Last Epiphany B/Transfiguration

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Feb. 11, 2018

Transfiguration of Jesus

Transfiguration of Jesus (1800s), oil painting by Carl Bloch (1834-1890). (Click image to enlarge)

First Reading: 2 Kings 2:1-12

Elijah’s fiery chariot. The rising sun and consuming flame of God’s justice. God’s light to the world. The Transfiguration of Christ! This week’s readings glow with the light of God revealed in shining glory. Throughout Epiphany we have found the light of God shining in the darkness. In Sunday’s first reading, we hear the ancient story of Elijah taken up into heaven in a fiery chariot. We stand with Elisha, his young successor who hopes to receive a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, looking on in mourning and awe.

Psalm: Psalm 50:1-6

Our short Psalm passage, a resounding hymn of worship and praise, calls the people who have joined in Covenant to come together in worship. Come near, the Psalmist shouts, and hear the God of gods speak, revealed in glory, calling the earth together from sunrise to sunset. God will speak and not keep silence, standing before a consuming flame and surrounded by a raging storm, calling the heavens and the earth to witness God’s judgment.

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6

God brought light into the world, and God shows us the glory of God’s image in Christ. In his second letter to the people in Corinth, Paul tells them that because they believe, they see the light which those who do not believe do not see. For those who don’t believe, the light is veiled by worldy concerns. Christians are called to proclaim Jesus, not ourselves, Paul declares. We are to serve others humbly in service for Jesus’ sake.

Gospel: Mark 9:2-9

The season after Epiphany ends with the Transfiguration. Jesus, his clothes suddenly glowing an unearthly dazzling white, meets the patriarchs Elijah and Moses on a mountain top while his friends Peter, James, and John look on in awe. Remember when we saw John baptizing Jesus in the Jordan on the first Sunday of Epiphany, and Jesus heard God’s voice saying, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased”? Now Jesus is revealed as Messiah on the mountain top as God’s voice rings out again: “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”

Epiphany 5B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Feb. 4, 2018

Christ Healing the Mother of Simon Peter’s Wife

Christ Healing the Mother of Simon Peter’s Wife by John Bridges (1839). Oil painting on canvas by John Bridges (1818–1854). Birmingham (Alabama) Museum of Art. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Isaiah 40:21-31

We are approaching an early end to the season after Epiphany because Easter, and Lent before it, fall early this year. In Sunday’s Gospel, we’ll hear one more of Mark’s accounts of Jesus healing, throwing out demons, and telling the Good News before we move along to the Transfiguration, Ash Wednesday and Lent. (After Pentecost we’ll get back to the three Gospel readings from Mark that we skip over for now.) In our first reading, we hear the Prophet Isaiah reassuring the people in exile that though God may seem far away, they are not forgotten. The prophet poetically portrays a transcendent God who is far beyond our imagining. And yet this mighty, eternal and all-powerful God lifts us up on eagle’s wings and gives us the power and the strength to follow God’s ways.

Psalm: Psalm 147:1-12, 21c

Sunday’s Psalm, one of the six exuberant hymns of praise that bring the book of Psalms to its end, sings harmony with our Isaiah reading as it celebrates the glory of a God who is powerful and all-knowing. God is large enough to count and name even the stars of heaven, yet God is close to the people too, guiding them home from exile and binding their wounds. God is unimpressed by strength and might, yet cares deeply for the weak and lowly, gently tending the broken and the brokenhearted. In a liberating idea that we also hear when we read the Song of Mary, “The Lord lifts up the lowly, but casts the wicked to the ground.”

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-23

Let’s be frank: Even for a worthy purpose, it’s not good to pretend to be something you’re not. But Paul is getting at something deeper than just being a moral chameleon when he claims to have been “all things to all people,” presenting himself in a voice separately tuned to the ears of Jews and Gentiles, believers and pagans, the strong and the weak. As in last week’s advice to take care not to be a stumbling block to others, Paul urges the fractious, often battling believers of Corinth to get over their divisions, loving one another and working together in spite of their differences so they can share the Gospel’s blessings.

