Easter 7B

Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for May 17, 2015

Saint Matthias from the workshop of Simone Martini, Siena, Italy, c. 1284 – 1344.

Saint Matthias from the workshop of Simone Martini, Siena, Italy, c. 1284 – 1344.

First Reading: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

This reading marks a pause in time, a moment when the world is about to turn. In the verses just before, Jesus was taken into heaven, lifted up into a cloud. In the verses that follow, the Holy Spirit will come down upon the people on the first Pentecost with a rush of wind, in tongues of fire, inspiring them to take the Gospel into the world. But first there is business to be taken care of: Judas, the traitor, must be replaced. First the disciples discern two worthy candidates. Then, asking God to guide them, they cast lots; and Matthias joins the Twelve.

Psalm: Psalm 1

The book of Psalms opens with a promise of happiness for those who walk in the way of God. The Psalter runs an emotional gamut from joy to fear to sadness to faith, but the joy of following God resonates throughout. This Psalm also celebrates delight in the law, another recurring theme. Take care, however, not to weigh down this word with modern English context. The original sense of the Hebrew word “Torah” is not ‘law” but “teaching,” God showing us how to live in love of God and neighbor.

Second Reading: 1 John 5:9-13

We now come to the final chapter of our six-week tour through the first Letter of John, a document thought to have been written in the spirit of John’s Gospel by later members of the John community. Its consistent, uplifting theme continues today, assuring us that we gain eternal life through God’s love given us in Jesus. We give testimony to the world through our faith in this amazing gift.

Gospel: John 17:6-19

In the Gospel four weeks ago, we heard John’s account of Jesus declaring himself the Good Shepherd, who lays down his life for his sheep. Today, as we approach the end of Jesus’ extended farewell conversation with his disciples at the Last Supper, those themes return. Having protected and guarded the apostles – losing only judas from the flock – Jesus now asks God to protect them as Jesus sends them out into the world, as God had sent Jesus out into the world.

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