the Book of Common Prayer, a portion from the Song of Praise from the Apocryphal Prayer to Azariah. Also known as the Song of the Three Young Men who danced and sang in defiance of the flames in King Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace, these verses, added as a supplement to the song in modern times, offer resounding praise and exaltation to God as Creator, Son and Holy Spirit.

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

You won’t find many explicit references to the Holy Trinity in the New Testament, as it took the early church nearly 300 years to fully work out the Trinitarian theology expressed in the Nicene Creed. But we hear foreshadowings of this idea in this reading and the Gospel. In Paul’s loving farewell at the end of his second letter to the people of Corinth, he urges this often squabbling congregation to sort out their conflicts and love one another as God loves them, asking this in the “grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit.”

Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20

Last week, Pentecost Sunday, we heard of the Holy Spirit coming to the disciples in wind and fire, inspiring them to go out to the world and tell the good news of the resurrection and eternal life. Now on Trinity Sunday we hear the final verses of Matthew’s gospel – his only account of the risen Christ. Jesus, in Matthew’s account, had told the women at the tomb to tell the eleven disciples to go on to Galilee, where he would meet them. Now they meet on a mountain. Some of them worship him, but others are doubtful. Then Jesus commands them to go and “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,” a great commission to Christian evangelism.

Pentecost A

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for May 31, 2020

First Reading (or alternate Second Reading): Acts 2:1-21

Pentecost has arrived, and all our readings speak in some way of God’s Spirit moving in the world.


Pentecost (1732), oil painting on canvas by Jean II Restout (169201768). The Louvre, Paris. (Click image to enlarge.)

In this reading we join the apostles as they gather to celebrate Shavuot, the Jewish spring harvest festival that falls seven weeks after Passover. The resurrected Christ had told them that they would soon be “baptized in the Holy Spirit,” receiving power to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth — and now the Spirit comes in a rush of wind and tongues of fire, inspiring the Apostles to declare the Good News in many languages. Then Peter steps up and tells the crowd that, as the Prophet Joel foretold, God’s Spirit will be poured out for all.

First Reading (alternate): Numbers 11:24-30

Seven weeks after Easter we celebrate Pentecost, the third major church holiday of the year. On Christmas we remembered the birth of Jesus. On Easter we recall Jesus’ death and resurrection. Pentecost completes the circle with God’s gift of the Holy Spirit, inspiring us to take the Gospel out to the world in Jesus’ name. This alternative first reading tells how God’s spirit empowered 70 of his elders. The spirit even came to two elders who weren’t present, an event that perturbed Joshua until Moses reassured him. Wherever God’s spirit moves through us, good things can happen.

Psalm: Psalm 104:25-35

This hymn of praise exults in all the works of God’s creation, including the charming idea that God may have made some creations, like Leviathan, the giant whale, “for the sport of it,” just for fun. Not only do we thank God for making the earth, its seas, and creatures both small and great, but also for nurturing them, ensuring that they are fed, and offering them protection. God’s Spirit goes out to continue creation and renew the earth, just as she breathed over the face of the waters on the day of creation.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13

Paul’s beautiful first letter to the people of Corinth clearly spells out his theology of the Holy Spiri: Through the Spirit we all are all made one in baptism. Nationality, economic status, gender, slave or free, none of these things matter. Just as the body is made up of different parts that serve different functions, all of us bring our own special gifts as we work together, guided by the Spirit, for the good of all. We are all moved by the Spirit, each according to our own gifts, but all in one as members of the body of Christ.

Gospel: John 20:19-23

Think about what it must have been like for the disciples on the first Easter day. Grieving the crucifixion and death of their leader, Jesus, they surely felt both wild hope and fearful uncertainty when Mary Magdalene came running in shouting “I have seen the Lord!” She told them that the tomb was empty and she had met a man in white there. But how? Why? What does it all mean? They stay in the locked room as darkness falls, and suddenly Jesus is among them. He wishes them peace, shows them his wounds. Then he breathes on them, empowering them with the Holy Spirit who will take them out into the world.