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39

Jesus and his friends have left the synagogue at Capernaum to go to the home of his friends Simon and Andrew, where they find Simon’s mother-in-law sick with a fever, a serious and possibly life-threatening concern in that time. Jesus lifts her up, healing her with a touch. She promptly gets up to serve them, which might appear to be an instance of early gender roles. Take note, though that the Greek word for “serve” used here is “διηκόνει,” or “deacon,” the same word later used in Acts to name those who came forward to support the Apostles who were busy spreading the Gospel. Just as Simon’s mother-in-law served Jesus and the apostles, deacons vow to serve all people, particularly the poor, the weak, the sick, and the lonely.

Epiphany 4B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 28, 2018

First Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit

Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit (Mark 1:21-28), from the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry (c. 1412-1416), a French Gothic illumination for the Book of Hours by the Limbourg Brothers, Herman, Paul and Johan, now in the Musée Condé, Chantilly, France. (Click image to enlarge.)

The ongoing theme of listening for God’s voice and trying to discern what God is calling us to do continues in our readings during the season of Epiphany. Sunday’s first reading turns to Deuteronomy, the fifth and final book of the Torah. The story of God’s covenant with Israel is drawing to its close as Moses, who will not live to enter the Promised Land, is in his last days. How will the people know God’s wishes once their longtime prophet is gone? Moses reassures them that God will raise up another prophet like him from among the people: a prophet who will speak God’s words and whom God will hold accountable.

Psalm: Psalm 111

Psalms, as you’ve surely noticed, take many forms. These hymns and worship poetry of the ancient Temple in Jerusalem serve as a variety of kinds of prayer. Some ask God’s favor. Some cry out in lament. Others sing thanks for blessings. Yet many of the most joyous Psalms – today’s familiar verses as one splendid example – exultantly sing God’s praise. God’s work, God’s majesty, God’s splendor, God’s justice, it all lasts forever. God feeds us. The fear (or awe) of God is the beginning of wisdom.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13

At first glance this question – whether Christians may eat meat that had been sacrificed in pagan temples – might seem meaningless to us in 2018. Listen closely, though, and recognize that its broader significance reaches across the ages. First, Paul points out that pagan gods aren’t God at all, so pagan sacrifices are irrelevant to Christians. In principle, then, sharing this food – which the pagan temples sold to the public after sacrifice – would be morally neutral to believers who are strong in their faith. But, Paul adds, even if we do nothing wrong, our actions may be a stumbling block to others in the community who don’t understand. We must not cause them to fall into idolatry.

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28

We continue following Mark’s account of Jesus’ early ministry in Galilee. Baptized, returned from his time in the wilderness, and having chosen his disciples, Jesus now steps up and speaks for the first time during Sabbath services in Capernaum, the small Galilean town where he was active. Two remarkable things happen: First, this stranger amazes the community with bold teaching that revealed him as one “having authority.” Then Jesus further astounds the people by commanding a noisy unclean spirit to come out of a troubled man. Unclean though the spirit may be, though, note that it shouts wisdom, declaring Jesus “the Holy One of God.”

Epiphany 3B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 21, 2018

The Calling of Saints Peter and Andrew

The Calling of Saints Peter and Andrew (c.1603–1606). Oil painting by Caravaggio (1571-1610); Royal Collection, Hampton Court Palace, London. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Jonah 3:1-5, 10

God’s love is steadfast and strong. Even whenever we do wrong, when we repent, return and hear God’s good news, God is quick to forgive and to welcome us back. Our first reading is a brief passage from the familiar story of Jonah, the reluctant prophet, who ran away from God’s call to prophesy to the people of Nineveh. Jonah has just been spewed out on the beach by the giant fish that God sent to bring him back. Now he’s ready to cooperate, and his brisk prophecy has great effect: The people of this great city put on sackcloth, fast and repent, and God shows mercy and forgives them.

