Thoughts on Today’s Lessons for Dec. 28, 2014
First Reading: Isaiah 61:10-62:3Isaiah’s great book of prophecy has reached its closing chapters, the people have returned from exile; even if there is plenty of hard work yet to be done, the mood is joyous and exultant. You may notice that this reading overlaps our Isaiah reading two weeks ago, repeating the appealing images of the people as a joyous bridal pair, looking forward to a new life together, and of God as a nurturing gardener. Now we celebrate the new Zion’s righteousness and praise for God as a example to all the nations.
Psalm: Psalm 147
God’s promises have been fulfilled! Praise the Lord, or in the original Hebrew, Hallelujah! One of the five Psalms of praise and triumph that complete the Psalms, the hymn book of the ancient Temple, today’s Psalm rings in harmony with our Isaiah reading, exulting in the people’s return from exile to rebuild Jerusalem with God’s help. And again we see an image of God as nurturing keeper of a divine garden, sending gentle rain for grass and crops and finest wheat, nurturing food for our flocks and herds and for us all.
Second Reading: Galatians 3:23-25;4:4-7
Note well that throughout his short letter to the Galatians, Paul is arguing in fierce conflict against some in the early church who demanded that gentile converts follow the strict Jewish law. We should be careful not to interpret these words as anti-Jewish or as suggesting that the new covenant abolishes the old. But we can all celebrate his ringing conclusion to this passage, celebrating our joy in being adopted without restriction as God’s heirs and children through Christ.
Gospel: John 1:1-18
While Matthew’s and Luke’s Gospels start with the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus, and Mark’s begins with Jesus’ baptism, John’s Gospel is decidedly different. Poetic and spiritual, rather like a hymn, it sings the glory of God’s own word becoming flesh, living among us, lighting up the world. The Word that was in the beginning with God, when God said, “Let there be light,” is now, will be, and in God’s time always has been, incarnate as human flesh, Jesus, God with us.