Gospel (alternate): John 7:37-39

Pentecost is one of the feast days designated as especially appropriate for baptism. In fact, one of its traditional English names, “Whitsunday,” or “White Sunday,” refers to the white garments that those being baptized wore in ancient times. Whenever we welcome new members into Christ’s Body in the church, the celebrant blesses the water in the font, reminding us that “In it we are buried with Christ in his death. By it we share in his resurrection, and through it we are reborn by the Holy Spirit.” In this short alternative gospel, Jesus tells how rivers of living water will flow from the hearts of those who believe. Through the living water of baptism our hearts join in pouring out the good news of the Gospel.

Christ the King C

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Nov. 24, 2019

First Reading (both Lectionary tracks): Jeremiah 23:1-6

The Lectionary year of Luke comes to an end on Sunday, and Jesus’ long journey from Galilee to Jerusalem culminates with Christ on the cross.

Jesus Crucified Between Two Thieves

Jesus Crucified Between Two Thieves (c.1430), painting on softwood by Hans von Tübingen (1380-1462). Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna. (Click image to enlarge.)

Hanging under a sign that sneeringly declares him “King of the Jews,” Jesus is flanked by two criminals and mocked by Roman soldiers. Before we reach this Gospel, though, we hear readings that envision the reign of God through King David and Christ as supreme Messiah. In our first reading, The prophet Jeremiah speaks fierce words of woe to the kings of Judah, whose poor leadership and moral guidance brought Jerusalem and its leaders into exile. A mighty Messiah, a stronger shepherd, will come and reign in glory for Israel and Judah, the prophet foretells.

Psalm (Track One): Canticle 16 (Luke 1:68-79)

Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, was a priest in the Temple whom God had struck mute for refusing to believe that his elderly wife, Elizabeth, had become pregnant after an angelic visitation. In this canticle (replacing the usual Psalm), we look on as his voice returns while he holds and names the infant John. The child, he declares, will be a prophet in the tradition of Abraham and Sarah, who also were blessed with a child through God’s action in their old age. The child, Zecheriah proclaims, will be the prophet who will go before Jesus, the Messiah and king, to declare his way.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 46

Even when terrible things happen, God is with us, promises this psalm of simple hope and praise. When terrible things happen, even when earthly kingdoms and nations are shaken by frightening events, when mountains rock and the oceans roar and foam, God remains with us. God doesn’t promise us a world where horrors can’t happen and no one ever suffers. But even in the worst of times, the Psalmist reminds us, God abides, inviting us to take refuge in God’s strength. ​Our Prayer for Quiet Confidence (BCP p.832), ​draws from ​Psalm ​46 ​​as it ​reminds us, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

Second Reading: Colossians 1:11-20

The author of the letter to the Colossians, too, speaks to a people facing trouble and fear, the persecuted Christian community of Colossae in what is now Western Turkey, across the Aegean from Greece. These verses urge the Colossians to endure their difficulties with patience and the strength that comes from God’s glorious power. Jesus, through his incarnation as God in human flesh, rescues us from the power of darkness and transfers us into the kingdom of Christ. Christ is the first of all creation and the head of the body of the church.

Gospel: Luke 23:33-43

It may seem surprising to hear a Gospel about Christ on the cross at this time of year. But this passage shows us Christ as a completely different kind of king! Jesus is crucified, a horrible form of execution reserved for Rome’s most despised evildoers. He hangs bleeding and in unimaginable pain, while above him is placed a sign meant to mock him by declaring him King of the Jews. Soldiers and a criminal on a nearby cross torment him as a Messiah who can’t save himself. Yet while all this is going on, Jesus shows his love and his true power, quietly inviting a repentant criminal on another cross into a different kind of kingdom, one given for all humanity and for all time.