Psalm: Psalm 62: 6-14

Wait, hope, trust in God. Do not be shaken: when all else fails, God remains our strong rock and our refuge. Our faith and hope in God’s power and steadfast love will be rewarded. Trust in God alone, the Psalmist tells us over and over again. No one else can be trusted. “On the scales they are lighter than a breath.” But God is always there, always holding the power, always ready to repay us all according to our good deeds.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 7: 29-31

Much like last week’s second reading, Paul’s instructions to the Christians of Corinth sound daunting and harsh. Give up our husbands and wives? Don’t buy possessions, mourn our dead or rejoice our victories? This passage demonstrates why there is no point in reading Paul’s directions to his First Century flock as if they should bind our activity in the 21st. Consider the context of Paul’s times: He was certain that this world was passing away as the Kingdom of God drew near; he was sure that Christ was coming back very soon, bringing a new way of life. Nothing was more important than that; not husbands and wives, not mourning or joy.

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20

John has been arrested by Herod and soon will be martyred, and Jesus, just back from the 40-day fast in the desert that followed his baptism by John, has taken over John’s call to proclaim repentance from sin and to declare the good news of God’s kingdom. Then we hear Mark’s account of Jesus calling his first disciples. They all follow him immediately without any discussion or question – yes, Jesus was that charismatic – and the long journey to the cross and resurrection begins.

Epiphany 2B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 14, 2018

Apparition of the spirit of Samuel to Saul

Apparition of the spirit of Samuel to Saul (1668), oil painting by Salvator Rosa (1615–1673). The Louvre, Paris. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-10

Listen for God’s voice in the world, and take care to understand what we hear. We hear this theme resonate in Sunday’s readings as we move into the season after Epiphany. Our first reading introduces young Samuel, puzzled by a mysterious voice that he hears calling him in the night. He thinks that it is his guardian Eli, the high priest and judge of Israel. But Eli, who was sleeping, eventually discerns that Samuel is hearing the voice of God. Eli advises the boy to respond, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” Then Eli accepts the words that Samuel hears from God, even though it is bad news for Eli and his blasphemous sons who corrupted the priesthood.

Psalm: Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17

Even if it is not easy for us to be certain what God is asking of us, we can be sure that God fully and completely knows our every thought, the Psalmist sings in verses traditionally attributed to King David. God knows us, God knows when we move forward and when we sit down; God knows every word that we speak and every word that we think. God’s thoughts are more countless than Earth’s grains of sand; it would take an infinity of time to count them.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

At a glance, this reading might make us groan. It’s one of Paul’s occasional rumination on sexuality and sin. Read in its original context, though, he is giving pastoral counsel to a loving but often quarrelsome little church community. They’ve been arguing about all sorts of theological issues. They’re split into factions. Some of them really haven’t been behaving well, fired by an odd notion that having been baptized in the Spirit makes it permissible for them to behave immorally. One of them even wants to marry his own stepmother! Paul’s advice is clear and firm: Listen for God’s voice through the Holy Spirit. Remember that our bodies are parts of Christ’s body and temples of the Holy Spirit, so honor God by doing the right thing.

Gospel: John 1:43-51

Jesus, after a brief encounter with John at the Jordan, begins calling his apostles, one and two at a time. First came Andrew and Simon Peter, and now in today’s Gospel it is Philip who hears Jesus’s call. Then Philip wants to add his friend Nathanael into the growing band, but Nathanael is wary: Doesn’t this Jesus come from Nazareth? That’s not where the Messiah is supposed to be from! But when Jesus tells Nathanael that he had already seen him under the fig tree before Philip introduced them, Nathanael recognizes Jesus’ call and eagerly accepts him as the Son of God and King of Israel.

Epiphany 1B/Baptism of Our Lord

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Jan. 7, 2018

The Baptism of Christ

The Baptism of Christ (c.1622-23). Oil painting on canvas by Guido Reni (1575–1642). Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Genesis 1:1-5

Sunday’s readings speak to us of creation and new life through God in Word and Spirit, and the metaphor of water recurs. Our first reading begins with the opening words of the ancient creation story in Genesis. Listen closely and hear the idea of one God functioning in a triune way: God is present as Creator. God’s Word rings out, and light shines in the darkness. Then God’s spirit breath sweeps over the face of the waters. In the beginning God creates heaven and earth. In the beginning was the Word.

