Thoughts on Sunday’s Lessons for Dec. 12, 2021
First Reading: Zephaniah 3:14-20
Our Lectionary readings for the Third Sunday of Advent shout out in joy and exultation as we light the pink candle on our Advent wreaths.
Our first reading is taken from the minor prophet Zephanaiah, who came before Isaiah and Jeremiah. Like the more well-known later prophets, Zephaniah foretold Jerusalem’s coming destruction and the people’s exile. These verses, though, anticipate a joyous time when God will restore Israel, rejoicing with its people in gladness and love. The prophet declares God’s favor for the oppressed, a theme of liberation that John the Baptist will echo in this week’s Gospel.
Psalm: Canticle 9 (Isaiah 12:2-6)
“Surely it is God who saves us. We will trust in God and not be afraid.” We often read this passage from the Prophet Isaiah in Morning Prayer. In these psalm-like verses, the prophet relates salvation with drawing water from a well, a striking image for people in desert lands. In biblical times, drought meant death and flowing water brought joy. Thank God with joy when we draw God’s precious, life-giving water from the springs of salvation, Isaiah tells us. Sing out your joy and praise, knowing that you are safe under God’s protection.
Second Reading: Philippians 4:4-7
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” In these brief verses, Paul tells the people of Philippi that they should rejoice, for the Lord is near. Pray and give thanks, he tells the people, and even in difficult times, “the peace of God, which passes all understanding” will fill their hearts and minds. In our world of stress and tension, what a blessing it is to enjoy a moment of peace. Imagine God’s peace, a peace so wonderful that we can’t even comprehend it!
Gospel: Luke 3:7-18
Picking up where last Sunday’s Gospel left off, the long-haired, ranting prophet yells at the crowds. He calls them “a brood of vipers,” and warns that God might chop them down and burn them up if they don’t repent. This does not sound like rejoicing! But John shouts an urgent message: Prepare the way for Jesus, the one to come whose sandals John is not worthy to untie. Prepare for the coming of Jesus: Share your clothing and your food with those who have none. Don’t cheat. Don’t be selfish! Jesus’ mother, Mary, also sang of filling up the hungry with good things; and Jesus himself will remind us, “When I was hungry, you gave me food …” This is Jesus’s way. We are called to make it our way …joyfully.
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