Pentecost 23C

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Nov. 17, 2019

First Reading (Track One): Isaiah 65:17-25

We are approaching the end of the long sequence of Sundays after Pentecost. Next week brings the celebration of Christ the King as the last Sunday after Pentecost. Then we move into Advent and a new Lectionary year.

The Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus

Zerstörung Jerusalems durch Titus (The Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, 1846), oil painting on canvas by Wilhelm von Kaulbach (1805-1874). Neue Pinakothek, Munich. (Click image to enlarge.)

In Sunday’s Track One first reading, we read the concluding verses of the book of Isaiah. The people have endured the loss of Jerusalem and the temple, spent years in exile, and finally returned to the shattered city and must begin the arduous task of rebuilding. Now the prophet celebrates God’s plan for the new Jerusalem, a joy and a delight. It will be a city with no weeping, no distress … no death in childbirth, no pain … joyous lives of 100 years of youthful strength! And, at the end, it is a holy place of peace, where the lion and the lamb rest together and none shall hurt or destroy.

First Reading (Track Two): Malachi 4:1-2a

The short book of Malachi, the last of the twelve so-called minor prophets, falls at the very end of the Hebrew Bible. The verses in Sunday’s Track Two first reading begin its fourth and final chapter. Malachi, whose name in Hebrew means “Messenger,” speaks of a people newly returned from exile, warning that the great day of the Lord is coming. In language that may remind us of the apocalyptic tone of the day’s Luke passage, the prophet warns that God will separate evildoers from the righteous and destroy them. Those who revere God’s name, though, will have healing and joy, “leaping like calves from the stall.”

Alternate Psalm (Track One): Canticle 9 (Isaiah 12:2-6)

In place of a Track One Psalm on Sunday we will chant these verses from earlier in Isaiah, a passage that may be familiar as Canticle 9, “The First Song of Isaiah,” that we read in Morning Prayer. Hard times lie ahead for the people at this point as they face exile, but the prophet makes clear that God will remain with them. Even in threatening times, even when we feel frightened and vulnerable, God will be our stronghold and our sure defense.

Psalm (Track Two): Psalm 98

In harmony with the prophet Malachi’s vision of God as a righteous healer, Sunday’s Track Two Psalm envisions God as fair and just judge of the world and all its people. When God comes to judge the earth we will sing a new song, lift up our voices, and express our joy so abundantly that even the sea, the lands, the rivers and the hills will jump up and join the celebration. God’s righteousness will be known to all the nations.

Second Reading: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

“Anyone unwilling to work should not eat.” Too often we hear this harsh judgment echoed in modern times, shorn of its context. In its original sense, this letter – written in Paul’s name in a time of Roman persecution – insists that all the members of the church in Thessalonika get up and pull their fair weight in a battle against an immediate challenge. Slacking would have been unfair and corrosive to a group that lived in community. But in no way does this negate Christ’s call to give food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, or any of the other ways he calls us to show love to our neighbors.

Gospel: Luke 21:5-19

The evangelist we know as Luke wrote this scary forecast of war and destruction for a primarily Gentile audience some 70 years after the Crucifixion and 30 years after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple. He is telling the searing story of an actual event, the fall of the Temple, framing it as a lesson taught by Jesus to his apostles during the week of his passion and death, just after a series of arguments with Pharisees and Sadducees. The story bears a truth as meaningful for us as for Christians in Luke’s own time of persecution: God is with us. Even when we’re betrayed, scorned, hated and hurt, “By our endurance we will gain our souls.”

What are “Track 1” and “Track 2”?
During the long green season after Pentecost, there are two tracks (or strands) each week for Old Testament readings. Within each track, there is a Psalm chosen to accompany the particular lesson.
The Revised Common Lectionary allows us to make use of either of these tracks, but once a track has been selected, it should be followed through to the end of the Pentecost season, rather than jumping back and forth between the two strands.
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