Psalm: Psalm 29

“Ascribe due honor to God’s holy name.” This striking psalm of worship uses the metaphor of a majestic storm to portray God’s powerful spirit wind. Such a damaging storm, breaking mighty cedars, shooting flames, and shaking the wilderness, might scare us into running for shelter. But it also has potential to lure us outside to feel the rain and the wind on our faces as the storm rolls by. After such an event, all surely cry out in worship, thanking the God who gives us strength and peace.

Second Reading: Acts 19:1-7

In the Acts of the Apostles, which continues the narrative of Luke’s Gospel and follows the story of the early church after Jesus’ death, we see Paul introducing a dozen Ephesians to the Holy Spirit. They say that they had already been baptized through John’s baptism, but when Paul explains that John told the people to believe in the one who was to come after him – Jesus – they eagerly accept Paul’s baptism in Jesus’ name. Then they joyfully burst into speaking in tongues and prophesying as the Holy Spirit comes to them.

Gospel: Mark 1:4-11

God’s Spirit moves over the waters again: This time the Holy Spirit is embodied as a dove that Jesus sees coming down as he emerges, dripping, from Jordan’s water, baptized by the prophet John. John is quick to tell the crowds that this man, Jesus, is the one more powerful who is coming after him and whose sandals he is not worthy to untie. Jesus, says John, will baptize not only with water but with the Holy Spirit. There’s no birth story or genealogy in Mark’s short, forthright Gospel: Jesus enters as an adult, and as he is baptized we hear God’s Word from above declaring that Jesus is God’s Son, God’s Beloved, in whom God is pleased.

Christmas 1

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Dec. 31, 2017

Saint John the Evangelist

Saint John the Evangelist, oil painting by Simone Cantarini (Pesarese), (1612–1648). Private collection in São Paulo, Brazil. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: Isaiah 61:10-62:3

Christmas has come, joy fills the world, and the Word that was present at the beginning now brings us the light of God and dwells among us. Our first reading from Isaiah rings out the joy and exultation that mark the end of the people’s exile in Babylon and their return to Jerusalem. They go beyond triumphant celebration, though, to hope for the future, hope that God will restore the city and the temple as a light of the world. It will be a new Zion, one that springs up like a garden to show God’s righteousness and justice.

Psalm 147:13-21

One of the six resounding hymns of joy that conclude the 150 Psalms, this memorable anthem begins and ends with a mighty “Alleluia,” a shout of exultation we can translate literally from the ancient Hebrew as “Praise the Lord!” We praise the Lord who is near, who heals our hearts and binds our wounds. We also praise the mighty far-off God of all creation, Lord of stars and clouds, winds and waters, rain and the growing grass and all the animals and all of us, too. Praise the Lord!

Second Reading: Galatians 3:23-25; 4:4-7

Our faith opens for us a world of grace and joy, Paul tells the Christians of Galatia, a group of Gentile churches in central Turkey. These words of Paul were strongly influential on Martin Luther, who relied on these and similar passages in Romans and Hebrews to work out his “sola fide” theology of faith and works. In beautiful, hope-giving verses, this passage tells us of God’s Christmas gift to all humankind: We are claimed as adopted children and heirs of God through our sisterhood and brotherhood with Jesus.

Gospel: John 1:1-18

These words that open John’s Gospel are so familiar that we may feel we know them by heart. But it’s worth closer attention to discern the fullness of their meaning. The book begins with the same words that begin the Bible in Genesis: “In the beginning.” This is no coincidence. John wants us to know that the same Word of God that brought the world into being now comes as Jesus to bring us the light through which we can see God. Fully human now, but always fully divine, the Word was with God from the beginning, and now lives among us. John the Baptist was sent ahead as witness to tell the world this wonderful news.

Christmas Day I, II, and III

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Dec. 25, 2017
(Readings for Lectionary Selections I, II, and III)

Adoration of the Shepherds

Adoration of the Shepherds (1612-1614). Oil painting on canvas by Doménikos Theotokópoulos (“El Greco”), 1541-1614. Museo del Prado, Madrid.

First Reading, Selection I: Isaiah 9:2-7

Christmas is here! We see a great light and sing a new song as we behold with joy in the city of David the birth of a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. In our first reading, from the early chapters of Isaiah, in words that the composer Handel will borrow for “The Messiah,” the prophet foretells a glorious future when the oppressor’s yoke will broken and a child will be born for us, a son given to us, a Wonderful Counsellor to take the throne of David: Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. .

First Reading, Selection II: Isaiah 62:6-12

In this first reading, the exile is ending. Through the power of God’s strong right hand and mighty arm, the people will return to Jerusalem. Prepare the way, build up the highway toward home and clear it of stones: No longer shall enemies harvest Zion’s grain and drink its wine; a glorious future of redemption and salvation that will last until the end of time.

First Reading, Selection III: Isaiah 52:7-10

Israel’s exile in Babylon is ending, and God’s messenger brings good news of peace and salvation as God leads the people back to Zion, the temple on the mountain, Jerusalem. Even the ruins of the devastated city are called to break into song. Such is the joy of God’s return to the holy city! God reigns, the people are comforted, and all the nations shall see the power of God’s holy arm and the salvation that it brings.

Psalm, Selection I: Psalm 96

All the earth sings a new song, blessing God’s name in this joyous Psalm of praise There is fascinating theology here, ideas that we may see reflected in the New Testament: We are called to proclaim the good news of God’s salvation; we are to go out and declare God’s glory, a great commission to show God’s majesty to all the nations. The whole earth, the heavens, the seas, the forests and all that is in them rejoice before our God.

Psalm, Selection II: Psalm 97

God is king, and all creation rejoices. This Psalm praises God in an image of power and might that echoes the fearsome God who led the Israelites through the desert and protected them there, surrounded by clouds, lightning and fire. This is a God over all other gods, over all other nations, but also a God who loves the righteous, provides light for them, and cares for those who live justly.

Psalm, Selection III: Psalm 98

Again we are called to stand up and rejoice in a Psalm of praise that is full of joyous music, harp, trumpets and horn. We sing a new song of praise for the victory won by God’s mighty right hand and holy arm. All the nations, not only Israel, shout with joy. Even the sea, the land, the rivers and the hills will rejoice when God comes to judge all the world with righteousness and equity. Lift up your voice! Rejoice and sing!

Second Reading, Selection I: Titus 2:11-14

Here’s a Bible Trivia fact! Titus is the only book of the New Testament that does not appear in the regular three-year Lectionary of Sunday service readings. We hear it only on Christmas. Much of Titus’ short letter is spent warning the people of Crete to rein in their sinful behavior, an argument that leads to a worthy conclusion: We should live well and renounce bad actions as we wait for the grace of God through Jesus Christ, who gave himself to redeem us and make us God’s people.

Second Reading, Selection II: Titus 3:4-7

Titus emphasizes that Jesus is God, our savior, the perfect manifestation of goodness and loving-kindness. Jesus saved us not because of any good that we had done, but entirely because he is merciful, giving us God’s grace through baptism by water and the Holy Spirit. Justified by God’s grace, we become heirs to eternal life through Jesus.

Second Reading, Selection III: Hebrews 1:1-4,(5-12)

The letter to the Hebrews begins with a beautifully poetic description of Jesus, chosen as the son of God, the perfect reflection of God’s glory, higher even than the angels. Indeed, when Jesus was born into the world, multitudes of angels appeared in the heavens to worship him. Because Jesus loved righteousness and hated wickedness, his throne is for ever and ever, and God speaks to us no longer through the prophets but through him.

Gospel: Luke 2:1-14(15-20), Selection I; and Luke 2:(1-7)8-20, Selection II

And now we come to the familiar story of Jesus’ birth. Today we read the nativity according to Luke. This is the Gospel that gives us the memorable stories of Mary giving birth, wrapping the child in swaddling clothes and laying him in a manger in Bethlehem – the City of David – because there was no room in the inn. Here we have the beautiful scene of baby Jesus and his parents suddenly surrounded by shepherds and their flocks, while angels sing gloriously overhead while the Lord’s angel tells them that the baby is a Savior and the Messiah.

Gospel, Selection III: John 1:1-14

No, there is no nativity story in this Christmas Gospel. Luke and Matthew, each in his own way, give us the familiar story of the newborn baby born in Bethlehem. But John introduces us to Jesus in a completely different way: It’s poetic and spiritual instead, celebrating the unimaginable glory of God’s own word becoming flesh and living among us, lighting up the world. The Word that was in the beginning with God, when God said, “Let there be light” and there was light, is now, will be, and in God’s time always has been, incar
(Readings for Lectionary Selections I, II, and III)nate as human flesh, Jesus, Messiah, God with us.

Lessons and Carols

Lessons and Carols at the National Cathedral.

The traditional service of Lessons and Carols was sung on December 10, 2017, by the National Cathedral’s Cathedral Choirs. Readings from scripture, seasonal hymns, and choral anthems proclaim God’s love, continued presence, and the promised coming of the Messiah. To watch the service online, click the image or this link.

The service of Lessons and Carols is a service of worship traditionally held during Advent, celebrating the birth of Jesus with readings from Scripture, carols, and hymns.

Lessons and Carols originated at the Church of England’s Truro Cathedral in Cornwall in 1878, and since World War I has been famously presented (and broadcast) every December for the past century by King’s College, Cambridge, England, and Brown University in Province, Rhode Island. The original service has since been adapted and used by other churches all over the world, not only in the Anglican and Episcopal traditions but in many other denominations as well.

The original liturgy consisted of nine scripture readings from Genesis and the Prophets. The current Episcopal liturgy in our Book of Occasional Services permits as many as nine readings, plus a Gospel, from a choice of 13 Hebrew Bible readings and two Gospel passages.

Here’s a quick look at the readings that St. Matthew’s Episcopal Louisville will use in Lessons and Carols at our 10 a.m. service on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 2017, at 10 a.m.

Jeremiah 31: 31-34
The Prophet Jeremiah, speaking when the people are in exile and Jerusalem and the Temple destroyed, imagines God, planning to make a new covenant with the people, forgiving the iniquity that earned their exile when they broke the old covenant by failing to be righteous. The new covenant, written in our hearts, establishes that God is our God and we are God’s people.

Isaiah 64: 1-9a
The people have returned from exile to the wreckage of their city and temple. The Prophet Isaiah calls out a ringing cry to our God of power and might to tear open the heavens and come down among us. God was angry and turned away when the people sinned; but we, like potter’s clay, are the work of God’s hands. We beg God not to remain angry, nor to remember our iniquity forever.

Baruch 4: 36–5: 9
Tradition declares that Baruch was Jeremiah’s scribe, charged with writing down the prophet’s oracles and declarations. This short book of just five chapters, one of the “Apocrypha” at the end of the Old Testament, encourages the people as they return from exile. “Look East,” this passage urges, and see Israel’s children returning in glory, walking on level ground that God has prepared for them to walk safely home.

Isaiah 7: 10-15
We page backward toward the beginning of Isaiah to hear God warning David’s descendant, King Ahaz, that his land will soon be conquered, but that God will give the people a sign: A young woman will bear a child called Immanuel – “God With Us” – a child who will eventually show the world how to refuse evil and choose the good.

Zephaniah 3: 14-18
Much of the short book of the minor prophet Zephaniah prophesies Israel’s violent destruction, amid scornful threats of Israel’s enemies’ destruction. Its closing verses that we hear in Lessons and Carols, though, spare us that, instead looking toward the joyous time when Israel shouts in joy and exultation, its people restored by God in gladness and love.

Isaiah 65: 17-25
The people, home from exile, face a daunting chore in rebuilding the city and its temple, but the prophet assures them that God will create a new heaven and a new earth. There will be no weeping and no distress in the new Jerusalem. There will be no death in childbirth, no pain; all may expect joyous lives of 100 years of youthful strength! The city will be a holy place of peace, where people will enjoy the fruits of their own labor; the wolf, the lion and the lamb will live peacefully together, and none shall hurt or destroy.

Luke 1: 26-38
This Gospel, which is also assigned to the Fourth Sunday of Advent, tells the familiar story of the Angel Gabriel’s visit to a young Palestinian woman named Mary. Through God’s Holy Spirit this young woman will give birth to a son named Jesus, who will inherit King David’s throne and rule over an eternal kingdom. She responds to this amazing news with simple, trusting acceptance: “Let it be with me according to your word.” Just a few verses later in Luke’s Gospel, she will go on to utter the liberating poetry of the Magnificat, the Song of Mary, celebrating the God who casts down the mighty, lifts up the lowly, feeds the hungry and sends the rich away empty.

Additional readings available for use in Lessons and Carols but not chosen for the St. Matthew’s 2017 liturge follow, with brief summaries from the Book of Occasional Services:

Genesis 2: 4b-9, 15-25
God creates man and woman to live in obedience to him in the Garden of Eden.

Genesis 3: 1-22 or 3: 1-15
Adam and Eve rebel against God and are cast out of the Garden of Eden.

Isaiah 40: 1-11
God comforts his people and calls on them to prepare for redemption.

Isaiah 6: 1-11
God reveals his glory to the prophet and calls him to be his messenger.

Isaiah 35: 1-10
The prophet proclaims that God will come and save us.

Micah 5: 2-4
The one who is to rule Israel will be born in the village of Bethlehem.

Isaiah 11: 1-9
The Spirit of the Lord will rest upon the Holy One.

Luke 1: 5-25
An angel announces to Zechariah that his wife Elizabeth will bear a son.

Advent 4B

Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Dec. 24, 2017

The Madonna of the Magnificat

The Madonna of the Magnificat (1481), tempera painting by Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510), in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. (Click image to enlarge.)

First Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16

“Once in Royal David’s City.” As we turn from Advent to Christmas overnight this year, our readings for the fourth and last Sunday of Advent trace the Messianic line of King David that Christians follow down the ages to Jesus. In the first reading, David muses that it seems wrong for him to rest comfortably in a palatial house of cedar while God’s house, the Ark of the Covenant, rests in a mere tent. The prophet Nathan agrees that God should have a fine house, a temple, but God has a different plan. God lives and moves with the people, and needs no house! God, rather, will establish the house of David, the dynasty of God’s people. We hear this echoed in Luke’s Gospel today, as the angel tells Mary that Jesus will inherit the throne of his ancestor David.”

Alternative to the Psalm: Luke 1:46-55 (Canticle 15)

For the second Sunday in a row, the Magnificat, the surprisingly radical Song of Mary, is available as an alternative to the usual Psalm. As we hear in today’s Gospel, the Angel Gabriel has told Mary that she will give birth to King David’s heir, the Messiah. When she feels the infant move in her womb during a visit to her relative, Elizabeth, who will soon give birth to John the Baptist, Mary rejoices in a poetic celebration that echoes the words of the prophets; thoughts that, perhaps, her son Jesus would hear from his mother: “He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly.”

Psalm: Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26

In harmony with our first reading, this Psalm portion celebrates God’s covenant with David and his descendants, a royal family that God established to last forever. Even through the devastation of war and the pain of exile, when Israel and Judah feared that God’s promise might have been revoked because the nation had broken its covenant by failing to be just and righteous, the Psalms sing of a new King David, a Messiah and King who would rule the land forever, “from the great sea to the river,” from the shores of the Mediterranean to the Jordan, the Galilee, and the Dead Sea..

Second Reading: Romans 16: 25-27

“Can’t we all just get along?” Throughout Paul’s powerful letter to the Romans, he gently encouraged Rome’s Gentile and Jewish Christian communities, who had been separated during the exile of Rome’s Jews, to come back together in Christian love and unify as one. Here, in ringing verses that conclude the letter, he reminds them that God’s covenant with the people in the First Testament, as expressed by the ancient prophets, now extends to all humanity, all living forever in glory through Jesus Christ.

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38

As Advent ends on Christmas Eve this year, we hear Luke tell the familiar story of the Angel Gabriel’s visit to a young Palestinian woman named Mary. Through God’s Holy Spirit this young woman will give birth to a son named Jesus, who will inherit King David’s throne and rule over an eternal kingdom. She responds to this amazing news with simple, trusting acceptance: “Let it be with me according to your word.” Just a few verses later in Luke’s Gospel, she will go on to utter the liberating poetry of the Magnificat, the Song of Mary, celebrating the God who casts down the mighty, lifts up the lowly, feeds the hungry and sends the rich away empty.